Chapter 544 Of course you can’t kill me]

Yan Guo came from, with the intention of assassinating the victory.

When Yingzheng knew about this, he just laughed: “Since we are here, we can’t let them come in vain. This king will treat them well and accompany them for fun.” If he can’t come back with great fun, then he has no landlord. Friendship.

Zhao Gao was frightened out of a cold sweat and whispered: “Your Majesty, there are a lot of people here, do you have to make some preparations? The safety of the King can’t be joking.” Zhao Gao’s caution is right. Yes, whoever put it on, knowing that he is going to be assassinated, will take precautions.

But winning the government is not, not to mention that he has reached a new realm, even if he is still in the original realm, no one can kill him casually.

It was night, and the darkness swallowed all evil. A group of people hid themselves in the night, followed the signs of the “Five-Five-Three” map, sneaked into the public, bypassed the guards without any risk, and arrived at Ying Zheng’s side.

As a person who knew that he was going to be assassinated tonight, Yingzheng did not panic. Snow girl was also summoned. Since the Snow Girl came to the Palace of the King of Qin, in order to present a more beautiful dance to Yingzheng, she either accompanies Yingzheng all day, or is practicing dance, her dance skills have improved a lot.

Yingzheng even said: “After this king takes down the kingdom of Zhao, you can freely enter and leave the kingdom of Zhao, and continue to learn Zhao Wu.” Such Haikou.

When the group of people sneaked into the Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng immediately sensed that there were people outside, and even directly sensed the number of people and their strength. He couldn’t help but aroused the corners of his mouth. This time it was a bit interesting.

Xue Nu didn’t know someone was outside, she only saw the smile on Ying Zheng’s face. In her opinion, this expression is an appreciation of his own dance, and an expression of his happy mood. With this smile as an encouragement, Xue Nu worked harder. She dared to sing, tapped her toes to the table, picked up the hip flask and turned her body to the side.

Pour a drop of wine into the glass.

The beauty’s waist is as soft as cotton, and she hunches back and rests with sake Tim. Xue Nu handed the wine to Ying Zheng and looked at Ying Zheng with a shy face. The music was over, and there was no sound all around. She could only hear her slightly rapid breathing and a heartbeat like thunder.

Without the cover of music, the people outside held their breath, afraid to make a little movement, for fear of being discovered by the government. However, in their hearts, they were slandering the winning government, thinking that he was a mediocre monarch who only indulged in sensuality.

The dance of the Snow Girl is really eye-catching. When they caught a glimpse of the Snow Girl dancing, they couldn’t help looking at the Snow Girl. I completely forgot my identity at the moment, just admiring the snow girl’s dance. Even daughters like Li Ji and Sunrou Sunran can’t remove their eyes. They have never seen such a moving dance.

The most annoying thing is that this dance is still exclusive to Yingzheng, and no one else has the chance to see it in this lifetime. This kind of enjoyment is really extravagant.

After Xue Nu stopped dancing, they woke up like a dream and pinched their arms to remind themselves that their important task tonight was to assassinate and win politics. When they were standing in the Xianyang Palace, they immediately felt an invisible pressure, like a big rock weighing heavily on their hearts.

They don’t know the source of this coercion, but they know that this thing has an extraordinary origin, and it can form such a deterrent thing, which must not be underestimated. Before coming to Xianyang Palace, they didn’t know that there was such a pressure, and they didn’t make any preparations. Now they can only forcibly compete with this pressure, hoping not to affect themselves.

This coercion was actually formed after winning the government and transforming the Xianyang Palace. Can make people have difficulty breathing and slow movement. Although this thing is not a living thing, it is spiritual. The assassins outside were frightened by the pressure, but Xue Nu and Ying Zheng were completely unaware of them, and they had recognized the Lord.

Yingzheng hugged the Snow Girl, and the two drank and had fun. There was always a smile on Yingzheng’s face, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

For him, this is a game between prey and hunter. The hunter has no traps for his prey, waiting for the prey to be caught by himself. The prey will run around him and will not be shot by the hunter. Sometimes the prey will try their best to introduce the hunter into the deep mountains and old forests, causing him to lose his way, and finally get trapped alive.

The game is like this, even if it is clear at the beginning which side has the advantage, which side needs to try its best. But before the last moment, no one knows which party is the real hunter, and which party is the prey from the beginning to the end. But at this last moment, who is right?

The last moment you think is not necessarily true. It may be counterattacked by the prey in the next second, and the offensive and defensive position will be changed again.

This is probably the reason why Yingzheng is obsessed with this game. At this moment, those people thought they were hunters and they were prey. But as long as they wait for them to start, they will find a very desperate fact.

The snow girl in her arms is charming and gentle, Ying Zheng is holding her waist, her long silver-white hair is sweeping on the back of his hand, seemingly itchy, like the tongue of a kitten, licking again and again.

Both sides are waiting, a perfect opportunity!

Xue Nu’s face was blushing, and she looked affectionately at winning the government. Because of the emperor’s confession of the gods, his face became more and more imperial. It was not handsome or crude, but the kind of resistance that she knew. She looked like an extraordinary man, and the corners of his lips were as graceful as a knife. Xue Nu’s heart beat for a while, and she made a bold move.

She stood on tiptoes and leaned closer and closer, her silver hair gradually covering Yingzheng’s cheeks, including the vision outside the door.

Gao Jianli, who was lying in ambush, only felt a pain in his heart.He didn’t know that Chu State offered a beauty, Chu Yuxue, but he never knew that this person was 1.3. See this scene before me.

Jing Ke tightly held the sword in his hand, the time they had waited for a long time had arrived. If you can’t see, you can’t make defenses, and even if you are disturbed by the killing intent, it will be much slower. Jing Ke sighed in his heart that a generation of monarchs would never expect that he would die when he was happy with a beautiful woman.

He suppressed his killing intent and watched every move of the two inside. At the moment when Xue Nu offered a fragrant kiss, Jing Ke drew out his sword and slammed in to win the government!

There is no more time to wait at this moment, Ying Zheng is holding the Snow Girl in his arms, his hands are not free at all, let alone a weapon. The snow girl also blocked the vision of the winning government, which was a cover for Jing Ke. The opportunity was fleeting. If you want to win the life of the government, it depends on this sword!

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