Chapter 521 Huyou has everything]

Yan Wangxi was stunned by Han Fei. He felt as if something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell the specifics.

Han Fei suddenly said something that made him horrified: “I heard that King Yan ordered the prince to go to form an alliance with three other countries and want to unite against Qin?”

When Yan Wang heard this, his blood surged. Whether Han Fei knows or not is one thing, it’s another thing to ask him in person or not.

If you want to convince Yan Wangxi, you have to do both soft and hard. Now that the soft is over, it’s time for the hard. So that Han Feigang turned his head and left, and was moved by others.

“There is absolutely no such thing!” Yan Wangxi denied it, pushing the palm of his hand flat in front of him, and said righteous words.

“It is good if not, but if there is, I will persuade King Yan to stop soon.” Han Fei smiled and said, “As I said earlier, Yan and Qin are friends, while the other three The country and Qin are enemies. If Yan Guo intends to form an alliance with other countries, what will happen, King Yan himself knows.

There was a cold sweat behind Yan Wangxi, and he quickly promised that Han Fei would not form an alliance with other countries, and that Yan and Qin would make friends forever.

“How can a verbal promise come true? Don’t say whether King Qin will believe King Yan, I am afraid that King Yan has no bottom in his heart.” Han Fei saw that King Yan was indeed a wall of grass and would only fall on both sides. There must be something to restrain him.

King Yan thought for a while, he is indeed fickle, and even more fickle when winning politics. If Qin has dealt with the other three countries, and then bites Yan Guo, he will turn to someone to make sense at that time.

“Wang Qin will not want to leave the widow’s daughter to join the marriage.” Yan Wangxi frowned, he can remember the precedent of Han country.

Han Fei didn’t have the difficulty of a strong man, but asked Yan Wangxi to sign the covenant.

The covenant was drawn up quickly, but Yan Wang Xiding watched it for a long time, but didn’t move.

Han Fei knew that King Yan liked to be fickle, but he never thought that he was so fickle. After a while, he was already shaken. If this were to be slower, wouldn’t it have to change his mind?

In order to avoid long dreams at night, Han Fei urged King Yan to make decisions quickly. After moving out of the title of winning politics and threatening him later, King Qin was impatient.

Yan Chunjun on the side also persuaded King Yan to sign. His position of power in Yan is enough for him to enjoy, and he doesn’t want to provoke victory in politics. If Yingzheng is unhappy to attack the Kingdom of Yan, then he will instantly become ordinary civilians like the nobles of the Kingdom of Han and Chu. That kind of life is really terrible.

Yan Wangxi couldn’t bear the double-sided attack of the two men, so he had to sign a covenant.

A fluttering piece of paper arrived in Han Fei’s hands. He read it several times and put it away with satisfaction after making sure that there were no problems.

With this paper covenant, Yan can be restrained. Want to get together? No way!

Han Fei was still a little worried, and reminded Han Wangan by tapping on the side. After a while, I asked which country the prince went to? When did he come back? After a while, I asked how the people of Yan are living?

Yan Wangxi answered these questions, feeling like he was facing an abyss, walking on thin ice. Just thinking about sending Han Fei away quickly, and then summoning Prince Dan back immediately. Let him stop having trouble outside.

In the end, Han Fei left the country of Yan. After Yan Wangxi sent him away, he let out a breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. This time Han Fei said that he was here to form an alliance, but pressed him every step of the way. The questions were more tricky than the other, and he couldn’t speak directly when asked.

But he didn’t regret the alliance with Qin State, and he was even a little excited. With such a backing as Qin State, what kind of indulgence is it? Just guard Yan Guo steadily.

Following in the footsteps of Han Fei’s departure, the person who sent the order also set off immediately, and the order passed was the order of King Yan to recall the Prince Dan.

At this moment, the Yandan people were already in the country of Zhao, and they also met with King Zhao Miaoxiang together with Gao Jianli.

King Zhao Mouxiang happily received them when he heard the prince of Yan Kingdom come. As long as it is not from Qin, everything is easy to say. What he is doing is boring, but he is willing to accept anything that is not bad.

Yan Dan received the warm hospitality of King Zhao Miaoxiang, and sat in front of him with Gao Jianli. The courtiers of Zhao Guo were also present, and several people were chatting. Prince Dan did not shy away from talking about the alliance. He first explained the prosperity of the Qin State, so that King Zhao Mourianxiang had a sense of crisis.

In fact, even if he didn’t do this, King Zhao Miaoxiang would hate Qin State to his bones. He had long wanted to get rid of it and quickly, and he couldn’t wait to participate in matters dealing with Qin State.

Under the light of winning politics, all the young generations of the six countries appear small and weak, and he is the only one who shines like a moon. The stars next to the moon are always dim. Thanks to Yingzheng, Prince Dan rarely has a chance to show his ambitions. Even if he makes some political views in Yan State, he may be directly driven out by Yan Wangxi.

This made him feel distressed. This time when I arrived in the country of Zhao, I had a conversation with King Zhao Miaoxiang. For the first time, he felt that his thoughts were so valued. After a long time, countless words took root in his chest.

So that he kept talking endlessly. He said the hatefulness of Qin, the cruelty of winning the government, and the cunning and lust. Hearing that King Zhao Mouxiang nodded his heads in recognition, if the two of them hadn’t taken into account their identities, they would have cursed.

Yan Dan also said that Yan and Zhao’s national powers were carefully analyzed from various aspects, and the final conclusion was: Yan’s national power is stronger than Zhao’s.

King Zhao Miaoxiang picked up the wine glass and drank it, and blamed everything on the winning government. If it weren’t for him to attack, the state of Zhao would still be the state of Zhao before. Can also contend with Qin State.

Yan Dan didn’t mention the affairs of King Zhao Xiaocheng and King Zhuang Xiang, but just agreed. Acknowledge all the words that King Zhao Miaoxiang said, and coax him comfortably (Li?) to say the next thing.

The reason why Yan Dan guided King Zhao Miaoxiang in this way was nothing more than to lead to the next alliance and indulgence, so that he felt that Zhao country needed to depend on Yan country to avoid the oppression of Qin country, so that it would be easy to talk.

The foolish King Zhao Mouxiang did not hear the deep meaning in the words, and he himself felt that Zhao Guo was very weak. Isn’t it a weak point to be made like this by Qin?

In fact, Zhao Guoguo was punishable by Qin State, but he might not be rectified by Yan State. Zhao Guo and Yan Guo are not necessarily strong and weak in comparison. King Zhao Miaoxiang was deceived by Yan Dan.

As he talked, Yan Dan talked about the alliance: “Once Zhao Guo is in trouble, both Qi and Wei will be Chu soldiers face to face, including Yan Guo will also support them. Together, we will block Qin. This is the only survival. The way, 々. ”

When Wang Zhao Miaoxiang heard it, he felt that it made sense! The two reached a consensus in an instant. .

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