Chapter 501 Seek Death]

“Killing to win politics.” Han Yu’s eyes were very serious, and the three simple words were full of killing intent. With what he said, his fierce nature was exposed.

Xueyihou asked and didn’t ask Han Yu why he did it. When he asked, it was just for nothing. There are always people who are so boring and like to do things that are killing themselves. As long as Han Yu has this mind, his death date has already been set.

As Yingzheng said, Hou Bai in Xueyi is not a smart person. Communication between smart people often does not require too many words. One look and one hint are enough. Xueyihou didn’t show a shocked look. He couldn’t let Han Yu feel that he was rebelling against this incident. Obeying Han Yu was the best choice now.

Han Yu was very satisfied with Xueyihou’s reaction. As long as Xueyihouken obediently and obediently, everything would not be a problem: “It’s not that I don’t worry about you, but the king of Qin is cunning and deceitful and has to guard against it.” As he said, someone left. When he came in, he was Han Yu’s adopted son, Han Qiancheng.

Han Yu was very considerate. After all, Xueyihou was Ji Wuye’s subordinate. Han Yu rarely dealt with him. If he couldn’t figure out the other side’s mind, he had to be prepared. Although Han Qiancheng is not as reliable as Xueyihou, he is trustworthy. This is what Han Yu left for himself, so he is prepared.

Han Qiancheng and Xueyihou’s symbolic greetings, the next thing to win the government depends on the cooperation of the two of them. Han Qiancheng was very polite and considerate in front of Han Yu.

But Xueyihou didn’t say much.

Han Yu didn’t dare to stay for a long time, and soon got up and prepared to leave. Before he left, he was a little worried and said: “Blood-clothed man, you can’t live up to the country of Korea.” He threatened the entire country of Korea.

“Naturally dare not, 々.” Xueyi Hou Gongsong, but there are more things in his eyes that are unclear.

Han Yu always had a confident smile on his face. He was already looking forward to what would happen after the death of the government. The prosperity of Goryeo, the kingdoms obeyed the orders of Goryeo, and finally Qin was destroyed. All this is like a dream. Fantasy, but within reach. He walked on the road, looked around no one, couldn’t help but mutter to himself in a low voice: “After the victory of the government, I will lead the Korean National Unification

At the end of the day. “In the past, Han Yu only wanted a Goryeo country, but the winning government had to come to grab him. In this case, he would like to take the whole world as his own.

Some people are capable, so the goal is bigger. Such people are ambitious. And some people are not so capable and still have a lofty goal. Such a person is called a good lofty goal. The difference between Han Yu and Yingzheng is roughly the same.

The man who was entrusted with the important task is in blood. At this moment, taking advantage of the darkness, I took my cousin Chao Banshee to meet with Ying Zheng, and explained all the things Han Yu said to him today, as well as Han Qiancheng’s affairs.

“I have made peace with His Majesty King Qin, and I also ask His Majesty King Qin to keep the promise. This is the cousin I mentioned earlier, the’fashion banshee.’ Behind Xueyihou, a woman in a black dress walked out in the dark.

Ying Zheng looked up at her, and the first impression she gave was “charm.” It’s like a ghost in the dark night. It’s natural to be beautiful. I don’t know if it’s the way I usually do, or I’m dressing up specifically to see Yingzheng, and I wear many black ribbons on his body.

She walked slowly towards the victory, as if she was deliberately showing off her figure. When she was near, Ying Zheng could see a silver circular ornament under her eyes, glowing in the moonlight. Like the tears of the shark, the pearl of the sea.

The tide banshee looked at Ying Zheng with full of expectation, Bai Yifei said that when she brought herself to see Ying Zheng, she couldn’t believe it, and after repeated confirmation, she knew that King Qin really won. The reputation of this man is so great that the tide banshee was very excited when he heard it. When she stood still in front of Yingzheng, her heart was still thumping.

Seeing that Ying Zheng was interested in the tide female demon, Bai Yifei took the initiative to retire, knowing that it was really inappropriate to stay here. Leave the tide banshee alone to face the victory.

“Your Majesty King Qin, this is a gift I prepared for you. It was too rushed and I couldn’t prepare well. Please also my Majesty King Qin not to dislike it.” The tide banshee took out a small box from her sleeve and handed it to the winning government. “” The name of this object is Meng Hun Xiang, which has a light taste. Burning before going to bed has the effect of calming the nerves. ”

Ying Zheng took the small box in his hand: “Why do you want to give this king this?”

“When I am bored, I like to perfume. I heard that His Majesty Qin always has everything to do, it must be physical and mental fatigue. Menghunxiang’s effect on health and sleep is unique and will not cause any harm to the body. King Qin can use it with peace of mind.” He lowered his head: “I will not harm King Qin, and ask King Qin to believe me.”

“Believe, this king naturally believes.” Yingzheng put the box away, and even if he didn’t believe it, what would happen, Xiao Xiangxiang couldn’t hurt him.

The tide banshee knew about the deal between Bai Yifei and Yingzheng. She was a little timid, and asked Yingzheng in a low voice: “Duke Qin really wants to make me a concubine? Is it just for the agreement with my cousin? If King Qin is unwilling, I can Go and explain to your cousin, he will still listen to (Li Hao) sent from King Qin.”

“Yes, when the king returns to Qin, he will take you away. You did not disappoint the king. Although you agreed to Bai Yifei, if the cousin he said is an ugly and rude woman, the king will be too. Unwilling.” Under the moonlight, the pattern under the tide banshee was very interesting, and Ying Zheng looked at it carefully for a while.

The tide banshee was not as tall as Yingzheng, and her head was forced to raise her head.

But the action of winning the government did not mean to stop. The beauty of the banshee is different from other women, from the forehead to the eyebrows, to the delicate chin, there is a different kind of beauty.

But the tide banshee raised her head obediently, her heart was already messed up. Around her neck, a black belt was tied, a knot was tied on one side, and two long pendants were hanging down. wheat.

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