Chapter 531 Strike first is not necessarily strong]

The State of Qin has already swept down, and the State of Zhao has also entered a state of combat readiness. The Land of Baiyue and Wei State are in a stalemate. In this flaring battle, only one country involved remains unhurried and not nervous at all.

That was the country of Yan. Although Wangxi Yan and Han Fei agreed to send troops to attack the country of Zhao, they were slick. Just don’t rush to declare war with Zhao State, don’t send troops to Zhao State, and don’t even worry about the preparation of troops.

Eat, drink and have fun all day, leisurely and contented. It seemed that I didn’t even know that Qin was about to go to war with Zhao.

It doesn’t matter that he is gentle, someone is anxious for him. Yan Chunjun hesitated for a long time before deciding to meet Yan Wangxi. The last time Han Fei persuaded Yan Wangxi to form an alliance with Qin, he felt that more things are worse than less, and it is safer to rely on Qin, so he persuaded Yan Wangxi to agree. The matter of the alliance urged him to sign the agreement.

When King Yan realized that he had been fooled, he cast his anger on Yan Chunjun and blamed him in every possible way. So that Jun Yan Chun did not dare to see Wang Xi for a long time.

Even after learning that Han Fei came to Yan State again and negotiated with Yan Wangxi about attacking Zhao State, he dared not show up.

But what Yan Wangxi meant now really made him unpredictable. In his opinion, being able to obtain Zhao’s land and wealth is a great thing for Yan, and it should not be forgotten. If he were King Yan, he would have rushed past him, for fear of not being divided.

Yan Chunjun has been describing the meaning of Yan Wangxi, not knowing what he wants to do. Thinking about it, I had to ask Yan Wangxi in person.

King Yan was pleased to see Jun Yanchun coming, but he didn’t lose his temper at him, nor did he blame him. He seemed to be in a good mood, with a smile on his face, not knowing what good happened.

“Didn’t the king agree with Qin State to attack Zhao State together? Why didn’t he declare war?” Yan Chunjun seized the opportunity to ask when he was in a good mood.

“Declare war? Why declare war? What’s the hurry, 々.” Yan Wang replied absent-mindedly. I think this question about Yan Chunjun is particularly stupid. I can’t play any tricks.

“But the king didn’t think of a reason for declaring war? It’s actually very simple. We only need to say that Yan is an ally of Qin, and Qin wants to attack Zhao, and of course Yan must be together.” King Yan liked the reason for declaring war.

King Yan laughed when he heard it: “Do you really think that widows are delayed in sending troops because they have not found a reason to declare war?” It is to force people, not to persuade people with reason.

“What do you mean by the king? If we go late, we won’t be able to get the land of Zhao country. The power of Qin country is obvious to all. Even if they don’t rely on the power of Yan country, they may not be able to defeat Zhao country.” Yan Chun Jun frowned, and the biggest reason for winning the government and seeking help from Yan State was to give a piece of guarantee to this war. If he could win directly, this guarantee would not exist.

Makes sense.

“If the State of Qin can’t beat the State of Zhao, the widows still disdain to form an alliance with the State of Qin.” Yan Wangxi sits in jeopardy, as it should be. He has put his position above Qin State.

“Then what is the king waiting for? Winning the government is unreasonable at first. By then, Qin has already destroyed the Zhao country, and Yan has not yet gone. He will definitely not let us get the slightest oil and water.” Yan Chunjun that Urgent, if he didn’t send King Yan to send troops today, he stayed in the palace.

“The widow will not send troops in a hurry.” Yan Wangxi looked at Yan Chunjun calmly, not understanding why he was so anxious.

“Then when will the king send troops? Don’t wait until Qin is finished, and Yan will go pick up some leftovers and cold rice!” Yan Chunjun’s tone was not good, and he couldn’t understand Yan Wangxi’s stubbornness.

King Yanxi had been hanging on Yan Chunjun’s appetite for long enough, and finally told him the real reason: “When Qin State General Zhao Guoda is almost done, when Zhao Guo is not strong enough, the widow will take action.”

Yan Chunjun was taken aback. He had previously guessed that Yan Wangxi would do this, but after careful consideration, he realized that it was impossible. The first is that Qin’s troops are fierce, and the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. Yan Wangxi also wanted to intervene at a critical moment, the timing was too difficult to grasp. Don’t worry if you grasp it right, if you don’t grasp it well,

It is a problem if it is too early.

The second is that Qin is not stupid, he will definitely react when he sees that Yan is not taking action. It’s hard to have a good life if you worry about winning politics.

Yan Chunjun asked worriedly: “If King Qin discovers that there are other ideas in Yan State, will he give up attacking Zhao State and directly attack Yan State? Qin State’s rage is not something that any country can afford.”

**” Hahaha, you are thinking too much. Throughout the ages, there have been people who have switched to attack the country, and Zhao is the thorn in Qin’s eyes. How can they control Yan, let alone Yan and Qin are still alliances, which There are those who attack the alliance. “Yan Wangxi was full of confidence, and Qin Guoguo attacked the State of Zhao. This is already a certainty.

Not to mention that the State of Qin had made so many preparations to attack the State of Zhao. Before Qin State destroyed Zhao State, no, it can be said that Yan State did not have to worry about its own safety before Qin State destroyed all other countries.

“Even if the State of Qin does not come to attack, Winning may use this as an excuse to make the State of Yan the next target to be attacked.” In other words, the State of Zhao is over, and the next one is State of Yan.

King Yan waved his hand: “No, after the eradication of Zhao State, the State Council of Yan will become the next strong country. Regardless of whether the State of Yan is willing to destroy the State of Yan, the State of Yan is not easy to bully.” He also felt that the State of Yan won the government. I really want Qin and Yan to live in harmony (Li Ma Zhao).

However, Yan Chunjun looked at Yan Wangxi with a sad face, not knowing where his confidence came from. This is a high-risk game. If you can grasp the opportunity well, you can get most of Zhao’s resources and fatten up Yan’s. At that time, you don’t need to be afraid of Qin.

Nothing is good, only the strength of oneself can protect oneself. It is impossible to rely on the State of Qin, and it is also impossible to rely on others to get a share of the pie in a war. Only when the State of Yan is able to make the most of profits from it.

Yan Chunjun still asked with some worry: “Then how do we explain to Yingzheng? If he urges Yan, how should we respond.”

Wang Xi didn’t care about his worries, no matter how he confessed, then Qin State could not take care of himself, wherever he could manage Yan State, if he was really accused by Xingshi, he would make up some excuses. ,

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