Chapter 509 The next unlucky place]

Five months have passed away in a hurry, the cold winter has passed, and the summer season is about to begin. Ying Zheng repaired the railway to Han country. Using this route to transport supplies is much faster than horses. The car is also very large, and it can transport a large amount of materials at a time. Of course, the most important thing is to be durable, which can ensure the continuous transportation of materials and resources. People in Han country saw the railway

At that time, they were shocked. They didn’t know what it was used for at first, until they unloaded a bunch of good things from this railway, they realized that this is not the road, this is the winning hand, and they can get the things. Hand from Han country.

And the person who was cherished by the people of Han, just let Zhao Gao coax Honglian away and go to the cabinet alone. Han Fei, Li Si, Lu Buwei and others have long been waiting here. There is an important “five-three-three” meeting to tell them about winning politics. The three also felt that the matter was of great importance. In the past five months, they have been worrying about Qin’s affairs day and night, except for the railway.

In addition, there is another thing. They have guessed that the victory will send troops to attack other countries and continue his grand plan of dominating the world.

I just don’t know which country is so lucky next.

“Chu State.” Ying Zheng said. It was a simple decision, the next unlucky place.

Han Fei lowered his head and pondered: “What the king said is right, Chu is the best country to attack now. It is more vulnerable than Wei.”

Li Si also echoed: “Yes, Chu country lost 100,000 people in han country in vain, and their military strength has been weakened a lot. And our Qin country is strong enough to easily destroy them.” “Chu country ten. The defeat of Ten Thousand Soldiers in the State of Qin’s 3000 Soldiers was still talked about even after so long. Li Si smiled and said, “I’m afraid this matter will be left in history.

Ten thousand years. ”

Lu Buwei didn’t care about the difference between strength and weakness: “Then King Chu Kaolie had been arrogant for so long, so he should be punished. Besides, his son, what Xiong Ti was called, died in the hands of the king, so you can’t guarantee Chu Chu. King Kaolie will bear a grudge, and after the Chu army is repaired, he will probably attack Da Qin. In this case, it is better for us to preemptively and directly destroy the Chu Kingdom.

The wolf ambition of King Chu Kaolie. ”

Other ministers also nodded in agreement. Presumably other countries, Chu State is indeed the most worthy country to attack now. The former State of Chu always had a place on the battlefield because of its bravery and good fighting skills. It is really embarrassing to win so much and become so weak. But sigh and go sigh, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an eternal truth.

After deciding on the State of Chu, there are other problems. Han Fei frowned and thought. In terms of strength, Chu did not have a way to compete with Qin, but if other countries joined forces, it would be hard to say: “Prince King, if Chu asks for help from other countries, it will be difficult for them to join forces to deal with it.” In the second time when the six countries were united, only Chu sent troops to attack Qin, and other countries were at a loss

King Chu Kaolie could use this to say something, and let other countries send troops to rescue Chu State.

Qin is the public enemy of the other five countries. They will not allow Qin to destroy Chu. That will only make Qin more and more powerful. The threat to them is getting bigger and bigger. The problem is here. Other countries send troops, and Qin’s troops are not enough to disperse support. Not to mention the defeat at that time, they may come back and cause countless damages.

Li Si acknowledged Han Fei’s worries: “Yes, this is indeed a big problem. To prevent this from happening. We must send the army over in a short time and directly attack the border of Chu State without giving it to Chu State. Reaction time.” Just like the easiest way to kill a person is to cut your throat with a sword.

Gu Zhiyou.

Yingzheng nodded and said: “It is true.” Yingzheng looked at the official in charge of the Ministry of Industry and motioned to him.

Only then did the Ministry of Industry official react. He has been busy building the railway for the past five months. Isn’t this just the time when the railway is showing its power? It will take half a month to get to Korea. With the three thousand tiger and wolf army, Daqin will not be disadvantaged.”

Yingzheng smiled with satisfaction: “How?”

What else. Don’t be polite, just hit! Hit hard!

Everyone originally thought that the railway was built to communicate the materials of the Han country, and the gunpowder was prepared for the war. 0 Unexpectedly, the victory government actually used the railway as a dual purpose. The railway can transport things, and of course it can also carry people. The speed of troops dispatched is much faster. Moreover, the State of Chu didn’t know what the railway was.

They can’t find it. Without knowing it, the army of three thousand tigers and wolves will approach the city.

In this way, I am afraid that when Ying Zheng said that he would fight Chu State, he had already planned everything. Han Fei, Li Si and others all knew it well, and looked at winning politics with a clear face, and the discussion was false and the arrangement was true.

Victory has now completed the formation, just waiting for the day when the railway is completely completed. Before everything was ready, King Chu Korlie, who was still living in peace and tranquility, had no idea that the danger had arrived.

In the imperial study room, Gulian was once again entangled with the winning government. She grinds and writes for him and asks what the winning government wants to write. Honglian’s handwriting is too naive compared to winning the government, but winning the government is not disgusting. If there is any simple thing, she will give her the handwriting. “This letter is interesting. Gulian must think about it. This king wants a person to come to Xianyang Palace to apologize, Honglianjue

Just write it as it should. ”

Gu Lian put the end of the pen against her lower lip, her eyes tilted up unconsciously, and the tip of her nose hummed a tail sound: “This is 1.3, you have to think about it.” After thinking about it for a long time, she seemed to think of something suddenly. Similarly, spread the paper and splash ink on it. That’s right, she didn’t write this letter in words, and drew a picture crookedly: Qin’s city wall

There was a little man kneeling in front of him, and there was an arrow behind the city wall. Below is pointing to two little people holding hands, one is majestic and the other is charming and charming. After finishing the painting, she triumphantly showed it to Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng smiled and said: “The painting is good, but the king Chu Kaorie is stupid and may not understand it.” After saying that, he added a few words to the paper. The pen is powerful, and it is distinct from the naive painting. Compared.

Soon this letter, together with three thousand tiger and wolf soldiers, arrived in front of King Chu Kaorie. .

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