Chapter 546 The general trend of the world, after a long period of time must be united]

Now that the stage has been set up, and all the performers on the stage have also appeared, then wait for the kings to sit on the table and wait for a good show.

In this good show, the winning government took Xianyang Palace as the stage, and gathered a group of uninvited assassins, as well as their own masters. Fighting between them is interesting. Yingzheng watched these people in his spare time and gathered here for different purposes. The starry river was shining brightly in the moonlit night, reflecting the brilliance of the sky. Like a curtain like a curtain, half-covered, half-covered and half-opening.

Cao Qiudao and others looked at the situation in surprise. The careful plan they made before they came was definitely not a joke, they came up with countless possibilities, and they had unlimited imagination of the security force of Xianyang Palace. It may be hacked to death by a knife, consumed to death by a group of people in a battle, and may even be determined by the victory of the government.

As long as the possibility can be conceived, there are corresponding solutions. Even if you give up the possibility of retreating from the whole body, you have to hold back the victory of the government.

But what’s the situation now? They didn’t expect these people to come. Li Ji calmly observed the strength of the enemy and us, and estimated the possibility of victory in a head-on confrontation. She still doesn’t know about winning the government and raising her realm. If she knows it, she will understand how difficult it is to assassinate the winning government. It is like cutting a watermelon on tofu.

Take sesame seeds from the cotton.

Even if Jing Ke put aside his wild words, he still looked embarrassed. He didn’t come here to fight against the masters. The ultimate goal is to win the government. He even has a plan for sneak attack in his heart. As long as he can win the government, everything is easy to say.

Everyone on this side knows that their disadvantages in the lineup and realm are likely to be wiped out once the fight starts.

Winning the government slowly said: “This king gives you a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy. From then on, if you obey the Qin and submit to this king, you can forgive you not to die, 々.”

The influence of the hand emperor’s confession of the gods, the words of Yingzheng sounded like the emperor’s order and it was irreversible, plus the blessing of the formation. Cao Qiudao, Jing Ke and others have the illusion that they are obeying the king’s order, and even want to directly kneel down. They shook their heads to make themselves sober, took a few deep breaths to adjust their minds, and then they woke up, winning politics is not at all

Their king, they don’t have to listen to him.

No matter what, if these people dare to assassinate King Qin, it means that they have never bowed to wealth and power and dare to risk the world. They became Yan Dan’s subordinates and served him. It’s just because I agree with Yan Dan’s views.

Cao Qiudao hated his reaction just now, he slapped his kendo alone, and the sword intent remained in his heart. He was shocked by the simple sentence of winning the government, which made him very annoyed. He broke a bitterly: “Bah! With such a cruel monarch like you, you want us to kneel down and beg for mercy? Do you have? What kind of ability?”

When Ying Zheng heard him slander him, he didn’t get angry and laughed. He didn’t know what he was capable of. People with a discerning eye could see clearly. They were trapped in Xianyang Palace today, so they all “relied on” him. The ability?

Fei Yan was the first Queen of Da Qin to refuse: “When you entered Da Qin, did you just bow your head and sneak in? The prosperity of Wei Wei Da Qin can be seen by anyone with eyes.” Her mouth was smiling. Yi, laughed at Cao Qiudao for only a moment’s quickness.

“The eyes are naturally long, but unfortunately I haven’t seen the prosperity of what you are talking about. All I see are the hurrying people. They live carefully and carefully. What are they afraid of? Don’t you know? ?” Cao Qiudao retorted. In fact, he didn’t really see it, but he didn’t want to admit it. He summarized everything as winning politics and plundering others.

National results.

His efforts to build the Kingdom of Qin all turned into a cloud in the eyes of Cao Qiudao. Cao Qiudao only knew about Qin’s attack on Han and Chu, not counting these, and the previous battles between the Huns and Zhao. Qin State did not kill less, killing a few people may be for justice, killing a dozen people is too hostile, and winning the government is tens of thousands of killings, he can only be classified as violence


“I don’t know that the people of Daqin are in such a deep and fierce situation. You should probably compare it with other countries to see which country’s people are living well.” Ying Zheng is very firm in his heart.

What is martial arts? The art of combining mind, skill and body. What is martial art? The correct use of force is martial art. What is war? What is the way of war? The reasonable use of war and weapons. What is power? There are checks and balances between politics and law. What is trickery? Always keep the three in balance.

And the way to win the government is the road that no one dares to take and no one can take. He looked at Cao Qiudao coldly, one by one cruel, one by one tyrannical. He called the State of Qin tyrannical Qin, and said that Qin’s laws were harsh. Many things can only be seen clearly by emperors in high positions. These ordinary people are short-sighted after all. They kept saying that it was for the people, but they only saw

The next part is the interests of the people.

While enjoying the glory and responsibility, they also angered the greed and depravity of the nobility. They preached their theories everywhere, pretending that they were very ambitious, but they never thought about whether those theories are suitable for the present.

Yingzheng never advertised himself as a prince, he even felt that he was a tyrant. But so what? This is an era where violence is needed to force change, and the soft can only come to the hard. Only one person can see the way out in this world, and that is his victory in politics.

Cao Qiudao was still chattering, ranting about winning the government, as if he could drown the winning government with saliva. He said: “*” Violent Qin is Violent Qin, without Ren (Li Lihao) Why do you argue against it? In other countries, let the flames of war burn all over the place, and the people will not have a livelihood. A few of us have come to kill you for the sake of the righteousness of the world. Don’t you obediently die?”

Death is impossible. He is still young, how could he die easily. He also has to look at the boundless territory of Daqin, the boundless world, and enjoy the bliss of the world, live the same life with the sky and the sun and the moon, and for generations to come, he is the only one.

“The world will be divided for a long time, and the world must be united for a long time. Now my Daqin unites the world for a long time. It is to comply with the laws of nature. All obstacles are stumbling blocks. Do you understand your situation?” Ying Zheng looked at Cao Qiudao condescendingly. Some people will be important figures driving history, and no one can die them.

And some people are nothing more than the silt carried in the long river of history. They shouldn’t exist, either they were eradicated and cleared, or they settled down on their own.

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