Chapter 539 Want to be beautiful

Before Li Mu could speak, there was a burst of flames in the distance. Take a closer look, it was Qin Jun who carried the torch to make a surprise attack. I was afraid of what to do. Li Mu felt that today was the worst night. As soon as the move to the capital was revealed, the army had a mutiny. Not long after this, the Qin army raided.

Qin Jun actually waited a long time ago. The spies were still lurking in Zhao Jun’s camp after the glorious completion of their mission. When the soldiers of the State of Zhao were discussing how to initiate a mutiny, they quietly arrived at Qin’s camp. Bring these news back by the way.

The Qin Jun from afar detected news of changes in the Zhao Guojun, and rushed over after taking the time. Although the winning ticket was already in hand, Wang Jian and others personally led the troops to rush in.

The soldiers of the Zhao Kingdom did not stop the Qin army at all, and directly raised the white flag, raising the “five-five-zero” hands to surrender. If you don’t even have to resist, you should have a surrendered appearance.

Li Mu closed his eyes in despair and watched Wang Jian rush into Zhao Jun’s camp so easily. What else could he say? The long persistence was all in vain, and it was not as popular as a policy of Qin State.

The hero’s end, Wang Jian did not have the heart to humiliate him, and the survivors would not kill him. They were settled in accordance with Qin’s new laws. Until arrangements are made, no one is allowed to beat or insult the prisoners, let alone enslavement or wanton killing, and wait for King Qin. Disposal. As for General Li Mu, he was directly captured alive.

Three hundred thousand Zhao Jun just lined up one by one and was taken away. Qin Jun entered Handan City. When the sky appeared white, Qin Jun had already handled everything properly. The people in Handan City woke up when they fell asleep, and when they saw the Qin army all over the city, they thought they were dreaming. How could it be possible to occupy Handan City so silently, this is not even a siege


The people were so surprised, not to mention Zhao Qing’s condolences to King Xiang. They are still immersed in the freshness of moving the capital, and they have extremely high demands on the new capital, and hope that this will be the beginning of Zhao Guoxin.

It’s a pity that Zhao Guo can’t start anymore, he is over. After the Qin State occupied Handan, it would soon burst into it. After the strongest line of defense has been breached, it is only a matter of time. Zhao is dead in the sky, and his energy is exhausted.

The civil and military officials are dumbfounded. They all know that winning politics is so powerful, but they don’t know that winning politics is so powerful. The victory.

The entire Kingdom of Zhao was completely exposed to Qin’s butcher’s knife, and there was no power to resist.

King Zhao Miaoxiang trembled all over. He could no longer contain the fear in his heart. What if he moved the capital? The state of Zhao has never changed in essence. It is still the state of Zhao who could not defeat the State of Qin: “You all keep your heads down. What? Talk to the widows, what else can I do to save the country of Zhao.” He wants to live, he has to be the king of Zhao, and the country of Zhao is absolutely indestructible.

“General Li Mu is already the last hope of the State of Zhao, and now he is dead, and there is no one to save the State of Zhao.” The civil and military officials sighed. They had prepared an army for the prosperity of the State of Zhao for so long. Suddenly, they were surrendered to the State of Qin overnight, what else could they do except despair.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was angry as soon as he heard Li Mu’s name. He even suspected that Li Mu could not obstruct the move. He became angry and deliberately led the army to take the initiative to be surrendered to the State of Qin. Or he had resentment towards himself, King Zhao, and deliberately did not fight with the State of Qin, and gave Handan away for nothing.

The ministers who recommended Li Mu were even more incompetent. He also said that he was Zhao’s last hope. It’s nothing at all! Such a person deserves to be entrusted to Zhao Guo’s future? A joke!

King Zhao Miaoxiang completely pushed the error on the courtiers and Li Mu, and even resented those soldiers for incompetence, lack of combat capability, neither patriotism nor bloodliness, and was simply a weak and remnant soldier. There are three hundred thousand in number, but the quality is poor and unusable.

In the court hall, the civil and military officials were silent. They already felt that Zhao’s aura was approaching and everything was about to end. There is no future for the Zhao country. No matter whether it is to move the capital or whatever, they have no way to escape. They just need to obediently wait for the arrival of the winning government.

In this situation, only one person has a very relaxed mood, and that is Zhao Mu. As the person who proposed to move the capital, he has contributed a lot, and he should have followed King Zhao Miaoxiang to the new capital. 0 These days, he has been cold-eyed. Watching the last carnival of Zhao, the novelty of the new capital, and the longing for the future development of Zhao. Everything is just unreal in the illusory bubble

A glimpse of

King Zhao Miaoxiang found Zhao Mu’s peace, and his thoughts changed, and he immediately ordered Zhao Mu to seek peace from the State of Qin.

Zhao Mu was a little surprised when he was suddenly entrusted with a heavy responsibility. After returning to his senses, he realized that the eyes of the civil and military officials were all looking at him. It’s not difficult for him to go to Qin, anyway, he will go sooner or later.

However, in order not to be suspicious, he still pretended to be worried, and said for a while how dangerous the trip was, and then analyzed whether the winning government would agree to seek peace. Now that Handan has been captured, it is too late to seek peace.

The king Zhao Miaoxiang started to sigh, and the officials thought that Zhao Mu was going to resign, and when he was about to take tough measures to force him to go, Zhao Mu changed his words: “But this matter is for the survival of Zhao Guo. , Wang Shang is willing to entrust the minister with the important task, and the minister is deeply honored. No matter how difficult and difficult the trip is, the minister will take this trip. Even if the minister is dead, Qin will not be against the king.

With resentment in my heart, I only hope that the country of Zhao will be prosperous and live forever for generations. ”

After Wang Zhao Miaoxiang heard his long string of words, he heard a meaning, he was going. Just go, go quickly. The civil and military officials also urged Zhao Mu to leave soon.

Zhao Mu 1.3 felt very happy. He was not going to Qin State this time because of Zhao State or something messy. As long as he arrives in Qin State, it is the day when Zhao Mu turns over, with inexhaustible treasures and endless enjoyment. Beauty. He wished to fly over now.

What is the most beautiful? It is not a pleasant scenery or a beautiful woman, but a beautiful one. Just like Zhao Mu is doing now. After he arrived in the State of Qin, he didn’t even see the face of the winning government, and the winning government had already attacked him.

Winning government will not tolerate the existence of such people who betray the country, and let him run to the Qin State, which is simply dirtying the land of the Qin State. He directly ordered that Zhao Mu’s head be chopped off and returned to King Zhao Miaoxiang, with a sentence by the way: “Either hand over your life, or study hard with King Han and King Chu.”.

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