Chapter 508 You see that the road is long and straight]

When the winning political memorial was criticized, Honglian also stayed on, leaning on the winning political body until the review was completed. At this point, Zhao Gao was grateful to Honglian. Winning the government was always afraid of waking Honglian, so he reduced Zhao Gao’s reprimand.

Some of the memorials are all about the migration of the people. The more people from the five countries come, the more welcome they are to win the government. Looking at these memorials, I feel very happy. Hong Lian’s arm climbed up: “King Qin, do you want to laugh.” Hong Lian’s fingers cut Yingzheng’s cheek: “Even if King Qin laughs, he always smiles slightly, as if he never laughs out loud. Woolen cloth.”

This cute look of Honglian made Ying Zheng feel warm. It is rare for her to care so much about the expression on her face. Yingzheng raised his hand and squeezed Guren’s face. Honglian looked at Ying Zheng with bewildered eyes and belittled twice: “What is King Qin going to do?”

As soon as I asked for an exit, I squeezed it for a while. Honglian’s face seemed to be able to pinch water out, and the flesh was very cute. Yingzheng didn’t hold back for a while, and started a little heavier. Hong Lian burst into tears immediately, enclosing a reddish face: “Why is King Qin bullying?” It looked like she was pinching pain, and Hong Lian grieved and complained.

Yingzheng didn’t expect Honglian’s face to be so delicate and could only help her rub it gently to relieve the pain. Honglian was very useful to this trick. She liked the warmth of Yingzheng’s palms, and closed her eyes with some enjoyment.

When Han Fei walked in, he saw this scene. He coughed a little awkwardly, which attracted the attention of the two of them. Honglian looked at Han Fei with anger, and was very dissatisfied with the interruption from his brother. Han Fei spread his hands innocently. He came here to win the political call, and he has nothing to do with him.

“Your Majesty, the minister has something to report.” Han Fei couldn’t wait for the victory to speak, and took the lead in speaking, lest Honglian took advantage of the loopholes and kept acting like a baby. “The minister knows that the king’s good intentions are evident in the expansion of steel plants in order to accept the people of the five countries.” But this steel Daqin doesn’t need that much, should the king think about it?”

“Don’t worry about it anymore.” There is a reason to win the government to build a steel plant, and this time it is called Han Feilai for this. Yingzheng took out a picture, and Zhao Gao handed it to Han Fei sensibly: “This is a new railway track. It will be built immediately according to the king’s drawing.”

The first thing that catches the eye is a crooked line. Han Fei took a closer look. The picture shows Qin and Han: “Wang, this road?” He had a bold guess, and he didn’t dare to say it. It’s too bold.

“Yes, this king wants to build a road between the Qin country and the Han country.” Because now the Han country wins the government, if you build a road, you can better promote the trade between the two countries. Ying Zheng noticed it when delivering food and other materials to Han country before. Only by firmly linking the kingdom of Qin and the kingdom of Han, can he win the government be regarded as truly ruling ha

n country.

“Really?” When Hong Lian heard that it had something to do with Han country, he couldn’t help feeling a little excited: “King Qin wants to build a road to Han country, so it’s not possible for Honglian to return to Han country to play often.”

Han Fei said, “Silly sister, this road is used to circulate goods. I still want to play when I become a princess of Qin.

“Huh, I’m not stupid. Whether it is to circulate goods or let Honglian go to play, it is a gift from King Qin to the country of Han, right.” A kiss on Ying Zheng’s cheek: “Honglian knew that King Qin was the best.

Ying Zheng smiled and touched Honglian’s head, and then said to Han Fei: “This road is different from the previous concrete road. It is a railway made of steel.”

At this time, Han Fei noticed that there were some strange patterns drawn under this picture. He just wanted to ask, and Ying Zheng told him that after giving this picture to the Sanmo giant, they would know how to build it. Han Fei didn’t know anything about construction at all, and he had a specialization in the art industry. This kind of thing was left to the giant Sanmo.

Railroads are more suitable for transporting goods than concrete roads. If things are heavy, they often go back and forth on the concrete roads, and the roads will soon be crushed. The load-bearing capacity of railways is more than several times better. With a unique car, it can quickly travel back and forth between Qin and Han.

Although Han Fei couldn’t understand, he still looked at the design drawings curiously. I was amazed at the bizarre idea of ​​winning the government. He suddenly reacted: “Are all these things made of steel?”

0……Look for flowers……

In the Qin State, steel is a very important material, and military weapons are made of steel. The amount used at that time was surprisingly large, and Han Fei felt that it was already the limit of Qin’s steelmaking. Unexpectedly, Yingzheng would actually use steel to build roads to directly connect the two countries. The steel materials needed for this road and the car should be an astronomical figure.

Yingzheng smiled and nodded: “Don’t worry, now the people of the five countries have become Daqin’s labor force. Whether it is steel or other materials, Daqin will be inexhaustible.”

Han Fei suddenly realized: “This is why Wangshang built a steelmaking plant?” He was still worried about how to deal with too much steel production, but he didn’t expect that the winning government had all been arranged. It’s really convincing.


In addition, there is one more thing that needs to be reported to the Yingzheng Beijing News: “The minister heard that the Sanmo giant was thinking about a new production tool and began to study a thing called gunpowder.” Han Fei asked Yingzheng for instructions, these bells and whistles. He doesn’t understand something.

What Han Fei said was actually what Yingzheng personally instructed the giants of Sanmo. He has already given a rough idea of ​​farming tools, and only needs to be improved immediately.

“Production tools can increase production, and it is a good thing to be able to research new ones. Let the giants of Sanmo feel free to toss it boldly.” The replacement of farm tools is a common occurrence, and what wins the government more cares about is gunpowder. He told the three Mo giants about the general composition of gunpowder, and gave them enough funds to let them focus on research, the faster the better.

Yingzheng also specially found an empty place for the giants of Sanmo, and urged them to pay attention to safety when studying gunpowder. The power of this thing is great.

If gunpowder can be made out, it will be a new era.

Although several other countries know that the win-government is engaged in turmoil, they don’t know exactly what they are going to do. The word gunpowder is unheard of, and I don’t know what it is for. It just sounds like it makes them have a premonition that they don’t want.

The five countries are living in deep anxiety. factory,

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