Chapter 542 Heaven and Earth Concentric]

Yan Dan rubbed his hands into a fist: “If you don’t enter the tiger’s lair, you will get a tiger. The general situation of the world is already at stake. If we are still holding back at this moment, it is tantamount to putting the people of the world in a deep and hot place!”

At this time, Yan Dan absolutely can’t let anyone back down. The people he can use are these, Gao Jianli, Jing Ke, Li Ji, Cao Qiudao, Shan Rou, Shan Lan, and he has a total of seven people. For the sake of justice in the world, he can give up his life and go to death generously. Not just him, everyone here, no one wants to run.

Fortunately, Cao Qiudao and Jing Ke Liji are also for the world’s inescapable people, to live this life, or they will do nothing in their lives, and their lives will die in a hurry. Either do it vigorously and let the world remember their names. Obviously they chose the latter.

After several people reached an agreement, they all joined in this assassination operation. Just a few of them, the king of Qin wins the government.

Yan Dan said very firmly: “This action is dangerous and profitable. Once it succeeds, everyone will be worthy of the future.”

Gao Jianli also echoed: “Winning politics has no heirs. As long as winning politics is dead, Daqin’s interior will collapse immediately.” This is not a joke. Although winning politics is relatively turbulent, he always likes to run around.

The government was also directly handed over to Li Si and Han Fei, and there was no problem in 553. But that was when he was alive, it would be different if he died.

Qin is now so prosperous, who doesn’t want to take Qin as his own. Including those officials in the imperial court who came up with the imperial examination system, they were grateful for winning the government, but that official did not want to have a larger official position? The position of King Qin was too attractive.

Winning government has established everything properly, of course, if you can check the ready-made ones, hurry up and pick them up. Who wouldn’t sit back and enjoy it? This is the first turbulence in Qin after the death of Yingzheng.

Although Lu Buwei, Han Fei and others are loyal to the monarch and love the Lord, they may not be able to handle everything properly after winning the government and passing away. The greater a person’s desire, the greater the power that comes in and out, facing the behemoth Da Qin, anyone can swallow it with open mouth.

He didn’t believe that when Yingzheng was not in the Xianyang Palace, no one moved this crooked mind, but no one dared to implement it. Due to the deterrence of the winning government, they are also worried that the winning government will return in time to clean up the mess. As long as the winning government is there, the idea of ​​stealing the Xianyang Palace is foolish.

But what if the victory is not there? His death will bring (aibd) a bloody storm inside Daqin.

If it were not for Ying Zheng to be too anxious to unify the Six Nations, Yan Dan would not have come up with such a ruthless trick to deal with him before he had no heirs. Although there are several stunning beauties in Daqin harem, one can hold countless vulgar fans in the world.

Regardless of the number of beauty and beauty, Daqin’s harem can be regarded as the top. In such tenderness, no woman has yet given birth to a child and a half for Yingzheng. The reason is very simple.

Winning the government is still young, and he is not the kind of monarch who indulges in beauty. Nothing like red crisp hands, rouge buttons, and soft fingers can stop him from going up to the court every day. He was at ease waiting for the six nations to be destroyed before taking care of these things.

The courtiers of Daqin didn’t worry either. Although their kings were very sophisticated, they also made great achievements that other kings could not achieve in their twilight years. But when it comes to grades, winning politics is really young, so young that you can’t imagine it.

The emperor who lives high in the Xianyang Palace and sits in danger and overlooks the world has not actually arrived at the age of eighteen. If someone is really worried about the mess, it is really poisonous.

A group of people are still conspiring to assassinate Qin. This action is difficult and dangerous. They must carefully consider every step and increase the success rate infinitely, even if it is only a tiny bit.

Their voices are very low, for fear of ears on the wall. The discussion continued until the sunset and the moonlight had no results, and the discussion could only be continued tomorrow.

And their target person: winning politics. Practicing in Xianyang Palace. The Seal of the Son of Heaven became stronger and stronger as the territory of the Qin Kingdom expanded. After Ying Zheng annexed the Kingdom of Han and the Kingdom of Chu in one breath, he was somewhat negligent in practicing. When he started practicing again, he immediately felt different.

Every inch of the expansion of the territory, the strength will be stronger. Winning the government can clearly feel that the power flowing in one’s blood penetrates into the bone marrow bit by bit, refreshing into the heart and spleen. The feeling of becoming stronger is fascinating. Winning is so immersed in the irrigation of power, not knowing where you are, and not knowing everything around you.

The emperor’s confession of the gods is very overbearing. Winning has practiced this technique for a long time, and there are obvious changes in his appearance and temperament. If he does not deliberately hide it, even if he does not reveal his identity wherever he goes, others will not treat him as an ordinary person. , Basically, he can tell the identity of King Qin at a glance.

Putting the monarchs of the Seven Kingdoms together standing in a row, you can also see the difference in winning the government at a glance. These all depend on the bonus brought to him by the Sealing Technique of the Son of Heaven. Things designed for the emperor’s use naturally have such an effect.

After practicing for a period of time, Ying Zheng entered a new realm. His mind seemed to be floating in the air, his body fell into chaos, but his heart was extremely clear. Before I opened my eyes, I could see everything in the world, from his surroundings to the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in Qin, every inch of the land could see clearly the people and things. It seems to travel thousands of miles without moving,

As far as the Kingdom of Yan and the Kingdom of Chu are his scope of activities. He passed the high hills and hills like an imperial wind, overlooking the wonderful rivers and mountains that belonged to the Qin State.

He seemed to be in the sky, overlooking everything on the earth, everything became small. All living beings are nothing but a small black spot, and in some places scattered and scattered, it is the spot ink accidentally splashed on the painting and calligraphy. Some places are densely packed with sesame seeds freshly dried by farmers. Everyone is a drop in the ocean, and only he can watch them in the supreme position. Yingzheng thought, they

When I look at myself, will it also be a small black spot? It’s a pity that no one has ever looked up at him. Those mediocre people only know that they are busy working with their heads down, guarding that small piece of land, and never know what is above their heads.

Suddenly, he seemed to fall into the loess. The thick land was stepped on by people, forming heavy clods. People who work on the land, sweat drips into the land, salty and fishy. The blazing sun shining on the ground turned into a violent high temperature, burning the people living on the ground. The big river and the Yangtze River are the blood of this land,

When he returned home in joy, his eyes opened again. Yingzheng has realized the concentric realm of heaven and earth of the emperor’s conjugal art. He made a breakthrough in such an easy way. The surprise came so unexpectedly, and it was a bit surprised to win the government. He thought that he would only reach a new realm after the State of Zhao was destroyed, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

The heaven and the earth are in the same heart, integrating the great aspiration of the heaven and the earth into oneself, and then into the palace. Let the whole world take Xianyang Palace as the center, gather the spirit of the four seas, gather the essence of the sun and the moon.

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