Chapter 560 Unprovoked despair]

This imperial decree was finally taken by Mrs. Mingzhu himself and the courtiers did not know why Mrs. Mingzhu suddenly turned red when reading it out, and seemed to be unwell.

These old officials did not know that winning politics would have such a bad taste. They thought that their King Qin was a very serious person and would not be so obsessed with beauty. As a result, within two days, they received the news that they won the politicians’ concubine, the new Daqin princess-Li Ji.

Thanks to Mrs. Pearl’s teaching, Li Ji won the political favor, and her position in the harem is much higher than that of Shan Rou and Shan Lan. Both Shan Rou and Shan Lan are concubines. The harem officially has three more members.

Once the will was reached, someone hurriedly sent it to Zhongmu. At that time, Wang Jian was already preparing to attack the new capital of the State of Zhao. When he knew that the politician was going to kill Li Mu, Wang Jian was finally relieved, and finally he didn’t have to listen to what Li Mu said about Zhao Guo. He turned around and killed Li Mu after raising the knife.

The last thought of Zhao Guo was so cut off. Once Li Mu died, no one in Zhao Guo could stand up and contend with Qin Guo.

Li Mu’s head was quickly delivered to King Zhao Miaoxiang’s hands. The bloody head was placed in an 08 box. King Zhao Miaoxiang felt sick as soon as he opened it.

He has been hiding in the throne in order to avoid the bloody storm outside. He didn’t want to see the soldiers of the State of Qin slaughtering the soldiers of the State of Zhao, and he didn’t want to see the people turning around and bleeding. King Zhao Miaoxiang hid in the palace like this. Now he was scared to see anything that looked like blood. There was no need for any red in the new palace.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was afraid to think of things dripping with blood, he was extremely afraid, but the nightmare still came to sleep, one after another, he dreamed that he would win the government to kill him, and that four hundred thousand Qin army would come from his body. Stepping over, I dreamed that the people were tearing around him, begging him to save them, and then tearing him alive. These dreams are so terrible that King Zhao Miaoxiang’s blood

Fear reached its peak.

This blood-stained head was tantamount to a great stimulus to him, and King Zhao Mouxiang directly passed a black star in front of him.

However, his fall did not cause any commotion. The courtiers shouted for another thing: “This head is actually General Li Mu’s!” Li Mu is dead? Zhao Guo lost his last bet.

After Wang Zhao Miaoxiang was awakened by the pinch, he asked in a daze, “Who can save me Zhao Guo?” This sentence is his most frequently asked question in these days. Zhao Guo needs someone. Come to the rescue, otherwise it will really die. King Zhao Miaoxiang’s voice was like a bullied child who was aggrieved. The courtiers thought he was about to shed tears. This is

His incompetence as a king was also the helplessness of courtiers.

Sometimes as long as you survive the hardest time, you will surely be able to usher in a rainbow after the storm. King Zhao Miaoxiang only hopes that everything that Zhao is going through now is the darkness before dawn. One day, Zhao Guoguo will survive the difficulties and escape the fate of being annihilated by Qin.

After the courtiers knew what he was thinking, they all bowed their heads and sighed. Not to mention that Zhao Guoguo will not be killed, and even King Zhao Mourxiang’s own life cannot be guaranteed. With the lessons learned from Han and Chu, it is basically determined that Zhao Guoguo was destroyed by Qin.

There is no hardest, only harder. The icing on the cake is easy, but the charcoal is difficult. The first difficulty of Zhao State is Yan State. After hearing that Handan was broken, Yan Wangxi couldn’t wait to send troops to the State of Zhao to declare war. This attack on State of Zhao is suspected to be the most efficient one in the State of Yan’s dispatch of troops. Not only was it fast, but also had more troops.

The country of Yan is here to carve up the fruits of victory. Other people’s bowls are always the most fragrant. Yan Wangxi will never have enough to eat. He can’t wait to eat the entire country of Zhao. If you miss a Handan, you can’t miss more.

And his ambition has been confirmed in the army of the State of Yan. When Qin attacked a city, they looked for a chance to occupy it. It doesn’t make sense at all, and you want to occupy it with a desperate face. What is rare is that the soldiers of Qin State didn’t care at all. This is another reason. That is the ambition to win the government.

The second difficulty of the Zhao State was that Wang Jian had already reached Zhongmu, and the Zhao State was isolated and helpless, and his troops surrendered because of Qin’s new policy, and he was beaten to the new capital without a trace of resistance. King Zhao Miaoxiang sometimes regretted it. If he listened to Li Mu’s words, it might not be so miserable. What use is it to move a new capital? It’s no use.

It just changed a place to be chased and beaten. Zhao Guo wants to seek a new beginning, new hope. Either better than Qin, or dependent on Qin, is not something that can be done simply by moving the capital.

It’s miserable enough to be under the city, and there is one more miserable thing. Zhao’s food has been completely consumed, and no one must have seen a country where even the ministers of the imperial court are starving. Zhao Guo is now facing such a dilemma.

Winning the government is strenuous and painstaking, and the six countries are firmly grasped with food in order to achieve this effect. People are sometimes very strong and sometimes very fragile. When they are hungry, they can eat everything, including their own kind. Hunger is a weapon, a deadly weapon of large-scale injury.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was hiding on the throne. Naturally, he didn’t know what Zhao’s 563 people had become. There was no food to eat, and many people had starved to death in order to survive. They surrendered to Qin State. Many cities encountered the Qin army and surrendered without a fight. They lost the will to fight and only hoped that Qin could give them food.

The food on the Qin army’s side is not just marching food, but a continuous conveyor chain. Where to go is not like a siege pool, but more like a place to benefit the people. People who go wherever they go will not be starved to death, and the State of Qin is more like to rescue the people of Zhao State.

The trilemma, a heavy stone, weighed on the hearts of everyone in the Zhao Guochao Hall. King Zhao Miaoxiang was desperate to the extreme, and he couldn’t get through a hurdle in his heart. He only felt that his throat was sweet and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The long-term torture has left him haggard and directly fell ill at this important juncture. I have to say that this is Zhao’s fourth difficulty.

Either it was directly defeated by Qin’s army, King Zhao became a prisoner of the victory, and every inch of Zhao’s land was occupied by Qin. Either the people in Zhongmu struggled with hunger and then starved to death. In short, no matter which ending, Zhao Guo is over. The situation of King Zhao Miaoxiang is the most dangerous. It is probably worse than Li Mu’s that he falls into the hands of the winning government. .

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