Chapter 550 Snow falls in the world, cold and silent]

Shanrou, Shanlan and Li Ji have become untidy, but they are still trying to attack and win politics, and they have no time to take care of this.

Jing Ke, who is outside the battle circle, sees everything in his eyes. He yells in his heart that winning politics is definitely a scumbag. Is this a fight? Is it a stab Qin? Is there such a sentimental sword? Of course not, good. Rou Shanlan and Li Ji were completely manipulated by the winning government, and their offense had no effect.

On the contrary, it looks like three butterflies flying in the wind. The sleeves and skirts are swaying. This is not assassinating Qin, it is the combination of the three to present a beautiful sword dance to Yingzheng.

Xue Nu stepped out of the Xianyang Palace. She knew that the outside form was completely under the control of the winning government. Winning the government was because she took good care of the Snow Girl and kept her away from fighting to avoid accidental injury. In fact, Xue Nu doesn’t need it at all, her realm is not low, she still has the ability to protect herself.

When Gao Jianli saw Xue Nu coming out, his eyes were immediately attracted by the cold snow-like figure.

It’s a pity that Xue Nu 08 didn’t look at Gao Jianli at all. Her gaze followed Ying Zheng, watching the four people play like a fish playing with lotus leaves and Yingyan around branches.

Shanrou Shanlan and Li Ji finally have no strength, they can no longer attack, the three of them are held by the shoulders of the winning government, click on the acupuncture points, completely unable to move. Now that they are tired, naturally they shouldn’t force it anymore. The three of them are all the colors of the country and the city, and they should stay in the Xianyang Palace to win the government.

The chance to play games like this will still be there in the future. Winning the government threw the three daughters to Mrs. Pearl to stay. The beauty is beautiful, but the body is too hostile, and it needs to be adjusted carefully.

Jing Ke was anxious when he saw Li Ji being left behind. He was about to work hard with Ying Zheng, while Fei Yan, Bai Yifei and others used ice and fire to trap Jing Ke and couldn’t get out.

Bai Yifei’s ice wall rose from the ground, building layer after layer around Jing Ke. Water is invisible, but it can condense into ice. Ice is colder than water, stronger, and more hurtful. Even if Jing Ke could break through the ice wall with a sword, it would take a lot of effort.

Ice and fire have always been incompatible, but smoky fires are not ordinary fires. These fires are born in yin and yang, and naturally cannot be compared with ordinary fires. Her fire can be warm or not, or even cold. It can burn everything or nothing. For example, now, the flame is clearly attached to the ice, but it is still burning vigorously, and it is never extinguished.


Feiyan’s fire is used to kill people. As soon as Jingke came into contact with these fires, he immediately felt a severe sting. The fire slowly spread to Jing Ke’s body with the manipulation of Feiyan, but did not ignite his clothes but burned on his body, spreading and expanding, until he was surrounded by bright flames.

Jing Ke gritted his teeth tightly, and he could only endure it under the severe pain. He closed his eyes to accumulate power in his body, and then burst out all at once. Forcibly push away the flame on his body.

After those fires left Jing Ke’s body, they did not disappear directly. As soon as Fei Yan’s gesture turned, these flames immediately reorganized their form, and turned into a three-legged golden crow. Under the moonlight, the golden crow’s black feathers could even be seen reflecting the golden glow.

Jin Crow swooped down towards Jing Ke with a cloud of golden light. Jing Ke didn’t expect such a change, and he didn’t care about Liji’s side, so he could only concentrate on dealing with Feiyan’s onmyoji.

He didn’t notice the movement on Wei Zhuang’s side when he was trapped on the side of the battle. Cao Qiudao has been completely defeated. After being seriously injured, you have not been able to recover after adjusting for a long time. These eight wounds have already defeated him. For the sake of Shanrou and Shanlan, Ying Zhengnian did not take the life of Cao Qiudao, but let Wei Zhuang abolish his martial arts and let him make a living.

Cao Qiudao’s kendo strength is extraordinary, but Wei Zhuang surpassed him with an astonishing growth rate after following the victory. The victory or defeat between the two of them is separated by the gulf of winning politics, which Cao Qiudao can never cross.

After solving Cao Qiudao, Wei Zhuang turned his goal to Gao Jianli.

Since Gao Jianli saw the Snow Girl in Xianyang Palace, his heart aches no longer. He couldn’t believe what he saw before his eyes, and even suspected that this woman just looked like a snow girl, not the same person at all.

Who wouldn’t deceive yourself? Gao Jianli finally realized sadly that the person in front of her was really a snow girl, and she was really interested in winning politics. Gao Jianli was frustrated by such setbacks. When everyone else was fighting, only Gao Jianli was unable to support him. People with cracks in their hearts cannot pick up the sword.

Wei Zhuang took the initiative to attack Gao Jianli. No matter what he was sad about here, he could not change the fact that he was an assassin. Since he was already on the opposite side, there was no need to show mercy.

Gao Jianli closed his eyes in pain, and the sword was out. There is only one reason for Xue Nu to give a hug to Yingzheng Tou. It is very simple. When a man conquers a woman’s heart, that woman will willingly let go of everything and pursue him without hesitation, even if moths rush to the fire. Do not look back.

Whether it’s for Zhao Guo or Yan Guo, or the people of the world? These are not important anymore. At this moment, Gao Jianli is extremely determined and must kill the winning government! In front of the snow girl, he will never bow to the winning government. He wants to prove it to her. He is a hundred times stronger than Yingzheng.

557 It is always good to have aspirations, but it is a pity that aspirations become self-defeating. Wei Zhuang fought Gao Jianli, without having to use the moves like traversing all directions, not to mention that he was superior in strength compared with Cao Qiudao, and his rampage was enough to kill him thousands of times.

Wei Zhuang had no intention of fighting him again, and a sword penetrated Gao Jianli’s chest. The outcome has been divided.

At this time, Xue Nu glanced at the situation here, and when she saw Gao Jian’s sword away from her chest, she didn’t show any expression. She turned her head and put her gaze on Ying Zheng’s side again.

Gao Jian was twisted like a knife. He was still looking forward to the final struggle. He stepped back a little bit, letting his body leave Shark’s teeth.

This action is very difficult. The structure of shark teeth is inherently special. When the sword is submerged into the body, those teeth-like structures will torture people who are unhappy, and the damage caused is fatal. If you pull it out again, you have to suffer another sin, which is equivalent to double the damage.

Wei Zhuang was already merciful without directly pulling out the sword. Gao Jianli didn’t know what’s good or bad, so he had to withdraw a little bit, just for something illusory.

The shark teeth were separated, and the pain made Gao Jianli pale. He dragged his bloody body and moved towards Xue Nu a little bit. He wanted to ask, is he really inferior to winning the government? If he can win the government today, will everything be different?

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