Chapter 522 Only rubbish will be swept out]

Just when the two people hit it off, a messenger came in, not looking for Yan Dan. He whispered a few words beside King Zhao Miaoxiang.

King Zhao Miaoxiang’s face turned black for an instant, and he looked at Yan Dan in a fiercely angry manner. He stood up and pointed at him and said, “Come here, beat him out by the widows!”

Yan Dan didn’t understand what was going on. How did King Zhao Miaoxiang’s face change like the sky in June. Before he could react, he saw a group of guards with sticks coming in and waving the sticks. Just ready to fight.

He was also the crown prince of the Kingdom of Yan anyway, and it was really shameless to be treated like this in a foreign country.

The courtiers who did not know what had happened also thought that King Zhao Miaoxiang was so rude: “I don’t know why the king is so angry?” At the last moment, the two countries of Yan and Zhao may become alliances, and the next moment they will fight. The prince of Yan Guo sticks to each other, this is so much hatred and hatred.

Gao Jianli hurriedly got up and retreated the guards who were holding sticks. No one could act rashly until the words were clarified.

“Yan Dan! Few people see that you are dignified and talkative. He is a benevolent gentleman. Unexpectedly, you are only covered with a hypocritical skin, and you are basically a hypocritical hypocrite.” Zhao Miaoxiang angrily accused him. He was originally. I also admire Yan Dan.

“What does King Zhao say?” Yan Dan frowned, wondering why King Zhao Miaoxiang suddenly said this to him. Although he was unable to show his abilities, he has never used the three indiscriminate methods to do things like roaring and stealing. He pretends to be high-minded and upright, no one has ever said that to him.

Gao Jian was even more annoyed after hearing this: “His Royal Highness is well known to all people in the Kingdom of Yan. How come you will be misunderstood by the King Zhao when you arrive in the Kingdom of Zhao. Is the prince’s character bad or the King Zhao deliberately embarrassed him? What misunderstandings are there? It’s clarified.

The courtiers also nodded their heads, letting King Zhao Mouxiang discuss the matter. If Yan Dan really did something that cannot be forgiven, Yan Chunjun would stand on Zhao’s side.

King Zhao Miaoxiang’s anger was not quenched, and he said angrily: “Ask him, what good things Yan has done. The widow does not believe that he will not know that as the prince of Yan Guo!” ) Feeling like I have been tricked, talking with people about national affairs happily, but the other party is actually pregnant with a ghost. Most importantly, he almost delivered the entire country of Zhao.

Now, if the covenant is signed after the negotiation is concluded, he will be scared when he thinks of it.

Yan Dan didn’t know. Therefore, he was stunned by the words of King Zhao Miaoxiang, he didn’t know what happened to Yan State. He thought to himself that his father always loved to do things that hurt others and himself, so he wouldn’t hurt himself this time. “It has been a long time since Yan Dan has left the country of Yan during this trip. I don’t know what major events have happened in the country of Yan. I also ask Wang Zhao to make it clear.”

“It’s been a long time since you left? When can you go? Did you go to form an alliance with other countries before you came to Zhao country?” I was also overjoyed and felt that Yan Dan was acquainted with each other.

To blame, I can only blame the speed of winning the government too fast. I reacted early and sent envoys to lobby. Han Fei did not humiliate his mission and moved Yan Wangxi in just a few words.

Gao Jianli explained: “His Royal Highness is indeed the first to come to Zhao Kingdom. There is no doubt about this. However, we also intend to form alliances with other countries.” Otherwise, Yan and Zhao are in alliance instead of being ganged up. These are obviously with Zhao. Mourning King Xiang said why he was still so angry.

It’s a pity that his explanation is only getting darker and darker. To King Zhao Miaoxiang, what he meant was: Yan State and Qin State are allied, and then Zhao State and other countries are allied, so that Yan State will occupy both sides. Like a wall of grass, waiting for the right time to fall to the favorable side.

“If King Zhao didn’t understand the way of harmony in the palace, you can sit down and explain it again in this palace.” Yan Dan said in a good voice, as long as he can unite to the Zhao country, there is nothing to say before the weak. .

“Explanation? What else do you have to explain? Your country of Yan has already formed an alliance with the country of Qin!” King Zhao Miaoxiang pointed to Yan Dan’s nose: “Don’t be arrogant in front of the widow. I don’t know.”

Yan Dan was said to be stunned, and Yan is allied? Or is it with Qin? Whom is it not good to be in an alliance with Qin?

The faces of the courtiers of the Zhao State changed. When he heard the words Qin State, he immediately became alert. Unconsciously, he approached King Zhao Miaoxiang, hostile to Prince Dan.

What else Gao Jianli wanted to say, King Zhao Miaoxiang had completely refused to give him a chance: “Oh, Yan Dan, so happy King Yan! You Yan Guo just wants to play Zhao Guo between the palms of his hands.” He looked towards him. Those guards with sticks: “What are you doing in a daze, and beat them out with sticks!”

The guards also heard what King Zhao Mouxiang had said about the alliance between the State of Yan and the State of Qin, and they were all indignant. Greet up with a stick. As for the prince of the Kingdom of Yan, the only thing that can be swept out of the house is rubbish, and he is going to be “swept out” from the Zhao King’s Palace today.

Yan Dan and Gao Jianli could only hold their heads all the way and were beaten out embarrassedly. The matter of alliance is completely eroded.

After the two were driven out of the palace, the messenger from the country of Yan came up. Before he could speak, Yan Dan yelled angrily, “Go!” He didn’t want to hear the news anymore, it was terrible news. .

Gao Jianli asked Yan Dan at a loss what to do now, but Yan Dan couldn’t answer it for a while.

Yan State and Qin State formed an alliance, he was rejected by Zhao State. Going to other countries is the same result, and going to be humiliated in vain. Originally, Yan Guo had some contradictions with them, and he needed to be moved by emotion and reason in order to move. But once it got in touch with Qin State, it would be completely over. The other countries are not stupid. Qin and Yan are in alliance, and Yan is in alliance with them again. This is not

It means that they are an alliance with Qin. Victory should be destroyed or will be destroyed.

“Go! Go back to the country of Yan.” Yan Dan turned around and left after speaking. It would be useless to stay in the country of Zhao. Not only was there no hope of forming an alliance, but he also had to worry about things in the country of Yan. He had to go back immediately and ask his good father. Wang, what is going on with all this?

He is determined to win politics behind the scenes. I knew that winning politics would separate the four countries, but I didn’t expect to start with Yan Guo. .

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