Chapter 537 Think for others]

In this way, King Zhao Miaoxiang hurriedly moved the capital a few days after the decision, under the pretext of the inconvenience of making too many preparations because Zhao Guo is now a “extraordinary moment”. In fact, it was to escape for their lives. When the group left Handan, a long-lost smile appeared on their faces.

In the face of war, everyone is depressed. Only moving is a happy event, which makes them feel a little better. Among them, the happiest is Zhao Mu. His happiness is based on Li Mu’s pain.

In the end, Li Mu had only one request, that is, when King Zhao Miaoxiang and the officials left, the movement would be a little bit quieter, so that the soldiers of the State of Zhao would not be notified. If you can conceal that one day is a day, it is enough to let King Zhao Miaoxiang always exist in their hearts.

Paper cannot contain fire, and his lie will soon be punctured. On the day when Zhao Mu communicated to Han Fei that things were successful, the spies who won the government had infiltrated Zhao’s army. Their mission is only two.

“Eh, have you been to Qin State?” In the Zhao State Army, a few people whispered to each other in a hidden place.

“Qin country? How can I go. Although I have never been to Qin country, I have fought with the Qin army. Do you see this scar on my face? It’s because I won the government and killed someone a few years ago. Zhao Guo was slashed when he came, good guy, almost killed me.” His face 550 ran across an old wound, and his face was deeply deformed.

“This is also nothing, Qin Jun is so powerful, there is no way to stop them, it is not easy for you to survive.”

The others were silent. Those who had experienced that war remembered that the scene of that day was still vivid, and it was a nightmare that they would never forget in their entire lives.

“But to be honest, the State of Qin is really good. If we had such armor and steel knives, then there would be no unwinnable battle.” The Scarface sighed.

“Qin is really amazing. I’m different from you. I’ve been to Qin.” This man is a spy disguised as a soldier of the State of Zhao. He mixed into the army of the State of Zhao. One of the tasks is to The soldiers of the State of Zhao preached the various benefits of the State of Qin.

“Qin’s land is not ordinary. As you know, the Baiyue Land and the Han Kingdom and Chu Kingdom are all from the Qin Kingdom. Now I take out a map, and the first thing I see is Qin. Country. Poor, our country, Zhao, is just such a small place.

The others sighed, their chassis is indeed inferior to Qin State. Territory is an important basis for measuring the strength of a country. From the land, the State of Qin has won a lot.

“It’s no wonder that Qin State has so much grain. If Zhao State is so big, I don’t know how much grain can be grown.” Although Zhao State’s soldiers are on the front line, they already feel that there is insufficient reserve food and grass.

“Isn’t it? The Qin country not only has high grain output, but also has many varieties. Every inch of land is a treasure. Not only does it have grain, but it is also used to grow cotton and herd sheep. All these require a vast territory to achieve. Qin State Over the years, it has become stronger and stronger. Standing on the land of Qin State, it feels different.”

The soldiers next to him reminded him that he should be patriotic as a member of the country of Zhao, and it is better to say this less frequently. But they said so, but they agreed with what the man said in their hearts. Even if they haven’t been to Qin, they know all the benefits of Qin, as well as houses and woolen clothes. It is simply heaven on earth.

I heard that where, ordinary people can enter the factory to work and make a lot of money. Businessmen are able to seek more business opportunities, and the tax revenue is not high. Scholars can gain fame and become an official in the dynasty. As long as they live their lives honestly and with great ambitions, they can find their own place in Qin.

If you are sick, there are medical centers, and if you are hungry, there are hot pot restaurants. Coupled with the convenient roads, you can go anywhere without hindrance. Those Qin people don’t know how moist their lives are.

“You don’t know yet. In the Qin State, as long as they are older, they don’t have to be soldiers.”

As soon as he said this, the look of Scarface changed, and his age (aibd) was no longer young. After experiencing a previous battle with Qin State, he didn’t want to go to the battlefield anymore. However, Zhao Guo has been reluctant to let him go, and insisted on letting him continue to serve.

Continue to fight as a soldier of the State of Zhao. It’s not that he is not patriotic, but he is really old. The passion that wanted to serve the country with loyalty when he was young has faded. After being frightened by the Qin Jun, he can no longer pick up the will to fight. To force him on the battlefield is tantamount to catching the ducks on the shelves.

The surrounding soldiers asked if Scarface was old, and if he was left in Qin, he would be discharged.

Scarface smiled and did not speak, his smile was bitter. He had long wanted to be relieved of his armour and return to Tian An to spend his old age, but unfortunately he was born in Zhao State.

“Man, in fact, I said so much because I sympathized with your experience. You said that if you stay in Qin, you will be full of children and grandchildren now. I tell you one thing, you don’t say anything, and you know it yourself.” The spy pretended to be mysterious. Some things, the less people tell them, the more they will spread.

He looked around to confirm if anyone else was eavesdropping, and kept repeating that this matter was very important. If others knew his life would not be saved, he asked them to keep their mouths tight.

“Don’t worry about it, just say if you have something to say. It’s really awkward.” Their curiosity can no longer be controlled, and they can’t wait to pry open the man’s mouth directly to see what he is going to say.

“Qin State now has another policy.” The spy paused again: “Qin State does not kill prisoners now.

The face of the soldier who was originally curious listening to him changed. These words were not trivial. If you say such words in the army, you will be dragged out and be directly decapitated. To put it plainly, this is to induce mutiny, which is a felony.

The spies pretended to be scared and said, “I’m just pitying this man. Don’t tell me to go out and kill me.”

He found a good reason, but he was also pale. Those who want to say it will say it. Unfortunately, they don’t want to.

Someone suddenly smiled and said, “We all understand your painstaking efforts, and we certainly won’t say it. Alas, what do you mean by the policy body? When was it promulgated?” Others cast their curious eyes again. I also want to know, but it’s not convenient to say, even if you say, you can only find a reason, such as: “I am asking for this man, so don’t think about it.”

No no, no one is thinking. They all ask for others, just mention it casually, and never take it to heart.

“Don’t you know? It was posted two days ago. Not only will you not kill and return the pension, so that you can be old-aged. Brother, you go quickly, we won’t talk about it when you are gone.” The spy laughed wildly in his heart. This group of people is really duplicity.

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