Chapter 559 Hades does not chase the dead]

The situation of Zhao State was becoming increasingly tense, and Qin State’s agility was pressing forward every step of the way, and he was placed on the neck of King Zhao Miaoxiang, driving him mad a little bit.

After Li Mu was captured alive, Wang Jian sent someone to report the news and handed Li Mu’s fate to Ying Zheng to decide. Wang Jian also knew that winning politics was a person who cherished talent, and this intentionally left Li Mu’s life. However, Li Mu didn’t want this life.

Since being arrested, Li Mu has never let go. What he says is Zhao Guo, Wandai Chang’an, Zhao Wang Fushou and Ankang. Qin and Zhao were at war. Li Mu said that he was looking for death. He was seeking his own death. Wang Jian was only “five six threes” out of control and could only report the situation to the winning government truthfully.

The soldier who came to report the news did not even dare to look up. Yingzheng sat steadily on the table, listening to the report with a serious face. But how should the soldiers report this situation well, there was a beauty sitting on the edge of the royal table, wearing a black gauze.

At first, he still admired the King Qin. His beauty is still calm and calm, which is really amazing. But when he said: “Li Mu desperately refused to be soft, and became a man of Zhao Guoren in the prosperous age. Death is the soul of Zhao Guo, no matter what the king of Zhao is.”

There was nothing wrong with this, but he clearly heard a woman’s cough, and then looked at the beauty sitting on the imperial table, it was not her at all. The soldier understood instantly, and didn’t dare to ask more, lowered his head and said the rest of the words in a panic, then retired cleanly and left.

Li Ji was in a trance for a moment when she heard the news about the battle in Zhao State and Li Mu, and she choked herself accidentally. In the past, she was the most concerned about these things, especially the assassination of Qin was to preserve Zhao Guo, she naturally wanted to know the situation of Zhao Guo after the failure.

But these have nothing to do with her.

As a reward for her, Yingzheng stroked Liji’s hair. Mrs. Mingzhu was not reconciled, she was sitting on the imperial table, which was much higher than Li Ji, Mrs. Mingzhu naughty stretched out a jade foot, looking at it gently swaying foot Y.

Li Ji couldn’t speak, she could only whimper quietly in her throat. Those frightened deer-like eyes turned to the winning government for help.

Ying Zheng chuckled, Li Ji’s appearance always made people involuntarily protect her. So Ying Zheng stretched out a hand and grabbed Mrs. Mingzhu’s calf so that she would stop messing around.

“What is King Qin doing while holding others?” Mrs. Mingzhu was caught by Yingzheng’s calf. She couldn’t get her out no matter how she drew her. She had to obediently subdue her: “Is it okay if they surrender.”

“I surrender so soon, no more struggling?” Mrs. Pearl’s calf is very thin, especially the part close to the ankle. Winning can be grasped with one hand, and the winning thumb is gently spinning on it. Son.

“What’s the use of struggling? It’s not that I will lose to King Qin. If I surrender early and suffer less.” Mrs. Mingzhu was scratched by Ying Zheng and couldn’t help laughing.

“When did this king give you a hard time.” Even though Ying Zheng said that, the movements on his hands did not stop.

Even though Mrs. Mingzhu was unbearable, she didn’t dare to defy the victory and wanted to put the topic aside: “Who doesn’t know that in front of King Qin, surrender is a dead end. King Yan is King Chu, and everyone else is also 0.

Ying Zheng enjoyed Li Ji’s service and still felt that it was not enough. He put Madame Mingzhu’s leg on the royal table and prevented her from pulling it back: “But now Li Mu is not, Zhao Miaoxiang is not, what should I say?”

“No one will be an exception. King Qin has always been vigorous and resolute. Why should he be merciful this time?” Mrs. Mingzhu didn’t know that Yingzheng had the intention of surrendering Li Mu, so she naturally didn’t understand what Yingzheng was thinking at the moment.

In fact, Shengzheng didn’t think about anything, he just thought of some fun things. Ying Zheng picked up the imperial pen on the case. This pen is made of wolf hair. The hair on the tip of the pen is thin and soft. Ying Zheng usually uses this pen to criticize memorials.

It’s just that the usage of this pen today is slightly different.

If Li Mu wants to die, let him die. He cherishes his talent for winning politics, but Li Mu is not alone in this world. What if you can compete with Wang Jian? In the end, it was not a complete defeat.

What’s the purpose of keeping the state of Zhao painstakingly, the soldiers who were abandoned by the Zhao Mourning King are still so obsessed that they may be blinded and cannot see Daqin who has a rich and powerful country. To surrender him is to give him face, and no one can force him with the face he doesn’t want. What’s more, the twisted melon is not sweet, forcibly keeping him may be bitten back in the future, it is a disaster after all.

If King Zhao Miaoxiang regards him as Zhao’s last hope, then Zhao Guo will probably be disappointed, because Yingzheng took over this will to let Li Mu die. And after his death, his head will be cut off, packed and sent to King Zhao Miaoxiang’s hands.

The will to win the government has been decided, and there is only one decree for Wang to cut it out.

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