Chapter 507 New population policy]

To say that the coldest country is Yan Country, especially in winter, it is not an exaggeration to be called the land of bitter cold. Only those who can eat and wear warmth will sigh the beauty of the winter snow in the country of Yan, while ordinary people who don’t wear warmth hate Dongxue. It is like the snow on their roofs, which may collapse at any time. They were buried alive in a snowdrift.

In the ice and snow, the people of Yan Kingdom began to despair. Every winter, some people freeze to death. This year it is surprisingly cold. Many people must be frozen to death again. I don’t know if these people have themselves. And what brought them this despair was not only the snow and ice, but also Yan Wangxi, who asked them to wipe the money in their hands but could not buy woolen clothes to protect them from the cold. They would rather be frozen to death.

Don’t worry about such a selfish king. In the deep winter, the people of Yan can no longer bear it.

In every house of the people of Yan State, several people gathered around the brazier and roasted their hands. They whispered about the same thing: “Want to go to Qin State?”

Everyone in the world believes that Qin is good, and there are so many benefits. They were whispering, these words were heard by the officers and soldiers, but they would be arrested as treason.

533 people said: “This is treason. We are fleeing. You don’t understand. The king wants us to die. We can’t wait for death in vain. The ice and snow are the enemy, and the woolen sweater is the soldier who can resist. We It’s ordinary people. It’s a reason why there are soldiers going wherever they go after the war is started.”

The words were rough and not rough, and the others nodded after hearing it. It’s decided, flee, and go to Daqin!

This is not only the case of Yan people, but also all countries. They packed up their bags, and all the people who dragged their family and mouth to go to Qin, the mighty and mighty, quite a posture of the five nations joining forces to attack Qin. It’s a pity that they are not soldiers, and they are not going to attack Qin.

After the monarchs of the five countries heard this, their lungs were almost exploding. They had never seen such a coincidence during the war. When they escaped, each one was faster than one. They tried their best to prevent the people from leaving their country. Some countries gave orders to threaten them and kill them if they dared to leave. Other countries have incentives, and those who do not leave are rewarded. What’s more, the city gate was blocked directly, which was simple and rude.

These practices have stopped many people.

To win the government but still have a back hand, Qin State introduced a new population policy. He asked Tian Mi to send out the information, telling the citizens of the five countries that as long as they migrated over, they would be given land. If there was no land, they would be allowed to go to the factory to work, and even women could make money to support their families.

As soon as the policy came out, all five countries exploded. The people talked a lot. They were all worried about whether the news was fake. Is it really so kind to win the government? After confirming that the news is true, they began to inquire around: “How much land is given? What factory? How much money can be made? ”

The answers they got made them very satisfied, and everything they have now is so much better, especially the factory, they have never entered, and I heard that the clothes on their bodies are all made from the factory in Qin. This makes them very curious, and they are even more interested in the work of the factory.

Most of the people of these five countries have experienced wars. Under the leadership of their incompetent king, they have been living a dire life. Many people have only women and children in their homes, and a few children are waiting to be fed. Their life is very poor, with one meal without one meal. I heard that when the women of Qin were able to support their families, they were all excited.

There was nothing fragile at home, so I went straight to Qin with the children.

The people of the five countries now talk about this when they meet. In their mouths, Qin is simply heaven. Not only can they eat, dress and live well, the people everywhere are very friendly, and the King of Qin is wise and martial, and loves the people like a child. . Going to Qin is beneficial but not harmful. Talking and talking, every people in the five countries are moved, as if heaven is everywhere, and (aibd)

The place they are staying now is Abi Hell.

A few days later, the monarchs heard a news that they didn’t even think of. There were several large holes on the wall for no reason, and at the same time, the number of people in the middle school dropped sharply. In order to go to Qin, these people used their invincible wisdom to do anything. The monarchs had no choice but to order the wall to be blocked up quickly.

Wei State was even more miserable. The people all went to Han State. Qin State is a long way, but Han State is not far away. The country of Han is now in power again, which means that all the people of the country of Wei have gone to the country of Qin.

The five countries simply couldn’t stop this trend, and the population lost a lot. They quickly lifted the decree, hoping that the people can change their minds. At this time, the people are not just rushing to Qin country with woolen clothes, but rushing to the new population policy.

The first group of people has already got the land, and the people behind are going to succeed, for fear that there will be no land to divide when they go late, and they are even more worried that the factory will not have enough jobs for them. The people of the five countries no longer hesitate to go or not go wherever they come first. What they worry about is whether they will go too late.

The monarchs of the five countries watched their people leave their homes with their bags, and walked to the Qin country one by one without turning back. They were infinitely desolate in their hearts. First, smallpox drove people away, and then there was a population policy to leave. Only the kings and nobles are still sitting in the empty city.

The Qin State is full of enthusiasm, treats the people from the five countries with courtesy, and the land and work distribution are in order. Soon these people were arranged.

Qin’s steel mills, clothing factories, pen-making factories, etc., all just happen to need a large population to support. With so many people coming this time, no one will refuse to win the government, regardless of men, women, young or old, they will be accepted. Although young adults can become labor, women can also adapt to jobs in all factories in Daqin, where work is not important.

Yingzheng doesn’t care about the elderly, even if they can’t become a labor force, it doesn’t matter. Daqin is not unable to support it. It is also one of the wishes for the people to enjoy the family happiness in Daqin. As for children, when they grow up, they will completely forget the country they used to be, and firmly remember the identity of Qin people.

Children and grandchildren thrived in Daqin from generation to generation.

More and more people from the five countries came to Daqin. Daqin’s land was divided, and the factory positions were also divided. Winning government ordered the construction of a few more factories. There should be no spare labor. That would be too wasteful. The development of China has stagnated for more than half a year, and it’s time to stretch your muscles and bones.

Qin was thriving, and the winning government looked very satisfied. Honglian always likes to lie beside him, saying that he is afraid that King Qin will disappear again in the blink of an eye. Yingzheng always joked that she was like a child when she became a princess. ,

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