Chapter 533 Those who obey, those who oppose, die]

Wang Jian and Xueyihou and others discussed how they should deal with the problem if Zhao Guo really resists. In a war, we still have to respect our opponents. Whether it is Zhao Guo or Li Mu, they cannot be small. Throughout the ages, there have been many examples of winning more with less. If you take it lightly because you look down on your opponent, it will eventually lead to the defeat of the war.

Then they can’t explain to Yingzheng. If you really lose, it’s hard to say that winning the government will kill them. They must take it seriously.

It is never the strong who wins, but the winner who is strong. Qin is strong, but so what. Whether a war can be won or not depends not only on whether a country is strong or not. Otherwise, according to this principle, Qin was destroyed long ago when it was weak. Where did the powerful Qin come from?

Xueyihou thought about it carefully and said: “Zhao Guo realized that after we were fighting with them, we would definitely look for an opportunity to attack. The most important thing is at this time, is it what they want?”

It could be Qin’s mistakes, their negligence, or the trap that had been set long ago, depending on when Zhao Guo made the move. Whether to lure them to take action or to wait for them to take action, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

After Wang Jian understood the meaning of Xueyihou’s words, he made a decision: “Let’s put on an unhurried appearance and continue to spend with them, so that Zhao Guo can affirm that we are fighting attrition again, and then deliberately expose our laxity. Attitude to invite you to enter the urn.

Of course, if you want to implement this strategy, you must increase your consumption. The more they are consumed, the more anxious they will be, and they will come forward without thinking when they see an opportunity.

The moment when one party’s patience is consumed, it is when the other party pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

In Xianyang City, Yingzheng passed the information sent by Zhao Gao to the cabinet after reading the information. There were several pages splattered in it, all detailing various aspects of the battlefield. Wang Jian and others are also conscientious enough to consider everything and report everything to the winning government.

The ministers in the cabinet had seen the situation for a long time before they fully understood the situation. They all smiled. They were indeed Qin’s generals, and they were unambiguous in the war.

Li Si said excitedly: “My lord, General Wang Jian will win this battle!” This is not his flattery, but a sincere and heartfelt statement after reading the content.

Naturally, there is no need for him to say, saying that some people think so, and winning the government has long been concluded. He couldn’t help sighing: “Li Mu is also a very talented person. If the two armies are evenly matched, Li Mu may not be able to lose to Wang Jian.”

The ministers also had the same view, but they did not expect that winning the government was not cheering for the impending victory, but the generals who pity the enemy. This approach is a bit different from winning the government. Everyone guesses that winning the government will recruit Li Mu to make him work for Qin.

A good bird chooses wood and lives. If Li Muzhi comes to Qin to be a general, although his status is not as good as in Zhao, he will not be treated badly. The people of Qin State didn’t have much opinion either. The love of talents is found in all kings in the world, let alone a king who wins politics.

No matter how many capable ministers and good generals there are in Qin State, he will not dislike more.

Han Fei didn’t say much, but firmly believed that Qin would win this battle: “Li Mu doesn’t have many cards in his hand, he can’t be General Wang Jian’s opponent.” No matter what happens later, he won first before talking. Victory is the best way to persuade each other. ,

“How long can Li Mu last?” Lu Buwei asked curiously. He is the most anxious. No matter what the fancy, there are too many tricks. A little carelessness will trap himself. The victory is the top priority.

Yingzheng nodded noncommittal.He knew that Han Fei was right.Qin’s victory was already destined by heaven.Combining the joy that Wang Jian said in the secret letter, Yingzheng thought for a while and put up a finger: “One month, at most one month, Qin can hold this great war, but Zhao can’t fight it. If they delay attacking, after a month, Qin’s

You can ride on Zhao Guo. ”

Everyone fell silent, and it took a month to bring down a country, which is too exaggerated. They remembered a series of things that Ying Zheng had done when he was the prince. It was all for making Qin country prosperous and strong, and at the same time destroying the economies of the six countries, leaving them with no money, no land, and no one.

If it were not for the foreshadowing of the previous years, there would not be the current state of Qin, let alone the dominance of the state of Qin on the battlefield. Everyone admires that winning politics is truly an emperor through the ages. Everything is properly arranged. Step by step to this step, as long as the victory is stable, they can follow the victory and unify the world.

0……Look for flowers…

People say that the times make heroes, but they don’t know that times also make heroes. Ying Zhengsheng had the most embarrassing status in the worst times, the weakest Qin. It should have been too long a fate, but with the demise of Qin, they were buried in the long river of history. But he fought back, making everything the best. The age difference doesn’t matter, he wants to create an age of his own.

It doesn’t matter if Qin is weak, he can make Qin rich and strong. It would be meaningless if the Qin State was not weak. Only a country that has been under long-term oppression would be so eager to change. On the contrary, it is difficult for a powerful country to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

It was the winning government that made the Qin country stronger, and it was also the Qin country that made the winning government stronger. And other people who follow the victory in politics can also be touched by his light and go down in history with him.

There are many talented people like Yingzheng, but they are not too big or small. There are not many people who can shape the times like him, just him alone. Other talented people either follow him or are enemies with him.

For these people, their current situation is to win politics. Those who follow and those who fail will perish, and those who win politics will have more chances to achieve a career, and they will also gain the reputation of being loyal to the monarch and loving the Lord. It is also a good reputation to stay in the annals of history a hundred years later.

And people who happen to be on the opposite side of winning politics, even if they have nothing to do, will fail in the end. A little bit more powerful, let Yingzheng fall, lose 10%, and lose an inch. It can be praised for a while, but it can’t be better than winning politics for a lifetime. What is left to them is the name of the eternal loser.

Han Fei has always been fortunate that he is a person who follows Winning, and he can create an era of glory with Winning. Except for that trip to the country of Yan, he refused. After that, as long as it is an order to win the government, he will do everything by himself, and do everything properly.

This time, the winning government will give him life again: “Before the frontline fights, you have to do one thing.” The winning government said to Han Fei.

Everyone knew that Han Fei was the one who picked it. Han Fei’s greatest strength is lobbying, but I don’t know where to lobby this time?

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