Chapter 527 Flicker again]

The Wei country was like a big enemy, but Zhao didn’t know it. The State of Qin, who was eager to try, sent envoys to the State of Yan.

King Yan was overjoyed when he heard that Han Fei had come to the country of Yan again. He wasn’t enough to fool him last time, this time I want to come to fool you again? No way! He immediately refused to meet with Han Fei and asked him to go back and forth.

But Han Fei said: “Qin and Yan are making good friends, is it that King Yan is about to breach the contract so soon? What if King Qin knew that Yan was so unfriendly to Qin?” He came back.

Yan Wangxi had to go to see Han Fei with a face full of anger. He said irritably: “Qin State is really cunning, deceiving the widow to sign a contract, but there are things that benefit the State of Qin everywhere, and he is a good ally. ”

“What does King Yan say? The covenant is equal everywhere. Both Qin and Yan need to fulfill the same obligations and coexist almost in the same body. Why is unequal?” Han Fei said righteously, but he was laughing in his heart. . That paper of the covenant took him a lot of effort, and it was able to deceive people without knowing it. Yan Wangxi was deceived and turned around.

“On the covenant, only defense is written, but nothing is mentioned about offense. Qin State did this to isolate Yan State.” Yan Wangxi angrily accused. In this way, winning politics only needs to put Yan Guo on the last attack.

Han Fei smiled 543 and said nothing. This is indeed the case. According to the covenant, if someone beats either Qin or Yan, the two countries need to unite and unify. However, if either of the two countries attacked another country, the other country would have no obligation to attack together. This is a more favorable covenant for Qin.

King Yan was so sorry that he was easily deceived by Han Fei, and this liar still dared to come to the country of Yan again. “What tricks do you want to play when you come to Yan Country this time?”

“The words of King Yan are very bad, but this time I brought good news to King Yan.” Han Fei showed unpredictable eyes and looked around King Yan as if he was wary of anyone eavesdropping.

“What good news?” Yan Wangxi’s eyes lit up. If there is a good thing, don’t leave him behind.

“Qin State is about to attack Zhao State.” Han Fei said in a brief cough.

“What kind of good news is Qin State. Yan Wangxi wanted to say something like the Land of Hundred Yue, but suddenly reacted to something wrong: “What? Attack that country?”

“King Yan didn’t hear it wrong, it was Guo Guo.” Han Fei emphasized again. He felt a little funny looking at Yan Wangxi’s slow reaction, he could only smile in his heart.

“Isn’t the State of Qin no, isn’t the land of Baiyue going to attack the State of Wei? How did it become the State of Zhao?” King Yan asked Han Fei in confusion.

“The land of Baiyue is indeed going to attack the State of Wei, and the State of Qin is indeed going to attack the State of Zhao. This does not conflict.” Han Fei said with a smile. The land of Baiyue was only accompanied by the attack, if Yan Wangxi confided to Wei Guo, it would be worth the loss.

“Fight together on both sides? Are the soldiers in the Baiyue Land not Qin’s?” Yan Wangxi still didn’t understand. Everyone knew that the Baiyue Land belonged to the Qin State. Naturally, they were also soldiers from the Qin State when they sent troops to fight. He didn’t believe it. The winning forces are strong enough to attack two countries at the same time.

Yan Wangxi repeatedly confirmed that Han Fei insisted that he wanted to attack at the same time: “The King Qin is worried about sending troops at the same time, and the troops are not enough. This is the reason for asking Yan Wang for help.” This reason is also reasonable.

Now Yan Wangxi was completely deceived. He didn’t know what was going on to win the government, and he didn’t know how to decide whether to send troops or not. If you say that all this is to win the government is to lie to him, once the soldiers of Yan State leave Yan State, they tell Zhao State that it is Yan State who is going to attack State Zhao, and Qin Jun joins Zhao State to attack State of Yan. At that time, he didn’t even cry


Although the two countries are allies, they are suspicious of each other.

Yan Wangxi looked at Han Fei with suspicion (aibd). He tentatively asked, “If Qin really wants to send troops to Zhao, what reason did he declare war?” He must make sure that he wins the government and declares war on Zhao. Send troops to prevent someone from getting a bite.

“Qin wants to avenge the Battle of Handan, so he declared war on King Zhao Miaoxiang.” Han Fei’s eyes were firm and he didn’t hesitate at all: “King Yan can rest assured that once the war starts, Da Qin will immediately show his attitude. It won’t affect the country of Yan. The country of Yan is just sending troops to aid as an alliance of friendship, and this reason is justified.’

King Yan thought with joy: During the Battle of Handan, the Kingdom of Qin had rubbed Zhao on the ground, and the Kingdom of Zhao had been beaten so that he could not take care of himself. From then on, he was frightened when he mentioned the Kingdom of Qin. Now Han Fei actually said that he wanted to avenge the Battle of Handan. Is this talking about human words? He still speaks righteously, as if the war was declared justified.

It seems that winning the government has not concealed his ambition in the slightest. How far-fetched the reason for declaring war is, he can also use it. I am not afraid that people in the world do not know his ambition to annex the six nations. In fact, it’s no use knowing, no one can stop him. It’s hard to hide, and no one dares to say anything to him.

Han Fei pretended to be puzzled and asked, “Are there any problems with Qin’s reasons for declaring war?” He asked this knowingly, regardless of whether the world believes it or not, anyway, he already believes it.

“The widow thinks no.” King Yan swallowed his sleeping foam. Before Han Fei persuaded him, he pointed out that Qin and Yan have no hatred. However, judging from the reasons for declaring war for winning politics, whether you have enemies or not, winning politics can find a reason to beat you.

“Since there is no such thing, please also ask King Yan to speak clearly and attack Zhao State together. Will Yan State send troops or not?” Han Fei put a smile on his face and asked Yan Wangxi seriously. This time he came to the country of Yan to make Yan Wangxi send troops. Everything is just for the preparation of the last question. He has already said that if Yan Wangxi does not nod his head.

If that happens, things will be difficult to handle.

Yan Wangxi is still hesitating. He has suffered from the loss of the alliance with Qin once, and he is unwilling to take it a second time. Whether it was winning politics or Han Fei in front of him, they were all too cunning. If anything went wrong this time, Yan Guo would suffer a big loss.

Seeing Yan Wangxi’s delay in agreeing, Han Fei threw out the last temptation: “Does Yan Wang not want to carve up Zhao’s land with Qin?” This is his killer bronze. The most unreliable friendship in the world is to use Interests are established, but what’s ridiculous is that the most reliable friendship is also the connection of interests.

Benefits can make alliances turn against each other, and they can also take care of each other. As long as there are unanimous interests, there will be a partner who will move forward together, no matter how this partner is conceived. .

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