Chapter 545 Masters gathered]

That’s right, only this sword has the best chance, even if there are others, the first blow is crucial. That was the most defenseless moment to win the government, and it was also the most awe-inspiring blow to kill.

The world’s martial arts will not break! Before the opponent can react, he wipes his neck with a sword. This is the easiest way to kill. The opponent has died without even a moan. This is why the average killer likes to cut his throat directly behind his back.

Jing Ke’s sword was directed towards the neck of Yingzheng. It was the smallest and most vulnerable part of a person. Once the neck was injured, the person would immediately splatter blood three feet high and die on the spot. Others will also attack Xue Nu to keep her silent.

They came to assassinate Yingzheng and were prepared to go and never return, but the plan was still formulated in a way that would not disturb the guards of Xianyang Palace. Why should they die if they can live? It’s just a pity that Xue Nu, such a great beauty, wants to win. Political funeral.

Ying Zheng couldn’t help but smile, and gently rubbed Xue Nu’s lips, and the people outside finally couldn’t help it.

This sword is a monstrous killing intent. In the brightly-lit Xian 08 Yang Palace, only this sword shadow is as white as a winter blizzard, and the other candlelights are swaying and appearing dim yellow and dim. The sword light was dazzling and dazzling, as if it could cut the night in half. From then on, only blinding white was left between the heaven and the earth.

Every emperor’s blood will end with a sword. This sword Jingke did not hesitate. As a swordsman, he was the honor of the swordsman to be able to blade the most noble king in the world. The sword that took the emperor’s life was destined to be extraordinary, and was reborn after thousands of hard work. The swordsman who is soaked in the blood of the King of God will bear the sins of eternal life, and fate can play with him wantonly.

Just use the blood of Yingzheng to sacrifice the sword. The killing intent enveloped the entire Xianyang Palace, and even Xue Nu felt a cold back and her eyes widened uncontrollably. But everything came too fast, she couldn’t react, and couldn’t even take back the action.

Yingzheng didn’t mind at all. Instead, he tightened the arms holding Xue Nu to comfort her not to be afraid.

Someone will block this sword for him.

A trace of cold suddenly broke out, and Bai Yifei suddenly appeared in front of Ying Zheng. He condensed into an ice wall, blocking Jing Ke’s mortal blow.

This wall is twice as thick as usual. Where Jing Ke’s sword pierced, a crack like an ice lotus bloomed, and the position of the sword tip was deeply sunken, only a line from piercing the ice wall. Apart.

The power of this sword is not small, Bai Yifei has used all his strength to cast the ice wall so strong that it can be stopped. Bai Yifei had to sigh in his heart that the courage to win the government is really big enough, if he can’t stop it, there will be a blood hole in the win government.

Jing Ke looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, this sword failed to take the life of winning the government, then things would be difficult to handle afterwards. Since this opportunity has been missed, there is nothing to say. Jing Ke pulled out the sword from the ice wall and brought out the fine ice crystals. When they fell on the ground, there was a slight sound.

The talents who are still hidden behind hearing this voice wake up, the situation has changed, and they are well prepared to win the government!

It’s not that they never thought that there will be such a situation. Even if you are dead, you have to pull the victory as a backstop!

Cao Qiudao was about to rush forward to attack again, a voice rang in his ear.

“Cao Qiudao, long time no see!” The voice was a little low, and it contained the killing intent exclusively for the swordsman. Cao Qiudao entered the Tao with a sword, and he immediately heard that he was also a swordsman.

It was a peculiar sword that Cao Qiudao had been fortunate to have seen. One side of the sword was no different from a normal sword, but the other side was ingenious, arranged one after another in the shape of a fish’s teeth. Demon Sword and Shark Teeth, a sword that represents fierceness.

The owner of this sword is Wei Zhuang.

Cao Qiudao was shocked, and suddenly felt bad. Wei Zhuang unexpectedly came to the Xianyang Palace of the Qin State, shouldn’t he be in the Han State? And Bai Yifei, isn’t he leading troops in the Zhao State to fight? That’s how the former lieutenant left? They haven’t received any information yet.

Cao Qiudao looked at Wei Zhuang cautiously: “I know that you were taken under the command of the demon by King Qin, but you should also understand that it is really unrighteous for Qin to destroy many countries. I hope that you will not stop us today for the sake of all living beings.

“What is blocking you? Kill King Qin? You are too whimsical.” Wei Zhuang held Shark Teeth and did not intend to attack, but as long as Cao Qiudao moved again, he would be greeted by Shark Teeth immediately.

Jing Ke turned his head and looked at Wei Zhuang. Swordsmanship is supreme. Today, several well-known swordsmen in the world have all gathered. Counting the sword of the heavenly emperor who won the government, I did not expect that there will be such a gain. Interesting, although those who lose will come at the cost of their lives.

Li Ji secretly yelled badly in her heart, and the people who shouldn’t show up all came. It seemed that they had been concealing with self-righteousness, and they were deceiving themselves at all. Winning government basically knew their plan a long time ago, and made preparations in a short time, and 553 was waiting to invite you to enter the urn.

And they really came stupidly. The towering State of Qin, the king of Qin with the power of the world, would never come up with such a stingy lineup. She didn’t believe that only Bai Yifei and Wei Zhuang were the only ones. When they arrived at Xianyang Palace, they didn’t know how many eyes were looking at them behind her.

Liji’s guess was correct. Yingzheng let go of the Snow Girl and asked her to step aside to avoid being hurt by mistake. Then he looked at everyone present and walked slowly out of the Xianyang Palace. His steps seemed to be on everyone’s heart, bringing infinite fear and awe. And all he wanted to do was not to destroy the Xianyang Palace.

With the emergence of the winning government, a bright figure appeared on the tree. The thin branches carried a pair of slender legs. Under the gorgeous skirt, a dazzling firelight flickered. The queen of Da Qin is also the heaven of the Yin Yang family. The proud girl, Feiyan.

A soft sword swayed slowly as you walked, a purple dress was intriguing, and the purple tattoo on the waist was even more fascinating. As she walked slowly, a seductive fragrance pounced on her face, Zi Lan Xuan’s owner, Zi Nu.

They didn’t speak, and quietly looked at the uninvited guest tonight. They wanted to assassinate King Qin. Even at night, they shouldn’t have such a dream. The masters of the winning side are already present. .

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