Chapter 541 Forced to jump off the wall]

Qi State was unrighteous, Wei State did not dare to move, Zhao State abandoned himself. In the whole world, all heroes and heroes, only Yan Dan can stand out. He gathered all his subordinates together to discuss a major event that could change the pattern of the world.

Yan Dan’s subordinates are not too few, but there are quite a lot of them.

“The means of winning politics is really powerful. In the first battle in Handan City, the Qin State’s soldiers directly took the old capital of Zhao State. All 300,000 people surrendered. No one in the world can do such a thing.” Woman, her name is Shanrou.

Next to her stood a woman with a similar appearance. While listening to her words carefully, she nodded her head in recognition. She was called Shanlan, and she was Shanrou’s younger sister. Both belonged to Yan Dan’s subordinates.

The two of them were not directly summoned by Yan Dan, but Yan Dan turned to their master Cao Qiudao for help. The two talents followed the master from Qi State.

Speaking of Cao Qiudao, this person has a lot of background. Legend has it that he was born with supernatural power and swordsmanship. With a slasher in hand, you can kill all the treacherous people in the world. He listened to his disciple, but he didn’t mean to interrupt.

“The strategy of winning politics in war is very powerful. This is undeniable.” Gao Jianli whispered. They are gathered here to discuss how to deal with winning politics, and they must be objectively evaluated.

Blindly raising the morale of their own people will only make them underestimate their opponents. These are fatal errors.

The others were silent. Even from an objective point of view, winning politics is still terrifying. Yan Dan couldn’t let them just start the discussion. He said: “That’s why we have to unite to fight against the winning government, and we can’t stop his pace. Sooner or later, the world will belong to Daqin.,

The expressions of the others were solemn, and a beautiful-looking woman said, “According to His Royal Highness, what should we do? The 300,000 army can’t stop it, and we can’t beat the 400,000 army of Qin. 々.

“Lier, don’t worry, the prince doesn’t mean that we will fight the 400,000 Qin army.” The speaker held a sword in his arms, dressed casually, and felt like a prodigal.

“What does His Royal Highness mean?” The person called Lier is Li Ji. She has a beautiful appearance and white skin. At this moment, Shuiling eyes are open, looking at Yan Dan curiously.

Yan Dan said: “It is too late to rescue Zhao Guo at this moment. We can only do something more important while they can still hold on.” He said in a mystical manner: “On the battlefield, you must catch the thief first. Wang, why can’t we follow suit.

“The prince meant to kill Wang Jian and others?” Li Ji asked suspiciously. This is much simpler than fighting a 400,000 army, but it is not a simple matter. The generals sent by Qin State this time, Wang Jian, Xueyihou and others are not small in strength. , They may not be able to fight.

“His Royal Highness probably doesn’t mean it. These people are indeed the’king’ on the battlefield, but they are not the real’king’.” Cao Qiudao finally spoke, using the most limited time and the most scarce power to make one. The most important thing, this thing must penetrate the most core place.

The capital of Qin Dynasty, Xianyang Palace, the king of Qin won the government. The real king always stands behind the army and rules everything.

“Good idea!” Gao Jianli said excitedly: “To win the government, we can send troops to besiege Wei and attack Zhao. We can also go around to Qin and threaten Wang Jian and others to retreat with the life of King Qin.”

No one can do everything and take everything into consideration, and it is natural to win politics. All they have to do is to find a trace of air leakage on the iron wall of this copper wall.

Yan Dan said sternly: “It’s more than that. If there is a life worry about winning the government, Wang Jian and others will retreat, but what we have to do is much more than saving the country of Zhao.” Everyone’s spearhead has been directed at the victory, and he does. Is the most critical person.

Gao Jianli reacted. After he understood the meaning of Yan Dan’s words, he was shocked: “Does the prince mean to kill the winning government directly?” People die like a lamp, and killing a person is the most straightforward and simple way.

The rest of the people looked at the Prince Dan. If it really meant this, then this incident was not small, and it could even be called the first feat of no one before and after no one. Ordinarily, if you can’t beat a country, you will directly kill the monarch of which country. This matter itself is limited and shameless.

Yan Dan has always been upright, not like someone who can come up with such tricks. In their eyes, Yan Dan has always preferred to be humiliated by herself, and will not do things that harm others and disadvantage her. Regardless of the status of the other party, she always maintains an attitude of neither overbearing nor overbearing. His father did not understand him, and he can stick to his own ideas and implement them little by little.

He was completely pressed into urgency, and he was pressed into urgency by those who won the government. Yan Dan, like Ying Zheng, has the world in mind. But he doesn’t want to win politics. He wants to take the world as his own. His pursuit is for everyone to live and work in peace and contentment, without war. Victory, such a country, disappeared one by one, and his idea itself was the same. of.

It was not because Yan Guo was anxious, he was worried about the whole world. Since God has given birth to Yan Dan, why should he win politics again? If there is only one survivor between him and the winning government, let the winning government die.

Yan Dan explained to them: “^” After the demise of the State of Zhao, Qin was left with only three countries, namely Yan, Qi, and Wei. The pace of winning the government will not easily stop. Even if the remaining three countries join forces. Unable to resist the Qin army, when the time comes, they will only be obediently killed one by one. At that time, all the people in the world are in the hands of the winning government, and all the people in the world are surnamed Qin Chao. ”

Shan Ruan and Shanlan glanced at each other. They didn’t know if it was good (Li Li’s) to unite the world, but looking at Yan Dan’s appearance, it seemed that they were extremely unhappy that several other countries were destroyed. In any case, they will follow the words of the master Cao Qiudao, and kill the people who should be killed, no matter what their status or realm. It’s all correct.

Li Ji and Jing Ke also hesitated. Their two concerns are simple, and they are the most worthy of consideration: “That is to win the government. Did we kill when we say it? Not to mention that the Xianyang Palace is heavily guarded, just Xianyang City. You may not get in.”

Cao Qiudao also frowned: “It is already a trouble to get close to winning the government, and it depends on whether we can win the government. His realm is not low.

The great achievements of winning the government have long been praised by the world, and there are countless souls who died under the sword of his heavenly emperor. Among them, there are many masters of superior realm. Their deaths were not unjustified at all, and winning the government never minded a few more swords.

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