Chapter 512 artillery】

The biggest driving force of the ballista is also the spring. If this kind of thing is pushed back fiercely, a strong force will be released when it is released. In order to strengthen the power of the ballista, the Sanmo giant made the spring part more than an adult. The waist of the soldier is thicker, and the use of a ballista also requires multiple sturdy soldiers to work together.

The effort is directly proportional to the benefit, and the strength of a few people can be exchanged for the enemy’s deaths and injuries. At first, Yingzheng wanted to toss these things, not only to make Qin invincible on the battlefield, but also to pity the soldiers of Qin, not to increase the casualties.

Fight the most beautiful battle with the fewest soldiers. It is not only the quality of the soldiers, but also the advanced weapons. This is the effect that wins the dignitaries. No matter how overbearing the Emperor of Heaven’s sword is, it is ultimately only a weapon in his hand. He wants to build a weapon of war for the Qin State, not for him to be strong alone, but for the entire Qin State to become stronger.

The siege vehicle was in place, and the rest was Wang Jian’s siege command.

King Chu Kaolie and Huang Xie looked at each other, wondering what tricks Qin was doing. Only 300,000 troops rushed up together, and they would be able to flatten the Chu State, so why bother to engage in these bells and whistles.

This was specially ordered by Yingzheng to be applied to the Battle of Extinguishing Chu. There were also a few specialized bookboys who followed the army of 300,000. All they had to do was to feed back the performance and problems of the siege vehicle in the war to the winning government. It is convenient to make changes after winning the government.

With six siege vehicles placed in front of the army, Qin’s soldiers suddenly became morale. They couldn’t wait to fight and tore the Kingdom of Chu to pieces. Wang Jian waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

The soldiers in charge of the artillery began to act immediately. They worked together to aim the two artillery carts at the gate of the Chu border, and the other two quickly filled the gunpowder. The actions were well-trained and clean. After they left, two more people came up to fill in the ammunition. After doing this, the soldier next to him immediately backed away, leaving only one soldier standing behind the artillery cart.

After Wang Jian gave the order, the two soldiers lit the fuse together, and as soon as the fire started, they immediately stepped back.

King Chu Kaolie and Huang Xie faintly saw a few Qin soldiers moving on the wall, but they didn’t know what they were doing. They looked curiously at the black cannon. The scene that followed (aibd) scared them to death.

Sparks burned into the small hole, followed by a loud noise. The two shells hit the city gate accurately, directly smashing two deep pits. The only sound of a shell fell at the gate of the city. This shock shocked the bodies of the Chu soldiers who were blocking the door behind them, especially those in the front, feeling that their bones had been shattered.

King Chu Kaorie and Huang Xie let out a long sigh of relief, but fortunately they didn’t break the city gate. It seems that the car is nothing great.

The really wonderful thing about the artillery car is still behind. The leads of the two artillery shells burned and made a small sound. The soldier behind the city gate pressed his ear to it, wondering what it was. The fuse burned out and there were two loud noises.

King Chu Korlie and Huang Xie stood on the tower and were all fluctuated. The sky shook for a while. King Chu Korlie couldn’t even stabilize his figure. He caught Huang Xie in a hurry and didn’t fall. They were so close, the eyes were stunned by the sound of the bomb explosion, and the ears were as painful as they were deaf. The yellow sand dust that was raised also rushed toward them. King Chu Korlie closed his eyes tightly

Jing, waving his sleeves randomly, trying to disperse the yellow sand.

With the yellow sand and dust scattered, King Chu Kaolie immediately reacted. This was the power generated by the things that Qin Jun threw over. Standing on the top of the city, he was affected, and the soldiers guarding behind the city gate can be imagined. King Chukollie looked over eagerly, wondering if the city gate had been destroyed. His heart was pulled together, and he kept praying not to be broken.

When he saw that the city gate was still there, he finally let go of his hanging heart. You can continue to defend without being broken.

But, how long can it stay?

After the explosion just now, the city gate has loosened. There were cracks all around, especially the bottom, which had been blown up to a pulp. Vaguely you can see the legs and feet of the soldiers guarding the city inside.

“They don’t have this kind of weapon anymore.” Huang Xie’s words seemed to be addressed to King Chu Kaorie, or to himself. The power of the moment is so terrible, if there is any, the city gate will be broken.

While Wang Jian was waiting for the artillery truck to cool down, he ordered the dump truck to prepare. It will be a matter of time before the city gate is breached. As many Chu soldiers can be destroyed here, so as not to cause trouble after the attack.

The soldiers had to order the latter to work together to move the huge stones to the platform behind the dump truck. There were also seven or eight big rocks beside them, which were brought by other soldiers as spares. The drappers could only use ordinary rocks.

The soldiers in front gripped the rope tightly, and when the environment was filled, they shouted slogans and pulled the rope vigorously. With the force of traction, the spring began to work and threw the stone out.

The stone flew up at an exaggerated angle, and then slammed straight into the gate of Chu State.

The wave of attacks had just subsided, and the soldiers inside the gate of Chu State hadn’t figured out what had happened. A huge rock appeared above them, and they looked up. The huge boulder was blocked from the sun and cast only a shadow. Under the shadow, the soldiers of Chu were crushed to pieces.

This is just the power of one stone, another stone was thrown away, farther than the previous one. It didn’t hit anyone, but hit the city. A big hole was smashed into the city in an instant.

King Chu Korlie was dumbfounded, but he didn’t expect this thing to be so terrible. With the power of thousands of people, it is impossible to throw such a heavy stone out, how did Qin State do it?

Huang Xie trembled and asked, “My lord, it seems that Qin’s attack came with a magic weapon. What are we going to do?”

King Chu Kaorie heard this question, and an unnamed fire broke out in his heart. He sent Huang Xie to supervise the battle, and now he came back to ask what to do. “Hold it firmly and put arrows from the city wall to destroy those cars!” Without the chariots, Chu can create an advantage.

The archers on the city wall took orders and launched a counterattack. They narrowed their eyes and tried their best to aim at the six cars, and a shower of arrows shot out.

None of them. The range of Chu’s bow and arrows was simply not enough, and the siege vehicles were far away. No matter how accurate the arrow was, it couldn’t stand the range enough, and it fell to the ground before it hit the siege vehicle.

Wang Jian rode on the horse without even moving, smiling at the bow and arrow in front of him: “I can’t even touch it, so what about destruction?”

At this time, King Chu Kaolie was more than half chilled. .

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