Chapter 523 Do you know what loneliness is?]

Yan Dan went all the way back to the country of Yan in anger. He had endured it for long enough. This time, he had to say anything to make the country of Yan sever the alliance with the country of Qin. He has always been subject to Yan Wangxi. Because of his status as the prince, he dare not fight against Yan Wangxi. He only dared to come to the soft, and never had a hard time.

But this time he couldn’t bear it anymore. When I wanted to become the prince of the government, everyone who was in the limelight was known to everyone. The throne passed to him.

But how could he, the prince, be so useless, and he could still be stabbed behind him by his father. I really don’t know if he is clever enough to win politics or his father is stupid enough.

When Yan Dan returned to the country of Yan, he immediately met with Yan Wangxi. When he met, he asked furiously: “Father! What do you mean? In the court, he has agreed to the union of the children and the ministers, and the children are also willing to serve the Yan. The country tried its best to persuade the nations to form an alliance. But as soon as Erchen left, the father turned his head to form an alliance with Qin. Isn’t this a place of injustice?”

Yan Wangxi calmly drank a glass of wine, and then slowly put down the glass after a leisurely aftertaste. He couldn’t do anything else, and his ability to sell his son was not small. He told Yan Dan not to get excited, because he did it with difficulties.

“As the leader of a country, the father and king can still be untrustworthy in what he said in the courtroom. How can he win the trust of the world in the future?” Yan Dan’s face was flushed with excitement and his neck was thick. stand up.

“What’s the use of credit? Do you think that the politician is credited? Qin is not so strong. Whether he can win the trust of the world, he doesn’t care at all.” Wang Yan said with a smile, as if mocking Yan Dan. young.

Yan Dan was choked for a while, still reluctant to say: “Let’s not talk about dishonesty. My father once thought that if he did this when he was on an envoy, he would be killed directly by Zhao Wang. Father Wang Zhi Erchen’s life and death Regardless, what should I say?”

“If you don’t enter the tiger’s lair, you won’t be a tiger, you are the prince of the country of Yan, Zhao Wang dare not do what about you.” Yan Wangxi looked at Yan Dan’s eyes a little contempt, he had long been dissatisfied with his own prince. Every time Qin State bullied Yan State, he was thinking, if the victory was his own son, it would be Yan State’s grandson.

Although Yan Dan was courageous and strategic, he was unable to win politics at every turn. Yan Wangxi was unwilling to let him do it, he himself firmly grasped Yan’s power and did not let go. If Yan Dan can make a difference like winning politics, maybe he can gradually let go of power, but unfortunately he doesn’t. Just like this time, it will still end in defeat.

Yan Dan has already seen Yan Wangxi’s unfeeling, saying that the tiger poison does not eat its children, but Yan Wangxi is not like that. Yan Dan even wondered if he was born with him.

Without feeling Yan Dan’s despair, Yan Wangxi still said silently in his heart: If the prince dies in Zhao Kingdom, he can take this opportunity to fight against Zhao Kingdom, and at that time, he can use the power of Qin Kingdom to break through Zhao Kingdom together. , I don’t know how much benefit can be gained.

“Father, do you know how dangerous Yan is going to be in an alliance with Qin? The sons and ministers have said that if you want Yan to be safe, he can only go along the same road, but the father gave up on his own initiative.” Yan Dan sighed. With a deep breath, he dropped his hands and shook his head. Just as Yan Wangxi couldn’t understand him, he couldn’t understand Yan Wangxi’s methods.

Yan Wangxi sneered: “Hmph, ignorance. Qin is so powerful, I don’t have a deep hatred between Yan and Qin, but we have a lot of friction with other countries. Instead of trying to persuade the countries, the prince should directly accept Qin’s. Forming an alliance is easier.”

Yan Dan was about to be vomiting blood with joy by the King Yan. If you think about it, you will know that Qin can’t come to the Kingdom of Yan for no reason, and Qin and Yan have no deep hatred. If you deceive a child, King Yan can believe it. ? The State of Yan is a stumbling block on the road to unification of the Qin State, and one day it will be eradicated.

So there is no deep hatred now, there will be in the future!

When Yan Dan asked about the specific details of the alliance, he became even more angry. He used a form of alliance to say that the alliance should be formed, which is not reliable at all. I don’t want to think about precedents, but the country Han just married a princess and formed an alliance with the country Qin.

A thin piece of paper can be used by the Qin State to restrain the Yan State, but it cannot be used by the Yan State to restrain the Qin State. Strength is the key to everything. It is unreasonable to win the government and start the war. Qin State will tear this piece of paper when it is said to be torn, but Yan State dare not tear it.

0……Look for flowers…

Yan Wangxi was still thinking that he would receive Qin’s blessing if he formed an alliance with the State of Qin. All this is an illusion of winning the government and deceiving others. It was just to restrain Yan from forming alliances with other countries.

“The prince don’t think too much about it. After the alliance with Qin, other countries dare not treat me like Yan.” Yan Wangxi showed a smug smile on his face. He felt that winning the government should be able to experience this feeling from time to time. It is great to live aloof, not afraid of any treacherous dangers, and to live a carefree life.

In fact, the country of Yan is not weak, even if it does not form an alliance with the country of Qin, they will not be defeated by other countries. It just changed from “do not dare to take Yan Guo easily” to “do not dare to take Yan Guo”. The actual benefits were not as big as he thought.


“Why father is so stupid, winning politics is not at all well-intentioned. Other countries dare not take what happened to Yan State, but Yan State cannot take it to them. Alliance cannot form an alliance, and attack cannot be attacked. Yan State has been completely isolated. “Yes.” Yan Dan was extremely angry but not angry, with a calm and sad tone. When the nations see the alliance between Yan and Qin, it is equivalent to completely crushing the others.

The hope of alliances among nations.

“Why can’t you attack?” King Yan was stunned. He also hoped that when Yan Guo attacked other countries, he could get the help of winning the government.

“Didn’t my father see that the book of alliance only states that we will fight against foreign enemies together with the country of Yan, without mentioning the attack on other countries. Winning the government at that time will only say that this is a war that the country of Yan is asking for, and it is impossible to send reinforcements. Come.” Even if the country of Yan was defeated and was counter-attacked to destruction by other countries, it had nothing to do with winning the government.

Yan Wangxi suddenly realized that he grabbed the alliance book and took a look at it. It was exactly what Yan Dan said. He closed his eyes in pain and slapped his forehead. It was all because Han Fei was too cunning. Yan Chunjun urged him to make such a mistake.

What to do now, there is no way. Yan Guo was so confused by the winning government to make fun of it.

He was indeed very happy. When Han Fei brought back the news of Yan’s alliance with the State of Qin, he also sent back the news that Yan Dan was humiliated in the State of Zhao. Yingzheng and the courtiers couldn’t help laughing three times. factory,

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