Chapter 562 Male and female flying around the forest]

Guo Kai is not only saving King Zhao Miaoxiang, but also saving himself. What he said was not a mere confession. King Zhao Miaoxiang would definitely survive as long as he was willing to give up something.

“King Han and King Chu can abandon their daughters as sacrifices to save their lives. Why can’t the king do this?” Guo Kai said directly: “As long as the state of Zhao and the state of Qin are married, they are not afraid of winning the political party to the king. Let’s start, not to mention that he still wants to get the people of Zhao State, and keeping the king’s life will also make the people of Zhao State more convinced of him.”

“Get married? Are you asking this king to marry your daughter to win politics?” Princess Honglian of the Kingdom of Han and Chu Yuxue of the Kingdom of Chu, both of them are peerless beauties. How many men have fought so badly that they want to get them. , As a result, both of them are in the arms of the winning government, and winning the government is still not satisfied. The harem is not only the two of them.

Qi Douyan.

“Zhao Guo wants to surrender, and wants to save the king’s life, he can only give Qin some benefits, or gold and silver treasures, or many beautiful women.” Guo Kai paused deliberately, making Zhao Mouxiang think about it. Thinking of something to give, Guo Kaicai continued to say, “But now that the Qin country is prosperous and prosperous, there is nothing to offer, including the harem.

Those beauties in 563 are also beautiful. What else can Zhao Guo give to Qin Guo?”

King Zhao Miaoxiang sighed. He was right. The only thing that Zhao Guo can take out now is that King Zhao Miaoxiang had some thoughts in his heart, and two beautiful figures appeared in his mind.

If Zhao Guo wanted to give out a gift that would make Yingzheng’s heart fascinating, then I am afraid there are only two of them. King Zhao Miaoxiang’s choice is not someone else, but his two daughters, Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng, are sisters from the same mother. The two of them were born in the warmth of spring. Although they were still young, they already showed the beauty of the country and the city.

The sisters were like a pair of treasures to King Zhao Miaoxiang, holding them in her hands for fear of breaking, and holding them in her mouth for fear of melting. King Zhao Miaoxiang did not expect that one day he would use the two of them in exchange for his living.

Guo Kai has been urging King Zhao Miaoxiang to make up his mind quickly. If it is too late, Wang Jian will attack. He kept talking alarmingly in the ears of King Zhao Miaoxiang, saying what would happen to him after the country of Zhao was destroyed (aibd). When he talked about “liveness”, King Zhao Miaoxiang finally collapsed completely, and he turned straight around. , Leaving Guo Kai behind, went to the harem.

Yingying Yanyan in the harem was crying when he heard about the soldiers reaching Zhongmu and the fainting of Zhao Miaoxiang. What would happen to the harem of the king of the dead, there is only one way to bury them, they cry so sad for their own lives . Some women are like this, they have no strengths except a lot of words and tears.

A good harem made a group of women cry as if they were doing a funeral. Some of these women cried with shrill voices, like lonely wild ghosts who died for love, their voices were terrifying and terrifying. Others felt that their death was approaching, and they didn’t care about their appearance. They sat on the ground and cried loudly, their faces wrinkled, and the crying was rough and unpleasant.

When King Zhao Miaoxiang exhausted his harem, he heard all crying. He was upset and irritated when he cried, and he roared to make them shut up. Originally he was upset, and when he thought of using a woman to save Zhao Guo, he was angry and hated, unwilling and helpless. If he were to hear the woman’s cry again, King Zhao Miaoxiang would definitely kill her directly.

The same women are different. Some women are crying and confessing their fate, while others are calm and composed. Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng are like this. When King Zhao Miaoxiang saw Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng, their two sisters were sitting in the flowers chatting. Soldiers approached the city. As women, the two of them couldn’t do anything for the country, just hope that they wouldn’t cause chaos.

The appearance of Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng among the flowers really responded to the phrase “people are better than flowers.” Even the colors of the flowers were compared by them. King Zhao Miaoxiang glanced over and saw only Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng.

When naming the two daughters, it was not that King Zhao Miaoxiang was partial. The elder sister named Feiyan, just in response to her characteristic of being as light as a yan, Feiyan was born extremely thin, with a slender waist less than a grip. But this thinness didn’t affect her beauty, and it didn’t make people feel skinny. On the contrary, there was a feeling that autumn water was a god and jade was a bone.

She is like a flying swallow, gentle and elegant, tall and thin. Sitting among the flowers at the moment, it is like a slim flower, unrelenting. When Feiyan puts on a soft gauze, the wind blows on her sleeves, and it will really look like a swallow.

Unlike her elder sister, Feifeng is a charming person. She sits opposite her elder sister and leans directly on one of the pillars, looking lazy. At the beginning, their mother was the eldest lady of the noble family. She raised Feiyan’s temperament, but she didn’t know why she couldn’t give Feifeng the temperament of her sister.

No matter how she educates Feifeng, Feifeng just sits unsteadily and moves unsteadily. As long as there is something nearby, I like to rely on it. Finally their mother got angry and put Feifeng on a ground with nothing to see what she could rely on.

As a result, Feifeng fell well and lay down directly, unable to fish. Even King Zhao Miaoxiang was so helpless about her problem. She thought there was something wrong with Feifeng’s bones, so she asked a famous doctor to ask, and finally realized that it was not a disease, but Meigu Tiancheng. This kind of woman is born with a “prickly head”, forcing them to be like ordinary people but hurting their bodies.

King Zhao Miaoxiang had no choice but to leave Feifeng, but he was lamenting in his heart that such a beautiful daughter had such a strange problem, like a beautiful jade with flaws, and could not be perfect.

Later, as Feifeng got older, her long-term dependence on her condition changed in the eyes of others.In the eyes of others, Feifeng was lying softly, as if there were no waves in still water. Bluestone is as beautiful as silence. She doesn’t need to pretend to be obsequious, and she is already a natural fetish.

The two daughters were equally beautiful. Like their mothers, they were King Zhao Miaoxiang’s favorite concubine. Unfortunately, she died early, so King Zhao Miaoxiang could only pass on the love to these two daughters.

Thinking of this, and then thinking about wanting to give these two daughters to Yingzheng, King Zhao Miaoxiang couldn’t help but sighed. He was really good fortune. The more he was afraid of something, the more he would come. .

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