Chapter 540 How can I struggle?]

The two armies went to war without slashing them, but they won the government but directly killed Zhao Mu. He didn’t care at all. The war? What kind of war? Did the two countries fight? No. Zhao Guo directly surrendered.

Zhao Mu didn’t tell the story of his betrayal until his death, and the king Zhao Mouxiang and the civil and military officials didn’t know it at all. It did make him retain the reputation of being loyal to the king and loving the Lord until his death, thinking that he was really martyred in his body.

His death caused Zhao Guochao to swear at Yingzheng and scold him for killing envoys, which is really shameless.

The only one who didn’t want to scold and win the government was Wang Zhao Muli. He was scared to death when he heard the words he brought back. Winning the government means that either he will hand over Zhao Guo by himself. Either it is a little troublesome, kill him and then come to get Zhao Guo. The result is the same, it depends on whether King Zhao Miaoxiang wants to die.

Zhao Guo was so far away, and the other three countries were even more panicked all day long. Especially in the country of Yan, Yan Wangxi still wanted to seize the opportunity. He didn’t expect that the opportunity would be fleeting. Qin State quietly killed the State of Zhao in 08, and it was too fast for people to react.

King Yan had a bitter face with joy, and he suffered a blood loss in this wave! Before Yan State had time to send troops, Zhao State was already cold. Yan State had no reason to carve up Zhao State’s land with Qin State, and could only watch Qin State profit from the sidelines.

This is actually okay, I’m afraid that after winning the government properly handles the state of Zhao, he will instead blame the state of Yan. The agreed alliance turned out to be unsuccessful. Everyone knows the intention to backtest. Winning politics is not stupid, which means thinking of Yin Qin Guo. Being seized by Qin State, there is no good life.

Everything came too fast, and they simply couldn’t mobilize the army in haste. Yan Wangxi screamed in the palace hurriedly: “Hurry up and declare war to the widow, and the troops will be dispatched quickly, immediately! Go right now! Who dares to delay, directly kill him.

Yan Chunjun sighed, who would dare to delay. The people who have been delaying are Yan Wang Xi himself. Timing is something like that, if you don’t rush it early or late, it’s a coincidence. The more you want to catch him, the more you can’t catch him. In this war between Qin and Zhao, Yan was slid like a dog.

Both Qi State and Wei State wanted to rescue Zhao State as soon as possible. At this time, if Zhao State was destroyed by Qin State, it would only make Qin State stronger and stronger. There are fewer countries being beaten together, and it is yourself that will soon suffer. They all know that Yan State has already formed an alliance with Qin State. Winning the government may not be anxious to attack Yan State. Then the next step is to choose one from Qi State and Wei State.

The one who is most anxious is Wei Guo. They are much weaker than Qi Guo, and the persimmons have to be soft, isn’t that just to pinch Wei State?

Unfortunately for Zhao Guo, they are also helpless. Yingzheng had long ordered Chen Bing Wei Guo, as long as they dared to rescue Zhao Guo, the Qin army would attack immediately. The one hundred thousand army of Meng Gao was not joking. It just stayed at the gate of Wei State every day, just not leaving. Wei Guoshou was not scared, nor was offense. Not to mention supporting Zhao Guo.

Wei Guo was bound with his hands and feet here, unable to move. I can only obediently be confined to the country, looking at the 100,000 army in the distance every day and sigh.

It was even more miserable in Qi, although they were not like Yan and Wei, the chaos in the country. But it was impossible to gather enough troops in a short period of time, it was impossible to support Zhao Guo, and it would never be too late to support.

They were also afraid that the State of Zhao would be destroyed, so they could only repair one book, and called King Zhao Miaoxiang to hold on to the State of Zhao. It would last for two or three months. The reinforcements of the State of Qi would arrive. When the time comes, the two countries will join forces to bring the army of Qin together. Fight out.

When King Zhao Miaoxiang saw the content of the letter, he was vomited with a mouthful of old blood: “Two or three months? Qi State does not look at which country is attacking Zhao State, let alone two or three months, he Let’s see if I can hold on to Zhao Guo for two or three days?”

The courtiers were also very desperate when they heard their king tell the truth so directly. Everyone has given up. What are they doing in the previous dynasty? Everything in the current state of Zhao is lifeless. Every sentence is incompatible with this place. It is better to be silent.

King Zhao Miaoxiang angrily tore Qi’s letter to pieces, threw it on the ground and stomped on both feet. “How is the situation outside?” Since Handan was broken, King Zhao Miaoxiang has not had the courage to ask about the current situation of Zhao, for fear of hearing the news of the destruction of the country and the war.

It’s just that there are things that you don’t know can be regarded as non-existent. When this was asked, King Zhao Miaoxiang seemed to have handed over his soul.

“Return to the King, Zhao’s 300,000 troops have all been surrendered to Qin. Zhao has no troops available. It can only temporarily recruit some stragglers to resist. These people have no combat ability at all and are vulnerable to the Qin army. “The courtiers couldn’t bear to say, they could only talk about him.

King Zhao Miaoxiang waved his hand in annoyance: “Let’s talk about the key points.” Can he not guess what Zhao Guo has become? Is it the kind of vegetarian who wins politics? His soldiers are easy to provoke? Qin has always done things. If you don’t sluggish, you won’t be merciful when it is time to destroy the State of Zhao.

“My lord, now the frying pan is full of panic. The 400,000 army of the Qin State rushes to Zhongmou. It seems that it is going to destroy my Zhao State directly.” An old official said this heavy sentence.

There is no way to go back to heaven, and everything is over.

The courtiers all bowed their heads, not daring to look at King Zhao Miaoxiang, who was paralyzed on the throne 550. After a while, he said softly: “Is it really necessary for this king to follow the example of King Han and King Chu and be surrendered to the State of Qin? Give up the State of Zhao to the victory?” This sentence is inaudible, but it is solidified. In the deadly atmosphere of the court, it lingered for a long time.

“Hahaha!” King Zhao Mouxiang was desperate and laughed: “Winning the government may still leave the king’s life, but what about you? What about the royal children of the Kingdom of Zhao? Have you ever thought about what you are? The end. The tree falls and the sun is scattered, and the catastrophe is about to fly separately. If you can find someone to settle down, go quickly. Don’t stay in Zhao country anymore.”

When winning the government destroyed Han and Chu, they didn’t kill many people, but there was indeed bloodshed. Those who do not obey the rule of Qin, the people who are stubborn. In the end, he died in this change. King Zhao Miaoxiang felt that all his energy had been taken out, and let Zhao Guo live more people, which was the last thing he did for Zhao Guo.

The courtiers stopped talking. They hesitated to look up at King Zhao Miaoxiang, only to find that his head had fallen heavily. Did not say retreat. The courtiers consciously turned and left, leaving only an empty court hall and the lonely and helpless King Zhao Miaoxiang.

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