Chapter 528 Who the hell is defrauding whom]

For Yan Wangxi, Yingzheng is a ghostly partner. He can share the land of Zhao Kingdom with him, but it is also like seeking skin with a tiger. If the tiger is unhappy, he can swallow him with his mouth open.

For Yingzheng, the same is true for Yan Wangxi. It’s just that he can endlessly plunder benefits from Yan Wangxi, and he is not afraid of Yan Wangxi’s resistance at all. The risk he had to take was whether Yan Wangxi would shame him for greater benefit.

“The territory of the State of Zhao?” Yan Wangxi’s eyes turned around. It stands to reason that the cities they attacked together must of course be shared together. But isn’t winning the government to unify the world? How do you want to share with Yan State? In the land, a cold sweat suddenly broke out from behind Yan Wangxi: “You say! Is Yingzheng going to destroy the Yan Kingdom?”

Only this one explained, Yan Wangxi has been reluctant to admit it, but it is also his helplessness. Winning the government will destroy all countries, including the country of Yan. Yan Wangxi always felt that Yan State was far away from Qin State and won’t be full if he won the government and had nothing to do to attack them. What’s more, it’s easier said than done.

But the facts have proved that winning politics means eating and doing nothing, not wanting to do anything, and can only eliminate the six countries to survive. It is not difficult to attack these countries, and it is even a bit tight-tensioned.

“Did Yan Wang forget? Yan and Qin are allies, how could Qin attack Yan?” Han Fei, who asked Yan Wang’s question, was caught off guard and could only use this reason to prevaricate. This is a reason that even he himself can’t persuade,-will Wangxi Yan believe it?

At this time, someone broke in, and he yelled out of breath, “No!”

Han Fei’s eyes dimmed, and the nasty person came again, Yan Guo’s prince Dan, who had already suffered so much humiliation in order to obstruct Ying Zheng, still refused to forgive. Han Fei had to admire his perseverance.

King Yan Xi was a bit warm and angry. When he saw Han Fei, he had already ordered no one to break in. The outside was heavily guarded, and the defense was Yan Dan. They didn’t even know anything, so they shouted when they came in. The father and son never thought of going together!

After Yan Dan heard that Han Fei had come to Yan, his heart scorched and rushed over. He was out of breath along the way, and cleaned up all the guards outside. He was relieved when he saw that Han Fei was still there. , It seems that there is still room for recovery.

“King Yan, please make a decision as soon as possible!” Han Fei anxiously urged. Yan Dan can’t handle it, so let Yan Wangxi agree quickly to avoid long nights and dreams.

“The envoy is so anxious, I am afraid that there are many omissions in the words, and I am afraid that people will find the problem after thinking it carefully.” Yan Dan sneered. He had long wanted to compete with Han Fei, but unfortunately he was always one step ahead. The two couldn’t bump into each other, and he was finally caught this time.

Facing Yan Dan’s doubts, Han Fei appeared calm and unhurried. He knew that if he was flustered, he would immediately make King Yan suspicious. “What does your Royal Highness say? Yan and Qin have made good relations. I am here this time just to convey King Qin’s plan.

“What’s the plan? You Qin always makes some secret moves. What are you going to do this time?” It is normal to go to other countries, but winning politics always sends Han Fei and Li Si to move ahead. It can fulfill the mission, which is very troublesome.

“Yan State and Qin State jointly attacked Zhao State, they will surely destroy Zhao State, and at that time they will also divide Zhao State’s land according to their military merits. Yan State does not have to worry about Qin Guo’s own pockets.” Han Fei knows that Yan Dan is also a smart man. , No more cheating than King Yan likes. It’s better to have some cleverness in front of him than to speak plainly.

“Huh! Qin is the land of tigers and wolves. After fighting against Zhao, we must take action against Yan. We have to guard against it.” Even if they divide Zhao’s land fairly. No one can fill the ambition to win the government. His thoughts coincided with Yan Wangxi. The father and son turned their eyes on Han Fei, waiting for him to give a satisfactory explanation.

If you can’t, it’s not an exaggeration to turn your face on the spot.

Han Fei coughed slightly, his brain was running fast, and he had to find a suitable reason. He couldn’t say that he was winning the government on a whim and he attacked Zhao Guo. Who would believe this: “Dare to ask Yan Wang, prince. Yan is good or Zhao is good?”

Yan Dan was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect Han Fei to raise such a question. In order to persuade King Zhao Miaoxiang to change his concept in Zhao State, he insisted that Yan State is stronger than Zhao Guo, and King Zhao Miaoxiang also believed stupidly. In fact, everyone knows that the two countries compare the national strength of Zhao State. Stronger.

0……Look for flowers…

Yan Wangxi also knew it well, but he didn’t want to admit it directly. He said, “Comparing the two countries, we cannot make one-sided judgments. Yan Zhao often develops. Although Yan Guo has repeatedly lost to Zhao Guo, There are other reasons for that.” As for the reason, he hasn’t figured it out yet.

Zhao Guo is indeed stronger than Yan Guo, otherwise Yan Wangxi would not commit a sneak attack just to pick up a little bargain. The two of them had already admitted in disguise, and Han Fei would naturally not force them to confess in person. He showed an expression that you know and I know, and gestured to Yan Wangxi and Yan Dan. He already understood what they meant.


“Then King Yan and the prince were Xiangguo, why did King Qin attack Zhao instead of Yan?” This is the reason Han Fei gave them. I don’t know if they will be satisfied.

Zhao State is stronger than Yan State, and the persimmon has to be soft. It is obviously more cost-effective to attack Yan State. Wang Yan bowed his head and was silent for a while, feeling that Han Fei’s words were reasonable!

Yan Dan discovered the clues: “The country of Yan is remote. Geographically speaking, it is impossible for the State of Qin to cross the State of Zhao to attack the State of Yan. Zhao is not a blind man. The State of Qin dares to attack the State of Yan. It is bound to send troops to rescue.”

It seems that Yan Dan is indeed not to be underestimated. When Ying Zheng and Lu Buwei and others discussed the next attacking country, they also considered the geographical position. He broke the secret in a single word, and this is a bit troublesome.

“Will Zhao Guo really come to help you? Yan Guo and Zhao Guo are feuds. It is still said that the prince has forgotten the humiliation in Zhao Guo before. King Zhao Miaoxiang must be very angry when he heard about the alliance between Yan and Qin. “Han Fei squinted, he was mocking Yan Dan.

Yan Dan felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard this. He was beaten out of Zhao Guo by a mess, even if someone knew it, no one would dare to speak directly in front of him, not to mention that he was a small envoy of the State of Qin! “Han Fei, You are looking for death!” Yan Dan was furious, and he wanted to kill Han Fei directly.

“Don’t forget the prince, Yan and Qin are allies.” Han Fei remained motionless, he deliberately provoked Yan Dan’s anger. factory,

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