Chapter 530 You are the one who beats]

The courtiers thought that winning the government was to directly poison King Zhao Miaoxiang. They sneered in their hearts for using such an indiscriminate method. However, the imperial doctor calmly passed his hand a few times behind King Zhao Miaoxiang. King Zhao Miaoxiang suddenly took a deep breath and came back to life.

He finally got over it. Seeing a group of people who looked concerned, he was still a little satisfied. He has been a king for so long, and it is rare for him to be so concerned by the officials of the State of Zhao. They always say that he does not understand the government, and many things are I passed him directly and didn’t treat him as a king at all.

Now they finally know that they care about themselves, but unfortunately it is too late. He said in a low tone: “This letter was written by Ying Zheng. Alas, the content of the letter, please read it for yourself.” King Zhao Mouxiang downhearted and made a statement. Action, let people show the letter to the officials.

Qunchen was so hard to see, he almost lost his breath like King Zhao Miaosai. Win Zheng actually came to beat them!

When they knew that the letter was not poisonous in 2008, they still despised King Zhao Miaoxiang in their hearts. As a result, it was their turn to look like this.

“Isn’t Qin going to fight Wei? Could this letter be given to the wrong place?” Some people are lucky and hope that what they have just seen is just dreaming.

“Yes, Meng Yu and the army are already outside the Wei State City, and Wei State has also gathered forces to prepare for the battle. How come I have become my Zhao State again?” The letter clearly stated that King Zhao Miaoxiang could not go wrong and win. Zheng came to fight against Zhao Guo.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was frightened and asked in a panic: “Don’t say this anymore, think about how to deal with Qin, winning the government must have sent a large army to Zhao, and make a decision on whether to fight or flee. Otherwise, it will be too late.” King Zhao Miaoxiang never thought about fighting against Yingzheng. He realized that Zhao Guo could not defeat Qin State at all.

Courtiers, look at me, and I will look at you. Knowing that the situation is really critical this time, King Zhao Miaoxiang has not been involved in state affairs, and he has no idea about Zhao’s national strength.

“The king, please forgive me. Actually, I, State Zhao, has been recuperating for a long time, replenishing energy, and all my colleagues have worked hard for Zhao State. The ministers are worried that there will be such a day. Therefore, the Common State has accumulated a lot of troops, and their combat capabilities are not. Weak, and they have used their troops for a thousand days. This time Qin State came to attack, Zhao State is not as easy to bully as they thought.”

King Zhao Miaoxiang was overjoyed: “What? I still have troops in the state of Zhao, how many people? Quickly say!” Thanks to these courtiers, he made him worry less.

“A whole 300,000 army!” The courtiers unanimously said, this is the result of their long-term effort. The 300,000 army is not a number. Looking at the world, Kong 0A only has more than 300,000 troops in Qin State.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was very excited: “Three hundred thousand? So much! Great! It seems that I have saved Zhao Guo.” He didn’t know Zhao Guo’s actual situation. He thought that he was fooled by Yan Dan at the beginning. I felt all kinds of unhappy in my heart.

“Yes, we still have Li Mu. Let him lead troops to defend against Qin’s attacks.” A courtier suggested that at this moment of crisis, I am afraid that only Li Mu can come out and take the stand alone.

“Li Mu, who is Li Mu?” King Zhao Miaoxiang asked suspiciously. He looked at the Manchu civil and military, but actually couldn’t remember the name. As the monarch of the Zhao Kingdom, he had hardly participated in the politics of the Zhao Kingdom. A puppet is placed here. Everything is up to the ministers to decide.

“He is probably the last hope of the State of Zhao, and he is the last general of the State of Zhao.” The courtiers sighed as they said. The State of Zhao always has joy and sorrow, but there is only one general in the army of 300,000. It’s sad to say that I can only think of Li Mu for a while.

“Then what are you waiting for? Go find Li Mu. The widow will give him 300,000 troops and fight Qin back to the widow!” King Zhao Miaoxiang is now full of confidence. He has never felt that Zhao Guo is so powerful. I thought that Zhao Guo had always been weak.

“My lord, you must not go out to fight. Even if there are 300,000 troops and Li Mu, the State of Zhao can only stand by and cannot face the Qin Army. Their strength must not be weak, and there are many talents available. There is still a gap in comparison.”

“But the king can rest assured that as long as the State of Zhao can survive this barrier, we will have a way to make the State of Zhao stronger than the State of Qin.” The courtiers are united, their eyes are firm, and they have spent a lot of effort to surpass the State of Qin. It’s just that Qin State came too soon. This level must pass.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was still a little unconvinced, but he also understood that the State of Zhao still needs time to develop, so he obeyed the opinions of the courtiers: “If this is the case, just defend it first. If you can find a chance to counterattack, you must firmly grasp it. Can’t make Qin State so comfortable.”

“In addition to this, we must contact other countries as soon as possible and let them come to rescue Zhao Guo. If the neighboring countries can join hands, then it is our chance to attack Qin State.” The officials nodded and began to make plans. Where did you go to ask for help.

When King Zhao Miaoxiang heard that this was indeed the case, he hurriedly asked the officials to contact other countries: “Call them all, if they don’t come, threaten them that Qin will destroy them next!” Everyone is responsible for fighting against Daqin. King Zhao Miaoxiang remembered one more thing: 547 “Don’t go to the country of Yan, the country of Yan has already joined forces with the country of Qin, and it’s useless to find them.

The officials glared in their hearts. It would be too miserable to have so few countries that can ask for help. They still don’t know, if Yan Guoguo and Qin Guo came together to invade, if they really knew it, they would probably be vomiting blood.

Afterwards, Zhao Guo transferred the last general, Li Mu. Li Mu cried with joy when he got the power of the 300,000 army. When he finally showed his ambition, it was his lifelong dream to fight Qin Jun. Killing a soldier of the State of Qin is his glory as a general of the State of Zhao.

Zhao Guo’s transition is very close to the front line, so Handan can be said to be the front line. Li Mu was in charge and led an army of 300,000 to Handan.

In this battle, Qin State and Zhao State have both laid their blood, and it can be said that they have used their full strength. Although they are not worried about winning the government, they are not at ease. Whether they can defeat Zhao State depends on the soldiers of Qin State.

The hearts of King Zhao Miaoxiang and the officials were chosen in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, it was the moment of life and death for Zhao Guo. This battle can only be won but not lost. If you lose, everything will be gone. Zhao Guo, who has worked so hard to recover, gradually Becoming stronger, how many people hope that Zhao can grow into a superpower like Qin, but now they are caught in the war. .

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