Chapter 543 Who do you want to kill]

After winning the political breakthrough, I feel refreshed. His body lightened a lot, and those who saw him clearly felt that the aura of the emperor who won the government was much stronger. The whole person seemed to be a walking aura, and those close to him would be shocked by the pressure.

After winning the government to a new realm, the first thing to do was to let the demon disciples rebuild the Xianyang Palace and arrange the formation. Let Xianyang Palace be warm as spring all year round, with a spirit of xenon. The dragon veins absorb and breathe dragon energy.

The Mo family was split by the winning government early, and some of the Mo family disciples followed the winning government. They are firm in their choice, and when there is any order to win the government, they will do their best to get everything properly done.

The Xianyang Palace was rebuilt by Yingzheng before. The layout is very reasonable. It gathers all the wisdom of the skilled craftsmen at that time, in order to make King Zhuang Xiang live comfortably, and at the same time, in order to let the world see Daqin’s Brilliant, it was built as a great landmark.

In fact, it didn’t take long. There were very few damages in the Xianyang Palace. It really didn’t take long to repair it. The most important thing this time is to arrange the formation. Taking the opportunity of the seal of the emperor to win the government, this formation is to make Xianyang Palace the center of gravity.

Other countries just need to build their capitals and be safer and more prosperous. Winning the government is different. His capital is to be different. It is not the place where the emperor is in the superficial sense, but the best place in the world in the true sense.

As soon as the Mohist disciples received the order, they began to study the formation. In their opinion, this was a huge project, not only about winning politics, but also about the entire Daqin, and even the world. The formation of gathering spiritual energy is not difficult, but it is difficult to gather all the spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Once the formation is successful, it will be of great benefit to the cultivation of winning politics. In the future, his progress in cultivation will also advance by leaps and bounds. Not only him, but everyone in Da Qin can receive the victory of this formation and obtain more cultivation resources.

In the future, as long as King Qin does not move, all kings of the past will live in Xianyang Palace. They can also benefit from this formation from generation to generation by the light of winning politics. Let Da Qin’s king become stronger, and there is no need to worry about it~ Qin is not strong anymore.

The joy that the breakthrough in the realm brought to winning the government has not faded, and he has heard some bad news. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. Before Da Qin rules the world, there are still many things to do to win the government, and people who want to harm him are also emerging-endlessly.

Cao Qiudao and his party came to Xianyang. They took a lot of thought to get in. Cao Qiudao dressed up as a merchant. In order to pretend to be a merchant, he also brought real goods on his body. Before entering Xianyang City, he began to do some small transactions. It can be said that it is completely integrated into the corner- Colored.

Fortunately, Gao Jianli pretended to be a beggar in order to hide himself. Who would have thought that a young man who made a sword and a piano would turn into a beggar, even if he told you directly that this person was Gao Jianli, I am afraid no one would believe it.

Everyone has their own role, they are all ordinary civilians. Li Ji turned into a dancing girl, covering her face with yarn. The attractive figure attracted the attention of many people along the way. Some are high-profile and some are low-profile, all for the purpose of concealing the true purpose deeply.

They came to Xianyang City one after another, pretending not to know each other in front of others. When there was no one around at night, I found a secluded and quiet place to meet.

“This disguise is really troublesome.” Li Ji took off her scarf and looked at Gao Jianli next to her. She didn’t know if she was acting as a pretender or she was actually in the show. There was a sour smell on her body that she hadn’t taken a bath for a long time. Li Ji wrinkled her nose and looked at the others again, as if she was the most relaxed.

“In order to make a big thing happen, this trouble is worth it. At least we are all safely to Xianyang.” Cao Qiudao swept the people present, and they were all there. It seems that no one is left behind, everything is still under control. Among.

Jing Ke took out a map: “This is the layout of the Qin Palace, where the victory is here, the most central position of the Palace.” He pointed to a place, and everyone’s eyes were fixed on his fingertips.

That is their ultimate goal. The time for the assassination to win the government has been set long ago. If the attack is strong, then the attack will suffer. If you want to kill, it should be clean and tidy. The sooner you start, the better. Their disguise does not know when they will be exposed. Once exposed, everyone will be in danger. Yingzheng still has so many eyes, eyes and eyeliners, it’s best not to stay under his eyelids

Too long.

0……Look for flowers…

Therefore, tonight is the time to do things. Doing things without procrastination is the basic quality of a killer. They also understand this truth. It’s not a rush or a rush. Everything is still being planned.

The west is already blushing like blood, and they are waiting for the moment when the sun goes down and the night falls. Tonight is a black and windy night of murder, and the dead are either winning politics or themselves.

This kind of waiting is long, and every moment is torturing their minds, either more and more determined, or more and more depressed. Killing and winning politics is no better than killing other people. No one knows whether a hundred years later, whether they are swearing by 10,000 people or leaving a name in history, what kind of drastic changes will the death of winning politics bring to this era, and whether they are doing right or wrong. . None of these

Know that everything can only be left to future generations to comment.

And there is another thing they don’t know, that is, Zhao Gao has passed the news to Yingzheng a long time ago.

From the time when the first person Cao Qiudao entered Xianyang City as a merchant, Luo Wang had already felt his abnormality, and was shocked to move to an ordinary person to approach him, pretending to discuss business with him. But Cao Qiudao does not act like a businessman at all. As long as he is a businessman, he knows that only by selling Qin’s things can he make money. Many things are Qin’s “specialties”.

The price is the lowest in Qin.

How can anyone sell goods from other countries to Qin at a high price? No matter how stupid a businessman knows that no one buys it, the business must go bankrupt. But Cao Qiudao didn’t know everything. The startled salamander noticed that his hands were covered with calluses, which was obviously caused by the long-term formation of the sword. This man with high martial arts skills but pretending to be a businessman must be conspiring.

Jing Rui didn’t say anything, but instead used the power of the net to follow Cao Qiudao all the way. In just one day, there were a few more strange people in the city, and the net would not believe that there was no connection between them.

Until they met, they didn’t find that the snare was still with them. They had a clear look after removing their disguise, and they had all listened to the discussion about assassination and victory. factory,

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