Chapter 511 New weapon]

The army of the State of Qin was coming so fiercely. King Chu Kaorie and Huang Huangxie did not expect that Yingzheng had sent so many people, a total of 300,000 people, looking down from the tower, it was so dark that they could not see the army at a glance. The end.

“When did so many people come to my country of Chu?” King Chu Kaolie stammered. He really couldn’t imagine that winning politics would be so heroic. When Chu State went to attack Han State, it was only a 100,000 army, and he actually tripled it directly.

Huang Xie was very frightened. The number was far beyond his expectation. He thought that Daqin would come at most 230,000. He suddenly came down, thinking that Chu had enough troops, but there were no Qin soldiers brave enough to fight. Unexpectedly, they had long lost in numbers, but he didn’t know it. Huang Xie can’t answer

The question of King Chu Kaolie was blinded by the large number of Qin troops.

King Chu Kaorie swallowed his mouth water and said to Huang Xie: “This battle can only be dragged.” As long as it is dragged, it is a victory. King Chu Kaorie didn’t want to die yet, he had to make the last struggle.

“The king is right, you must hold it back.” Having said that, Huang Xie was muttering in his heart. Not to mention procrastination, this formation is not bad if Chu’s soldiers don’t run away.

The two of them didn’t know what to do for a while, and completely lost the ability to command the army. They were afraid that 300,000 Great Qin soldiers would swarm by the first order of the king.

However, Wang Jian was not in a hurry, and was not in a rush to attack the city. He and Chu’s army and the generals Huang Huangxie and Chu Kaolie Wang Yao wanted to look at each other, and shouted: “This general can’t bear to fight and fight, and his souls are disheartened. . Give you a chance, as long as you are willing to surrender, His Majesty King Qin will not embarrass you. “Even if you struggle hard, it will not help you.

When Huang Xie and King Chukaolie heard of a chance, their eyes lit up, but when they heard of surrender, they became frustrated again. Seeking hope in winning politics is simply whimsical. Huang Xie saw that King Chu Kaolie remained silent and did not dare to act rashly. His eyes were fixed on Daqin’s 300,000 army, and he seemed to have hallucinations in front of him, always feeling that they were about to rush up.

“My lord, do we want to surrender…” “Huang Xie whispered a test, and he didn’t know what to do, so he could only let King Chu Kaolie decide.

“Bastard!” King Chu Kaolie felt Huang Xie’s retreat, and immediately shouted, “If you surrender, Chu State will be gone. Have you ever thought about it? You can’t vote, and you must not vote.”

Wang Jian couldn’t wait for King Chu Kaorie’s reply, which means he refused. So ordered: “Bring up the gun cart!”

After the soldiers got the order, they worked together to push a few strange things up. King Chukaolee and Huang Xie poked their heads out, not knowing what they were going to do and what this thing was.

These are exactly the things that took five months to win the government and carefully studied with the Sanmo giants and others. There are six in total, two each of the artillery cart, the dump truck and the ballista. Because their structures and functions are not the same, the appearance is also different.

The core of the artillery cart is gunpowder. It took two months for the giants of Sanmo to blast in the open space that won the political plan before adjusting the gunpowder formula so that it could be used in war. The main body of the artillery cart is a black tube, one big end and the other small, the big end is equipped with a good gunpowder, and then a lead is inserted from the small eye on the outside, this lead

Like a wick, it can bring sparks into gunpowder.

There are specially rounded stones as “cannonballs”. The size of the shell is the same as the caliber of the smaller one. After the fuse is ignited with fire, the gunpowder inside will explode as soon as it is ignited by fire, and the powerful thrust generated will push the “cannonball” out. It can fly as far as hundreds of miles.

The shell is also specially made. The inside is filled with gunpowder, and a lead is extended from the outside. The heat generated by the explosion of the gunpowder inside will ignite the lead. The lead is long enough to allow the shell to explode after it hits the ground. Gunpowder is not a joke. It is powerful, spreads in a wide range, and has strong lethality. Place it next to a whole boulder and it can be blown into gravel directly. not to mention

It is a mortal person.

After using it once, the gun carriage will become extremely hot. You must wait for the gun body to cool down before it can be used for the second time. When it is used again, it needs to be replaced with new gunpowder. Repeat the previous action again.

The gun body can be adjusted, although it is heavy, two soldiers can move it together. Depending on the angle, the fired shells will also hit different directions. The farther the distance, the smaller the power, the greater the error will be. At present, it is the best way to attack in a parallel straight line.

Different from the straight line of the artillery cart, the drapery cart is specially created for curved attack. The dump truck is much larger than the artillery cart, and the structure is clear at a glance. There are two parts in the front and rear. The real “killer” is placed at the back. There is a rod connected in the middle, and the front is connected with dense ropes. The number is very large. This is also the drawback of the stone dumper, because

Because there is no gunpowder as a driving force, manpower and springs are needed to launch the stones.

The spring was jointly researched by the giants of Sanmo. It uses a kind of flexible steel as the raw material. After it is installed on the catapult, it has the same effect as gunpowder and serves as the driving force of the catapult.

Although not as powerful as artillery, the rappel is also a weapon of siege, and the stones thrown out are also the most important. If you can hold the quasi-center and throw stones at the pile of people, the lethality can reach a hundred people. This weapon also has another purpose. It can throw stones directly into the city when the city gate is not broken. The curved attack trajectory can directly ignore the front.

Obstacles, smashed on the heads of the resisting soldiers behind the city gate. The huge (Li Haohao) big rock will cause a strong impact on the building after the acceleration falls downward. Smashing houses, roads, and even city walls is not a problem.

The city gate and the city wall are the last bottom line in the siege. If the city gate and the city wall are broken, the consequences can be imagined. In order to open the gates of the city, artillery carts and dumping carts came into being.

In addition to these two types of siege vehicles, there is also a ballista, which does not look as mighty and domineering as a gun cart, nor is it as large as a stone dump truck. The structure of the ballista looks very simple, but its power is not small.

If the artillery cart and the dump truck are opposed to city vehicles, then the ballista is opposed to military vehicles. Although the name is a ballista, it fires a spear, like an enlarged version of an “arrow”. The power is huge, and it can explode out of ten thousand catties. It is a straight attack like the artillery car, and the damage to the building is not as good as the artillery car and the stone dumper, but if it is used according to the army, the effect will be different.

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