Chapter 532 Whether to fight or not]

When the two discussed how to fight this battle, they completely forgot that Yan Dan was still imprisoned. With Yan Wangxi’s order, no one dared to let him out, and Yan Dan did not make a lot of noise, and was willingly imprisoned in the palace.

Gao Jianli would come to see him every day. Yan Wangxi said that he would not let him out, but he did not say that he would not be allowed to see him. The guards just opened one eye and closed the other, they could not help.

The news brought today made Yan Dan very gratified. I heard that Yan Wangxi was not in a hurry to send troops, thinking that her father had finally opened up this time, knowing that Qin is not credible and winning the government is even less credible. To ally and cooperate with them is simply asking for trouble.

Gao Jianli’s expression was sullen: “Maybe King Xu Yan just wanted to send troops while the Qin Army was at war with the Zhao Army, so as to gain some benefits from it.”

In a word, Yan Dan should have known that he is easy to change and his nature is difficult to change. Yan Wangxi’s temperament cannot be changed in a day or two. If he is really changed, he should be released and continue to be imprisoned from time to time.

“Prince, what should we do? Now you can’t go out, there is no way to stop it. Once Qin State destroys Zhao State, the situation in the world will be even more severe.” Gao Jianli asked worriedly, as he watched Yan Dan being imprisoned. These days, I am thin and non-human, but I still look forward to the good news that he will bring back outside.

“Zhao country must not perish!” 547 Yan Dan said firmly. His father was unreliable, so he could only figure out a solution by himself: “The Yan Guochao hall is full of short-sighted guys. Let them rule Yan. Push the country of Yan to extinction.

After he pondered for a while, suddenly an inspiration came to him: “This palace has a bold plan.

Gao Jianli saw Yan Dan’s expression he had never seen before. For a moment, he felt as if he were in an ice cave, and everything around him became gloomy and cold. He has been driven to a desperate situation and has to fight back.

While Yan Dan was preparing the plan, Qin’s 400,000 army and Zhao’s 300,000 army opened up in Handan in this way, and the two armies faced each other, and no one took the initiative first.

At first glance, the two armies are obviously more powerful than the Qin army. They are all composed of young and middle-aged people. Most of them are people with war experience. Even a small number of people who have not been on the battlefield have passed a long time. Hard-trained.

However, the physical quality of the army of the State of Zhao is a bit poor. This army was prepared by the courtiers of the State of Zhao (aibd) when King Zhao Miaoxiang first ascended the throne. It was composed of the original veterans and later recruits. The veterans do have war experience, but many of them are getting older. Many people even fought the Qin army head-on when Yingzheng invaded the Kingdom of Zhao.

At that time, many people were more or less injured, and they were scared to escape by the Qin Jun. Later, due to livelihood issues, they joined the army again. When they heard that they were about to fight Qin again, they felt like Heaven It’s going to fall down. It can be said that most of the “veterans” are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Although the “recruits” are young and middle-aged, their physical fitness is far inferior to that of Qin Jun, and they are not well trained. There is no need to talk about experience or something. In addition, the state of Zhao is not as powerful as the state of Qin, and the manufacturing process of Qin’s weapons and armor has opened up a large part of the state of Zhao. From the perspective of hard power, it is a crushing advantage.

Looking at the generals again, Qin has a luxurious lineup and a strong team. However, Zhao Guo could only afford Li Mu alone. This time it’s a big difference. As soon as the formation opened up, the few people in front of the Qin Army were all very bearing, and they had a strong attitude. It seemed that Li Mu was fighting alone.

Of course, it is too one-sided to compare the generals only. We have to look at the soft power of this war, which is also one of the most important things in the war: food and grass. Winning government has already won the country of Han. The country of Han is close to the country of Zhao. A large amount of grain can be quickly sent to the front line from the country of Han. There is a railway from the country of Qin to the country of Han, so that it can provide a steady stream of supplies to the front line. .

But as far as I was concerned, their grain output was already insufficient. Moreover, before winning the government, he engaged in woolen clothes. In order to survive the cold winter, the grain that Zhao Guo looked at was used to change woolen clothes. Later, I wanted to use cotton to make money from the State of Qin, so that many two days were transformed into cotton fields, and the grain output would be even less. Before the war with Qin State, the people ate all the food they bought in Qin State.

Here, now the war is going on, not only can’t be bought, but there are still a lot to be sent to the frontline. There is no idea in Zhao Guo how many people will starve to death.

It seemed that Qin had an advantage in every aspect. Zhao Guo agreed that Qin would immediately launch a fierce attack as soon as it came. They decided to attack first, and if the enemy did not move, I would not move. See what tricks will win the government.

Li Mu also obeyed the order, and has been defending Handan hard, standing firm and clear. Plan to extend the supply line in order to achieve the purpose of consuming the Qin army. But after a long time, they found that it was not Qin Jun but themselves that was consumed, and Zhao Guo couldn’t help but consume it at all. In order to save food, even King Zhao Miaoxiang found that his daily meal was missing two dishes.

The degree of tension is evident. He wasn’t in the mood to eat either. As soon as the chopsticks fell, he ordered: “Let Li Mu give the widow a quick fight!” If he continued to consume it, he didn’t wait for Qin to destroy Zhao, and Zhao was starved to death.

This time his resolution was not arrogant, and the court and the court also agreed very much. Keeping it on is not a way, you can only fight to the death. The faces of the courtiers were covered with dark clouds. If the Qin army did not leave for a day, they would not be able to let go of the big rock hanging in their hearts for a day. It’s a pity that Qin Jun is like living outside of Zhao Wai. He doesn’t rush or slow down, he won’t retreat or attack, saying

It’s not like being guarded.

It makes people confused, has the advantage and does not act rashly, and the fight is exceptionally stable. It’s a pity that Qin Jun is not what they can hope to leave, so they can only beat them away by himself.

But it’s hard to say if this is too much. Zhao Guo didn’t want to admit that they couldn’t beat Qin State, but he didn’t know what to do when he wanted to fight. You can only look at me and I look at you. No one dared to give this offensive order. This carelessness would become a sinner forever.

Fortunately, King Zhao Miaoxiang had this consciousness and personally issued an order to make a quick fight and a quick decision. He is the king of the Zhao country, and he should take responsibility for the rise and fall of the Zhao country. They had no choice but to fight.

It is not only Zhao Guoshang who reached a consensus with them. There are also Wang Jian and others. They also know that it is consumed like this. One day Zhao Guoguo will rise up and let go. It seems that the current situation is not far from that day. With a pinch and count, Zhao’s food has been eaten almost. .

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