Chapter 525 When I meet again, the flame is not the flame]

Now that he was discovered, he couldn’t escape. Yan Lingji had no choice but to take Wushuanggui to Chu Country. As soon as the two of them left the Baiyue Palace, they saw a group of Baiyue people surrounding the palace, not knowing what they were doing.

As soon as they saw Yan Lingji and Wushuanggui, they hurriedly saluted her, honoring her as Her Majesty the Queen.

Yan Lingji didn’t have any anxiety, let them get up calmly. These people have long been different from what Yingzheng saw when they first came to Baiyue Land. They are no longer the skinny and weak ones.

Today, Baiyue’s grain output is extremely rich. With the seeds given by the government, Baiyue no longer has to go hungry. All of these people are ruddy and healthy. Where is the slightest hungry look.

There are many young girls who are still dry and skinny. They admire Yan Lingji’s figure very much, thinking that Yingzheng likes this hot figure, and they also hope that they can one day let Yingzheng take a look.

“What are you doing here?” Yan Lingji asked these people 08, and they just got together and yelled. Could it be that something happened?

Some people stepped up to Beijing to report that they were looking at the new notice. After that, he pointed his finger to a place next to him.

Yan Lingji looked in the direction he was pointing, and the crowd consciously stepped away, revealing a piece of paper behind it, densely written on it, which was a newly posted notice. The land of Baiyue is not large and the population is not large. It is normal for the notice to be posted outside the palace. What is abnormal is the above content, which is a major event for the people of Baiyue. Yan Lingji looked curiously

Once again, it is the list of newly appointed officials.

Without exception, these officials were from Daqin and were appointed by Yingzheng. There is also an autograph by Yingzheng. Yan Lingji didn’t know anything about this announcement. All matters such as arranging officials were handled by winning the government, and she just had to be a queen with peace of mind.

The people are also curious, why Yan Lingji didn’t know about the newly appointed officials, but they didn’t dare to ask more. The queen is the queen, whoever dares to speak up is to question King Qin. They have always respected Yan Ling Ji.

Yingzheng ordered that the Baiyue area be divided into different counties and counties. Now this notice is to appoint new county magistrates to some places. The people of Baiyue are of course concerned about such things. Even if they don’t know who they are, they want to know their names first.

All the officials from Daqin are conscientious and caring for the people. For Baiyue people, it is not easy to be able to do this. But winning politics doesn’t think so. Those who are not capable will be replaced ruthlessly. No matter how small an official position is, there must be talented people. Since the Daqin imperial examination system, there is no shortage of talents for the establishment of schools.

Yan Lingji took a few glances and lost interest. It is more important to find a winning government. Turning around and preparing to leave, the pace was a little hurried, and almost loaded a car. What’s on this car is the iron ore that has just been mined. When winning the political theory of Baiyue, it was accidentally discovered that Baiyue had a lot of mineral deposits, especially iron ore.

So Baiyue mining also came into being, this kind of iron ore truck can be seen everywhere. This is exactly the corner of Baiyue’s prosperity. Yan Lingji didn’t care and continued to go to Chu Country. She wanted to tell Yingzheng about the prosperity of Baiyue, not knowing if he would be happy.

Soon after winning the government, he saw Yan Lingji in the Chu King’s Palace. As he expected, Yan Lingji had become more charming and charming, with more queen temperament. Her flame is no longer a weapon to protect herself, but to erode the flames of everyone around her. Let everyone who see her be deeply attracted by her beauty.

laugh. But she just left a scorching fire mark in people’s hearts and disappeared, leaving only pain and itch.

“I’m already a queen, and I still do things like a small head.” Ying Zheng looked at the appearance of Yan Ling Ji Fengchen, some blame and some concern: “I have made myself so hard, what about your king?”

Yan Lingji couldn’t wait to pounce into his arms when she saw the victory, but she still resisted. She wanted him to see a queen Yan Lingji, and from time to time a stupid yellow-haired girl. In the end, she was laughed at because she was in a hurry to come.

Ying Zheng stretched out his hand to Yan Ling Ji, of course the noble queen should be treated by the queen. Yan Lingji stretched out her hand blankly and placed it on Ying Zheng’s palm. Yingzheng took her, let her sit on his throne, while he stood in front of her.

Yan Lingji was flattered, and when she really talked about her status, winning politics is the real dignity. She looked up at Ying Zheng: “King Qin?”

“When you were in Baiyue, did you do this for the queen?” Yingzheng asked Yan Lingji jokingly. He remembered that when he was about to leave Baiyue, Yan Lingji had gradually shown his domineering king. He is looking forward to the amazing performance of Yan Ling Ji as the queen.

Yan Lingji was unwilling to show weakness and looked at Ying Zheng. After a while, she slowly leaned her back on the throne, with her legs naturally overlapping, she leaned her body slightly, and dragged her forehead with one hand. A proud smile appeared on his face. The queen’s temperament is undoubtedly revealed. Her domineering is not as tough and domineering as winning politics. It is a unique kind of arrogance and dignity, let the people obediently worship and obey.

Yingzheng smiled with satisfaction: “This is a bit like a queen 543.” He stretched out his hand to touch Yan Lingji’s cheek, her appearance was really seductive.

Yan Lingji blocked his hand and turned aside, and then hooked the hook towards Yingzheng. This action was both provocative and mocking. She did not speak, but the meaning was very clear. This is a call from the queen, which is enough to make the nations fall and the nations kneel down.

Ying Zheng bends down very cooperatively, leaning close to Yan Ling Ji. The distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

Yan Lingji provoked her chin to win politics. This action, which seemed to be teasing a beauty, is now being used in reverse. It is still facing the king of Qin, who is admired by the people. The lips and teeth clicked like a dragonfly, as if there was nothing.

Yan Lingji continued to “get an inch and a foot”, and asked Ying Zheng in a tactful voice: “When you left Baiyue, this king told you to think about this king, why do you not want to come to see this king? If you don’t obey the king’s order, just It should be dealt with according to the law.” Yan Lingji looked at the victory, and he didn’t hate her doing this, so she dared to continue.

“Then, according to Baiyue’s decree, how to deal with this?” The winning government paused, and he no longer claimed to be the king.

“The decree of Baiyue is naturally determined by the king.” Yan Lingji’s arm climbed onto the shoulders of Yingzheng. Let me be the king, and the first person to be punished is you.

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