Chapter 553 Means of Domestication]

Mrs. Mingzhu found an interesting place. Shanren and Shanlan’s face was obviously redder than Liji’s. She laughed and asked, “Is it because you are a pair of sisters, so you are embarrassed in your heart?”

It’s better to leave these nihilistic things early. Mrs. Mingzhu had been waiting for the effect of the medicine to pass before opening the window of the room, and the rich beauty finally disappeared. After the effect of the medicine, the three people’s confused breathing couldn’t calm down for a long time.

“Now I ask you, do you still want to kill King Qin?” Madame Mingzhu’s voice seemed to have a bewitching effect, making Shanrou, Shanlan and Li Ji have to listen. The consequences of disobedience are already known, so they won’t commit the same again. mistake.

“No, I don’t want to kill.” The three of them were unstable, but they still gave an affirmative answer.

“One more question, tell me who you are.” Mrs. Mingzhu is satisfied with the cognition of the three people, so she can save a lot of things. Seeing the confusion on the faces of the three of them, Mrs. Mingzhu kindly reminded: “I’ll give you a few choices. Is it Yan Dan’s subordinate? Or the assassin who came to kill King Qin? The chivalrous girl of the sword world? Or, just to serve Qin with all my heart.

Wang’s woman?”

Shanrou Shanlan and Li Ji couldn’t help but widen their eyes. This question is too cruel for them. Do they have a choice? No, everything in the past turned into a cloud of smoke after the failure of Assassin Qin. To put it simply, they have already died under the hands of Yingzheng, and they are not the original selves at all, but the new selves.

Their long silence made Mrs. Pearl lose patience: “It seems that you don’t want rewards, but punishments.”

A hand suddenly stretched out, and Mrs. Mingzhu had no time to dodge, and was drawn to her chest. In an instant, four neat blood marks appeared, and blood was still oozing outward.

It turned out that when Li Ji heard the word “punishment”, she mustered all her strength and broke through the restrictions on martial arts. Fortunately, she doesn’t have a weapon in her hand. Otherwise, for example, Mrs. Pearl~ her life is in jeopardy.

Mrs. Mingzhu took a step back, and Li Ji’s strength was evacuated after this one, and she collapsed on the bed. Mrs. Mingzhu looked down at the scar on her chest. If she didn’t deal with it in time, it would leave scars. She turned around and left the house.

After the wound was treated, Mrs. Mingzhu met with Yingzheng on the grounds of “work injury”. She hadn’t seen Yingzheng in Han country for so long and took her to Qin country. This time she finally saw Yingzheng, and she couldn’t bear it. Eye sockets are red.

Ying Zheng thought she was scratched, so he ordered Duan Mulong to prepare some medicines for trauma, and the medicine that can heal the wounds was also given to Mrs. Mingzhu.

It’s a pity that Mrs. Mingzhu wanted more than that. A pillow breeze blew into Yingzheng’s ears that night.

There seem to be many ways to train people without hurting their skin. Among them, Zhu Xin Mie Yi is the most severe. Mrs. Mingzhu did this not only to help Yingzheng train the three women, she is not easy to provoke, and these four scars must be paid for by her life.

The three daughters were left in that house. Every time Mrs. Pearl came, she would light the unshou incense, which eroded their thoughts a little, making them seem to be in a dream, and as if they were always awake, half-dreaming and half-awake being imperceptibly imperceptible.

It’s just that after Mrs. Mingzhu came in, she didn’t rush to light the incense, but brought a few court ladies. They held new clothes in their hands. The styles and colors of Shan Rou Shan Lan’s clothes were exactly the same. It was a pair of sisters, and Mrs. Mingzhu ordered them to comb their hair into the same bun.

As for Li Ji also put on new clothes, their clothes design is relatively simple, the colors are also plain, even a little short. One’s status and status can be seen from the clothing. Mrs. Mingzhu explained: “Don’t be naive to think that if you can stay with King Qin and become a woman of King Qin, you can be as noble as the queen and the princess. You are the body of sin.

He was a prisoner of King Qin, his status was low, and he was still rampant in the palace. Of course, he must be held accountable. ”

Of course, giving them clothes does not mean that the training is over. They are just clothes for taking them out today. When Mrs. Mingzhu noticed the three people, they did not cover up when the maids came in. Every time she came to the room, they were nervous as soon as she opened the door. Now they are obviously used to it.

0………Look for flowers…

Shanrou, Shanlan and Li Ji didn’t know that they had been looking forward to seeing the sun again, and after they finally left the house, they would fall into another hell.

Mrs. Mingzhu took them all the way, directly out of Xianyang Palace and into the downtown area. The three of them sat in the car and looked from a distance. There were a bunch of people in the distance, and they didn’t know what they were watching. Mrs. Mingzhu had a haircut and said: “Go, give your partner one last ride.”

Shanrou, Shanlan and Li Ji suddenly felt cold behind their backs, and a bad premonition passed in their hearts. They jumped out of the car anxiously and plunged into the crowd. The things that I don’t want to happen often happen, and they will show up in front of them bloody, just like they are now.

A group of people were watching the execution ground, and there were two people waiting for execution. One was Shan Rou Shanlan’s master Cao Qiudao, and the other was Qin Wuyang, who was regarded as the last copper killer by Yan Dan. After the assassination of Qin failed. Cao Qiudao had been let go by the winning government, but was implicated innocently because of Li Ji’s injury to Mrs. Pearl, so he was arrested and executed. He Qin

Together with Wuyang, the punishment method set by Yingzheng is extremely cruel, and life is rigid.


Cao Qiudao still has the wound given by Wei Zhuang on his body. The injury has not healed yet, and the whole person appears very weak. But Qin Wuyang was even more miserable. His injury won the political fight, and he was only hanging in the last breath. Put him in any corner, and he would die within a long time.

However, Shengzheng insisted on not letting him die. He had to die after he had been tortured by the widow. The executioners are also well prepared, take your time, and absolutely must not let the prisoner die in the middle, otherwise it will not be easy to explain to the government, and these people will not be justified in front of them.

Shan and Shanlan were almost crying: “Live brushing? How can you be punished with such a cruel punishment.” The master is right, Daqin is a tyrant, and winning politics is a tyrant. You can see by his current methods. People are going to die, so don’t you die, don’t torture people and be unhappy?

Their voices had been suppressed very low, but they were still being heard by the onlookers. The people looked back at Shan Rou Shan Lan and Li Ji. These three women were really eye-catching in the crowd. factory,

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