Chapter 526 That’s a gift for you]

After the rain closed the clouds, Yan Lingji asked Yingzheng: “What will King Qin do next?”

“This king wants Baiyue to declare war on Wei and make a gesture of attacking Wei, and this king’s real goal is actually Zhao Guo.” Ying Zheng looked at Yan Lingji’s face, still blushing, and he endured it. I couldn’t help but touch it, and found that the temperature was also surprisingly high after touching it.

“Is King Qin still afraid that Wei will support Zhao?” Yan Lingji pressed her back to her lower lip, as if smiling.

It is impossible to be afraid. The so-called come one to kill one, and two to kill one pair. If Wei Guo dared to support him, he dared to take advantage of the trend and destroy Wei Guo together. But what happens after the extinction? It is not easy to pacify a post-war country. I want to win the government one by one, so as not to deal with it badly on both sides.

“Baiyue hasn’t fought for a long time. The army where King Qin is stationed may be rusty.” Yan Lingji has never been in charge of military affairs since he became the throne. I don’t know if they still remember the feeling of going to battle and killing the enemy after having been at Baiyue for so long.

Ying Zheng took the hand of Yan Lingji: “It will let you see the bravery and skillful fighting of Daqin soldiers.”

The hands were maintained white and tender, and the fingers were slender and clean, without a trace of bruises. Ying Zheng said that he would not let Flame Ling Ji go on the battlefield again, and he would say that he would be sure. The army in Baiyue was what he used to protect her.

“Those are the soldiers of King Qin. If King Qin wants to be dispatched directly, Baiyue has been free of wars recently, and it is useless to have those troops.” Yan Lingji did not withdraw her hand, but used her fingertips to win the government. Scratching lightly in the palm of his hand.

The seemingly non-existent touch fell on the palm, and it felt a little strange. Yingzheng couldn’t help but close his eyes and felt it carefully.

“After the six nations are destroyed.” Ying Zheng suddenly said, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yan Lingji seriously. This is his promise.

A trace of astonishment crossed Yan Lingji’s face, and she hurriedly looked at her hand, unexpectedly writing out the thoughts in her heart. She wanted to stay with Yingzheng forever, instead of staying alone in Baiyue.

She has been unable to ask this question, because Baiyue was given to her by Yingzheng, and he let her sit on the throne.Everything is a gift from Yingzheng, but she just wants to be by his side. Don’t all. She was afraid that by saying this, she would betray her desire to win the government.

But Yingzheng didn’t care. As long as she wanted to, it didn’t matter if Da Qin’s throne sat for her.

Yan Lingji happily hugged Victory: “I’m waiting for that day, King Qin, 々.” She is not at all worried about whether Victory can destroy the Six Nations, it’s just a matter of time. When the world is back, you will always be with you. She leaped forward and pecked at the corner of Yingzheng’s lips, then shyly buried her head in Yingzheng’s arms, and whispered: “This is a reward.”

After that, Baiyue Land suddenly declared war on the State of Wei, and King Wei Anli suddenly looked regretful, what is the situation? He immediately summoned the civil and military officials to discuss state affairs. treat.

If Baiyue used to be in the past, they wouldn’t have to worry so much, but what is important is that the land of Baiyue is actually the Kingdom of Qin now, and the land of Baiyue is coming over, isn’t it that the Kingdom of Qin is about to destroy the Kingdom of Wei. ?

King Wei Anli became anxious all at once, and his voice in the courtroom could not help but raised a degree. All courtiers could feel his anxiety. Yes, can you not worry if the fire burns to your eyebrows?

“The king is not anxious. The Baiyue Land is only declaring war on our country, Wei, and has not yet attacked. The war also has a reason for war. If they can’t provide a reason for declaring war, Wei can stay behind closed doors.” Wei’s courtier suggested. No one knew what was going on in Baiyue Land, and declared war if they didn’t agree.

“How can a widow be in a hurry? Don’t you know what this means? Can it be called the land of Baiyue? It is not a soldier of Baiyue at all, that is Daqin’s iron cavalry!” Wang Anli was anxious like a hot pot The ant, if Qin wants to beat Wei, isn’t it the same as beating his son?

In his opinion, this matter was that winning the government could not find a reason to attack the Wei state, so he sent Baiyue Land to take his place, using the name of Baiyue Land to send out Qin’s army. Although he was born in an unknown school, he was able to beat Wei Guo.

Wei Wuji was also embarrassed. They knew that the rhythm of winning politics and destroying the six countries would not stop, but they didn’t expect that the next one would be Wei Guo. Why? Because Wei Guo is good at bullying? Wei Wuji clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth tightly. Winning the government would look down on Wei too much. He impulsively suggested to King Wei Anli: “It is better for the king to gather all the forces of Wei.

Together, we fought a good battle with Baiyue Land. If we fought it, it would be good. If we couldn’t fight, we would immediately withdraw. Then he asked for help from other countries on the grounds of unprovoked troops from Baiyue. ”

*” Ask for help? How to ask for help. The nations also know the relationship between the Baiyue Land and the Qin State, and assisting the Wei State to attack the Baiyue Land is equivalent to opposing the Qin State. I am afraid that they will have some scruples at that time. “Wang Wei Anli shook his head. He felt that taking the initiative to attack was looking for death, and it was better to defend.

“The king’s words are not correct. Winning the government can use the name of the Baiyue Land to fight against the Wei State. The Wei State can use the Baiyue Land as an excuse to ask for help from the other countries. At that time, it will be said to be attacking the Baiyue Land. , There is not the slightest relationship with Qin State, see if there is anything to say about winning the government.” Wei Wuji smiled sideways.

He thought his plan was very thorough, but the civil and military officials didn’t think so. Who would believe that, not even their own people. All the officials shook their heads. This path was not feasible, and they couldn’t always think about asking for help in everything.

“The widow has no intention of being an enemy of the Qin State, and I hope that the Qin State will not move my Wei State. The only policy (Li Mahao) is to use defensive as the offensive, so that Qin will retreat when he is in trouble.” Wang Wei Anli said, he did not want to Fighting against Qin Guo, you will definitely lose when you fight, so it is better to defend with peace of mind.

“My lord, the Qin army is like a fierce tiger. It is impossible for the Wei army to come down. Wei is not easy to defend. Whether it can be defended is a problem.” The courtier said that he was about to cry, Wei Guohe Compared with Qin State, it is too weak and disturbing.

“Can you attack if you can’t defend it?” Wang Wei Anli said angrily: “Just do what the widow wants, integrate all the forces of Wei State, and mobilize them to defend with all their strength!”

The courtiers can only follow their orders. They really couldn’t think of a better idea. When facing the critical moment of life and death, most people will think about how to protect themselves. Wei Guo is the same. They have no time to think about whether there are other attempts to win the government. They just think that Wei must be safe.

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