Chapter 551 Fate as a woman)

The grief is greater than the death of heart. Gao Jianli is struggling so hard to come to Xue Nu’s face, just to ask those simple questions. It is a heart that is deeply emotional but broken by love, and it is also crushed into pieces. Scumbag man esteem.

But when Xue Nu saw Gao Jianli’s appearance, not only didn’t feel distressed, but instead felt disgusted. Everyone is selfish in the face of love, no matter how you look at it. What Xue Nu was most afraid of was that Gao Jianli’s actions were all seen by the winning government, causing a rift between her and the winning government, so that the snow girl would lose more than the gains.

Snow can be gentle and beautiful. It can also be cold and cruel. Xue Nu’s decision was very simple. She directly shot Gao Jianli away, farther than the bloody roads when he came.

Gao Jianli was helpless. After being beaten for a long time, he fell to the ground and vomited blood. Neither of them spoke, but one had already asked, and the other gave the most direct answer. The fact remains the same, no one can deny it.

Xue Nu hurriedly explained to Ying Zheng: “I just met this person peacefully and didn’t have much to do. I don’t even know about him, including this time he came to assassin as an assassin.” Xue Nu looked at Ying Zheng with tears in her eyes, fingers. I was entangled in front of me, for fear of misunderstanding by winning the government.

Ying Zheng looked at Xue Nu and did not speak. After a moment, he turned his head and ordered his subordinates: “Drag him down.” He was referring to Gao Jianli. This person will not be killed for the time being, and there is still some purpose to keep it.

The only person who came to assassinate Qin was Jing Ke. He was still trapped under the double attack of Bai Yifei and Feiyan. It’s not that he is weak, but that the combination of these two people is too abnormal.

This three-legged golden crow is not an ordinary onmyoji, the soul is dragons, the onmyoji that the Yin and Yang family can’t even master with the five spirits, the Fei Yan used it to attack Jing Ke, which is enough to give him face, this thing is not easy to deal with .

At this time, many people on the side of the winning government hadn’t done anything yet, and Zi Nu was swaying boredly with the chain sword, not knowing when the game of winning the government would end. Success or failure is already doomed.

Life and death can be as heavy as Mount Tai or as light as a feather. Obviously, the life of winning politics is the most precious thing in the world today. Anyone can die, but he can’t die.

Thinking of this, Zi Nu’s eyes crossed the fighting Fei Yan and others, and secretly looked towards Ying Zheng. She told herself in her heart that she thought so only because of the general trend of the world, not because she selfishly liked to win politics.

Bai Yifei and Feiyan joined forces, Jing Ke couldn’t stand it, the two attack methods were like a net, the more they struggled, the tighter they got. Jing Ke’s strength was exhausted by these two men. He stuck his sword on the ground, knelt down on one knee exhausted, and his head drooped heavily.

Fei Yan smiled satisfied when he saw him like this, and took back all the Qi of Long You. He has no chance to hurt his victory by half a point.

With the defeat of Jing Ke, this long-planned assassination of Qin quickly unfolded and ended quickly, and the county flower appeared.

Of course, it was only this battle that ended. There are many follow-ups brought about by their assassination. Xue Nu has never found a chance to see victory in politics. She knows in her heart that this is the end of her self-disruption and self-sufficiency. It is not noisy and noisy, but Silently waiting to meet with Yingzheng again, explain everything clearly.

Inside the room, there was a curl of smoke, and three people lay on the bed. Although their clothes were slightly dirty, they were not in danger of life. The breathing of the three of them was very steady, but they just fell asleep. The appearances of the two women are very similar, and there are many similarities in their body shapes.

These three are Sunrou Sunran and Li Ji. The three of them will face different fate in Xianyang Palace. Beside them, there is a beautiful woman, she is playing with the incense in her hand, and Mrs. Mingzhu is very good at perfume.

The incense burned in this room was made by her herself. Each kind of incense has different effects, and the burning incense is called Wushou incense, which has an effect that makes people love and hate.

When people are asleep, they unconsciously breathe in the incense, which is always in the heart and spleen, guiding people to dream some strange dreams. The incense had been burned for a while, and it was estimated that the time was almost up. The Pearl Lady Lian moved slightly and walked to the side of Shan Rou Shan Lan and Li Ji to sit down.

The cheeks of the three men looked slightly red. Mrs. Mingzhu showed a small smile, and pointed her fingers like green onions on Shanrou’s face, her hands being hot.

Mrs. Mingzhu couldn’t help but laughed: “”” The little girl’s film is really pure, and people want to bully it when they watch it, 々. “What kind of dreams they are dreaming, only Madame Mingzhu knows.

Gradually, the faces of the three of them were flushed, and sweat was dripping on their foreheads. The temperature in the room (Li Li Zhao) is not high, but the three of them are all hot. They have been burning all the time and they want to remove all their clothes.

“Obviously she is a girl, prefers to fight and kill. If it weren’t for this troubled world, I would be an ordinary woman.” Mrs. Mingzhu lowered her eyes and watched the three people tearing her clothes intentionally or unintentionally. Started to look at the bodies of the three people carefully: “But then I won’t meet King Qin, so this is the only blessing.”

All three of them have cocoons formed by long-term sword training, especially the cocoons on Shanrou’s hands are thick and thick.Mrs. Mingzhu sighed in her heart: As a woman, this shouldn’t be true. Women’s hands should be white and soft with palms. Warmth, how can it be like this.

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