Chapter 538 Sudden change

Qin’s new policy soon spread in the Zhao’s army, and everyone seemed silent and tight-lipped. As long as there is a chance to avoid the generals secretly, they will gather together to discuss this matter.

It’s false to say that you don’t move. Almost everyone who heard about this policy couldn’t wait to go to Qin State. In Zhao country, you have to wait for the war, and in Qin country you can take care of the elderly. No one is a fool. Why do you have to die if you can live well?

This news caused the undercurrents in the Zhao State army to be turbulent, but it was only to the extent that it was ready to move. Even the scarfaced man still did not dare to escape.

Everyone was tight-lipped about this matter, and only dared to spread it quietly among the soldiers, and no one else knew it. Of course Li Mu didn’t know. He was still thinking about how to conceal the move of the capital. He had never thought that such a big thing had happened in the army.

The time is almost there, and then only a fire is needed to burn all the dregs of Zhao’s army. The second task of the spies coming to the army of the State of Zhao was to pierce the fact that King Zhao Miaoxiang “fleeed before battle-“.

The spies were not polite at all: “You don’t know, our king has moved the capital, Handan is no longer the capital of the Kingdom of Zhao, the king even ran away with the civil and military officials, and we were left stupidly staying. here.”

Every soldier of Zhao State who heard the news was shocked. Not long ago, they were wondering if they left Zhao country and went to Qin country if they were unrighteous and a deserter. Unexpectedly, their king ran faster than rabbits.

The fact that King Zhao Miaoxiang ran away quickly spread throughout the army. They were completely irritated. By doing so, they simply left them alone. Speaking of this, they were angry, and they directly told their brothers around them without disguising.

As soldiers, they are in the same situation and stand. Soldiers of any country would feel angry about this kind of thing, but King Zhao Miaoxiang did it. The news quickly spread throughout the Zhao State Army, causing the soldiers to panic.

The army still concealed this from them.

The mutiny happened so quickly that Li Mu didn’t have time to react. Since the start of the war, he tossed and turned every night thinking about how to deal with Qin. In the darkness, he sighed softly. He must first settle in the outside world. Now Zhao Guo’s internal stability is not stable enough, so how can he concentrate on fighting foreign enemies. He didn’t know when he could hide it, and he didn’t know what the day should be when things were revealed.

What to explain to the soldiers in the army.

In the long dark night, a sparse fire light came in. Li Mu was not drowsy at first, and was soon awakened by the fire light. His first reaction was: Did the Qin Army sneak attack? As soon as he turned over, he started to do it, grabbed his clothes, and rushed out when he lifted the sword.

There was no enemy army outside the account, only the soldiers of the State of Zhao who surrounded his camp. They held torches one by one and stood neatly outside the account. The fire light reflected their cold expressions, and they all stared directly at Li Mu.

Li Mu secretly screamed badly, and he knew what was going on at a glance. “What are you doing?” Li Mu also wanted to be lucky, hoping that they came for other things.

“The general is still hiding from us?” A leading soldier stood up and said: “The general has actually known for a long time if it is right. Our incomparable king has already left us, right.”

Everyone already knew, Li Mu discovered that there were still many soldiers standing behind them. They didn’t have torches. They couldn’t see the people for a while in the dark, and they could see the crowds of people when Yun broke the moon. Three hundred thousand soldiers were all here, and they didn’t just ask what happened.

Seeing Li Mu remained silent for a long time, the soldiers all guessed that he was tacitly agreeing. Li Mu couldn’t bear to tell the news himself, so he could only remain silent. Three hundred thousand people were suddenly and terribly quiet.

“The king doesn’t want Handan anymore? Qin doesn’t just fight Handan and it will end. What the king doesn’t want is the entire Zhao country. We are still here to defend our home and defend our country? What is the point of all this? ?” A doomed destruction is desperate. The Jedi counterattack is naturally surging, but when there is only the Jedi and there is no hope of counterattack, there should be

How to do it?

These words expressed the aspirations of other soldiers, and some new recruits weakly asked: “General, is the State of Zhao going to die? We can only delay the day by one day? We can’t beat the State of Qin at all?”

0……Look for flowers…

Li Mu didn’t speak, and the veterans knew it well. Even King Zhao Miaoxiang gave up, so there is still room for struggle.

No matter how low the status is, how low the status is. Everyone has the instinct to survive, let alone a meaningless death. Someone said: “General, since everything is meaningless, we might as well be surrendered to Qin.”

This is their real goal. After hearing about Qin’s prisoner policy, they were already moved. Originally, I was thinking of escaping to Qin. Before the plan was implemented, I knew about the move of King Zhao to the capital, and the whole army was thinking of surrendering. A mutiny was triggered, not one or two people fleeing, but all 300,000 troops had to surrender.


When Li Mu heard this, he angrily scolded them: “You are going to surrender to the State of Qin? Is Fang Gang as a soldier fed the dogs? Surrendering is treasonous to the country. All are dealt with according to the military law!” The military law can deal with one or two. But it can’t handle 300,000 people.

His anger couldn’t move any soldier, they were unmoved, still looking at Li Mu coldly. At this time, an veteran came out and said to Li Mu in tears: “General, look at us, there is no food and grass in the army. The big guys are hungry for several meals, and some people are already hungry. I am so skinny that I can’t even hold a weapon,

How to go to war. On the battlefield, they were sent to death in vain. They were still young, and the days to come will be okay. What a pity that they died for no reason. I am old and don’t care anymore. I am half buried in the loess. I don’t expect to spend my old age in this life. I just ask the general to give these soldiers a way to survive. ”

The price in exchange for this way of survival was his own life. After the veteran said this, he swung his sword and committed suicide. He looked at Li Mu with muddy eyes, hoping to see a slight wave in his eyes.

The subordinates hurriedly went up to discourage the veterans, looking for short-sightedness, each of them must survive, surrender, and then go to Qin. This veteran is no exception. As long as he lives for one day, he will have one day of blessing. factory.

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