Chapter 552 Dogs know that they want bones]

Shan Rou, Shan Lan and Li Ji are both pure girls. They have had such a dream for the first time. The bizarre sights in the dream made them ashamed and hard to understand, and gradually this dream became real.

When the skin was exposed to the air, there was a chill. Wu Shou Xiang had already gone out, and the three people immediately awakened from their dreams. The scene after waking up made them even more shocked. The three of them were lying next to each other like this. Even if they were all women, they would inevitably get shy, and they all hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover each other.

“Everyone is a girl, why are you shy?” Mrs. Mingzhu threw their clothes into the corner. The clothes are completely unwearable, and the style is ugly and the materials are poor. The palace ladies in Xianyang Palace wear better than this. They just want to wear this kind of clothes, and Mrs. Pearl will not allow it.

As soon as she spoke, Shanrou and Liji noticed that there was another woman in the room. They knew that she had removed the clothes of the three of them, and the three of them didn’t know what was going on. I remember that they failed to assassinate Qin, and then? Why didn’t they die, nor were they in prison, what is this place?

“Have you really forgotten? Think about it.” Mrs. Mingzhu was not in a hurry, leaning on the side and waiting for the three to remember carefully.

This memory doesn’t matter, they thought of the scene in their dreams, but their faces blushed again. They thought that they had hidden their 557 thoughts so well that no one would find out, but they didn’t know that Mrs. Pearl knew all of them.

They remember that Yingzheng said that she wanted Mrs. Pearl to train them well, but what exactly did this “training” do? The three were pure in nature and were very unfamiliar with this term. They thought they wanted to be trained like a snow girl and danced every day for Yingzheng to see.

Mrs. Mingzhu was amused by their thoughts: “It’s fine if you can remember it, and I don’t need to spend any more time explaining to you. The most important thing you should make clear is that from now on all you have to listen to me, if someone goes against me. , Will suffer.

“It’s up to you?” Shanrou was the first to refuse. Mrs. Pearl looked soft and weak. They were still three people, and they could even kill Mrs. Pearl directly when they joined forces. Shanrou was about to move rough, and just raised (aibd) her hand, she found that her body was not right. Her whole body was limp. She couldn’t use her strength at all.

Noting Shanrou’s strangeness, Shanlan and Liji also tried it quickly, and the result was the same. “What did you do to us?” Shan Lan asked angrily towards Mrs. Pearl.

“Don’t worry, you still keep the ones left, but you are not allowed to use them.” Mrs. Mingzhu slowly approached Shanlan: “It’s just a martial arts skill. What does it matter if it is really useless.” She picked up her index finger. Holding Shanlan’s chin: “Remember, it was the last time you spoke loudly. If there is another time, there will be punishment.”

Shan Rou Shan Lan and Li Ji now understand their situation. They are completely controlled by others. What fate they will have next is all determined by winning the government, and the woman in front of them is only acting in place of winning the government. That’s it.

“You have all seen King Qin, how about it? You also went to the assassination with your own hands. How does it feel to end in failure?” Madam Mingzhu laughed at their self-defeatingness. They can’t kill them without fighting back: “Tell me, now you guys. Still want to kill him?

“Winning the government is a tyrant, of course you must kill.” Shanrou’s hard-headed lips did not change. Their master, Cao Qiu, said that if you want to kill, you must kill. If you fail this time, you can wait for the next time. As long as there is a chance, she will definitely To win the government by hand.

Mrs. Mingzhu’s eyes are dangerous: “You two think so too?

The other two nodded. The three of them were standing in the same boat, and naturally they had the same idea.

Mrs. Mingzhu bent down and looked at the three people on the bed: “You said how should I punish you? Oh, yes, you don’t know what training is. Have you ever seen a dog? You are both gentle and tame, and you are not obedient. Biting people. But do you know how to train dogs?”

The first three people shook their heads in confusion, wondering why Mrs. Pearl said this all of a sudden, they were not dogs.

“First give a whip and beat it hard. Then give the bones as a reward. If you do something wrong, hit it again until you get it right. At that time, the bones will be rewarded again. After a long time, the dog will know what to do. What should not be done, I will try my best to please the owner for a small reward.” Mrs. Mingzhu smiled and looked at the three of them.

My body was already shaking uncontrollably, and I didn’t wear anything, I didn’t know if it was scared or cold.

“You said, how should I punish you?” Mrs. Pearl took away the quilt they were holding tightly in their hands. None of them dared to snatch them, stupidly motionless.

People are Sister Dao and I are fish. No one will save them if Mrs. Pearl wants to do anything to them. It is frightening to put the painful death on anyone. They don’t want to die too ugly.

“Don’t worry, I’m not as cruel as you think.” Mrs. Pearl’s hand covered Li Ji’s collarbone: “Look, what a weak body, what a white and flawless skin, if it hurts you, how can I explain to King Qin Woolen cloth?”

The three of them trembled. The things in the dream just now made them understand a lot. Coupled with the undisguised words of Mrs. Pearl, they already understand what the so-called training means, and the ultimate goal is to change them. Become a look that can be enjoyed by the winning government.

Mrs. Mingzhu turned around and took a few red pills: “Open your mouth and eat these, it is today’s punishment.” All three of them were acupuncture points, and martial arts were useless. In front of Mrs. Mingzhu, they could only obey.

Shanlan refused to eat, and was pinched by Mrs. Mingzhu’s jaw and forced it into her mouth. She coughed vigorously to vomit out, how could she eat anything from unknown origin: “What did you eat for us?”

“The name of this medicine is Feiyu Hehuan Pill, which is much stronger than the effect of my unshou incense. The rest is numb, you will know soon.” Mrs. Mingzhu stood quietly in the room. , I didn’t mean to leave, there will be a lively performance before her eyes soon.

The name of Feiyu Hehuan Pill sounds like the medicine it is. The three people’s complexion changed, and a scorching heat rose from the body. It was a strange feeling, strange and exciting, Shanrou Shanlan and Li Ji resisted the internal power of luck, but couldn’t lift it at all. She could only let her body be dominated by the effect of medicine. .

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