Chapter 510 I don’t know yet when the catastrophe is imminent]

Once the railway was repaired, Winning knew that the opportunity was coming, and directly declared war on Chu State.

King Chu Kaolie heard: “What? Qin is going to beat me Chu, which way is crazy to win the government? This king didn’t ask him to provoke him, so why fight Chu. How is the situation now?” King Chu Kaolie started. Thinking about asking that country to help.

He did not expect the soldiers to tell him: “Qin’s army is already at the border of Chu.

This made King Chu Kaolie very scared: “Isn’t winning the government only declared war on Chu State this morning? How could it be possible that the soldiers had already come to the city in the afternoon? No way, even if you have been prepared to win the government, it will not be so fast.”

But the fact is like this. King Chu Kaorie’s vitality surged in an instant, and his face flushed anxiously: “This bunch of rubbish, widows keep you stationed at the border. It must be that you only know how to eat, drink and play, and don’t care about war at all. I only found out when I got to the city. What is the use for you?” Qin’s army was like a change out of thin air, and arrived under the city without knowing it.

08. King Chu Kaolie rejoiced in his heart that the victory did not launch a surprise attack, otherwise the Kingdom of Chu would have to lose several cities.

Of course it wasn’t because he was stupid to win the government, nor was he showing mercy. It’s just not necessary. He also had to let King Chu Kaorie take a good look at the letter before he could attack.

As soon as King Chu Kaolie opened the letter, he thought he had read it wrong, and asked the soldiers sharply, “Is this really a letter written by King Qin Yingzheng?”

The soldier was sorry for being asked, but he didn’t know why King Chu Kaorie asked so, so he nodded like garlic.

After ignoring the crooked painting, King Chukollie saw the big characters of Yingzheng and immediately understood what he meant. He threw the letter on the ground angrily, and stomped his feet fiercely: “Okay, you win the government, and you want the widow to make amends personally. It’s impossible!” If he goes, will he still live?

“Go! Rescue soldiers for the widows immediately!” King Chu Kaolie yelled for the soldiers to send orders. There was no preface in the words, but he only knew that he was yelling for help.

The soldier said with a bitter face: “Which country is the king asking for help?” Now that the soldiers are approaching the city, even a carrier pigeon can’t fly out. If you ask for help, you can only blaze a trail.

“Any country is fine, let them all come to save the widows of the Kingdom of Zhao and Wei!” King Chu Kaolie was exhausted. Yesterday, he was still in the harem for joy and joy. Tonight, he sleeps with sweet jade, and dreams of himself in his dream. The world is dominated, and even Yingzheng knelt at his feet. I didn’t expect to hear the news of winning the government and declare war in the morning, before he thought about how to deal with it.

Had he reached the door of the house? This made him unacceptable anyway.

King Chu Kaorie originally thought that the win-government development is just right, and other countries will certainly not sit idly by. When the time comes, it will be time to see if the win-government can challenge the countries alone.

But I didn’t expect to come so soon. If other countries send troops to rescue, I’m afraid I will have to go directly to the State of Qin to collect his body.

“You go and tell Huang Xie! Let him supervise the battle. In any case, you must drag your soldiers in, not let them in, you can guard, and you will not attack until the army of the countries arrives!” Even Xiang Xiang Yan is dead, and there are still people in his Chu Kingdom who can use it. It doesn’t matter if you can’t win this battle. As long as Qin can be held back, we can definitely wait for other countries to react

Come here, when the aid from the nations arrives, Chu will be able to turn defeat into victory. Ying Zhengxiu wants his life.

Dragging is victory.As soon as King Chu Kaorie gave his order, Huang Xie immediately led his troops to the border. This time Chu State mobilized all his troops and brought them all to the defense. Can block the way Qin Jun advances.

Different from the anxiety of King Chu Kaorie, Huang Xie was full of spring all the way, and he utterly spoken out in the army: “The king is really too weak. If you only defend but not attack, can it be called a war? Look at our army. How many people are there. Huh?” The army marched forward without delay. They didn’t understand what Huang Xie meant. They just looked at the people next to them dumbly.

“You are really stupid, don’t you see such a mighty army.” Huang Xie said annoyedly: “There is a saying called “You will be out, you are not immune to your life.” You should have heard it. When it comes to the battlefield, you will listen to me. I let you in as you go in, and I let you chase as you go. Understand?”

Someone in the army whispered: “I heard that King Qin killed a hundred thousand army, why did the general send us to die? Ming Ming has already said that only offensive is not defended.” Many of them were captured by strong men and marched into the army. Yes, many people are on the battlefield for the first time. They know the great achievements of winning politics, and they are afraid of death. I don’t want to attack at all, I just want to be good

Just keep Zhao Guo.

Huang Xie roared loudly: “You guys, you can do what this Jingjun says. Do you know that the military order is like a mountain, if I find someone running away, all military law will deal with it.” The army was silent, the soldiers. We all walked forward with our heads down a little bit. Their reluctance in 533 is only known by every inch of land under their feet.

It was not King Qin’s victory or the soldiers of Da Qin who ruined their lives, but Huang Xie’s arrogance and arrogance. From the moment he ignored King Chu Kaolie’s order to only defend and not attack, he was doomed to annihilate the entire army. .

But what brought hope to the soldiers of Chu State was also King Chu Kaorie, whose king was finally reliable at the last moment. King Chu Kaorie was anxiously anxious in the palace. He was afraid of something wrong, so he rushed to the border anxiously. No matter what the chariot, he caught up with Huang Xie and the army all the way. This battle is about the life and death of Chu State. King Chu Kaolie is not

Want to sit still, he must personally guard the border.

He thought it would be useful to do so. He is not a winner in politics, he can block thousands of troops with one person.

Huang Xiezhi went to the battlefield triumphantly, thinking that he could not only hold down Da Qin’s offensive, but even defeat them head-on. He concealed his ambition firmly, and only waited for the fight before he performed well in front of King Chukollie.

At this time, the spies came to report: “Wang Jian led a 300,000 army to kill!”

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