Chapter 500 Tide Banshee]

In Zilanxuan, Yingzheng was drinking while Feiyan, Duanmurong and Zinu accompany them. They hugged Yingzheng, and Wei Yan held a glass and gave it to Yingzheng, “Wang is drunk?”

“It’s not enough to get drunk, but the wine is gone.” Duan Mulong took the handkerchief and wiped it for the victory.

“I also have countless wines in Zilanxuan. The son may wish that the first-class lady is drunk, and I will order someone to fetch it.” Zi Nui smiled and got up and explained the Qin Ji outside.

I thought it was a comfortable pastime after winning politics and fighting, but there were more than three of these three women in Zilan Xuan at this moment. Wei Zhuang stood aside, holding shark teeth, as if ready to draw his sword at all times. In this room, there is someone he cares about very much.

Naturally, it is not winning politics, but the bloody man sitting on the opposite side of winning politics.

“I heard that His Majesty King Qin defeated the Chu army today. It’s time to celebrate. I don’t know what to do with me?” Bai Yifei remembered winning the government and said that he wanted to say something for himself in front of Han Wangan, but he didn’t expect to win the government. After looking back, he took the entire country of Han in his own 08, which made Bai Yifei always puzzled, not to mention the fact that he has won the government until now.

What kind of medicine is Luli going to sell?

“Now you are in the country of Han, the general Ji Wuye, who is dead. Xiangguo opened the ground and died.” Winning the political wind said lightly, as if these two lives had nothing to do with him: ” Who do you want to be loyal to now? Or who can you be loyal to?”

Allegiance to Han Wangan is definitely unreliable, and Han Yu is even more unstable. These two are the grasshoppers of the Queen of Autumn. They can’t jump if they want to jump. Win Zheng can kill them if they are unhappy. Bai Yifei tried to win the government: “Who does King Qin want me to be loyal to?

“Naturally, he is the king. Xueyihou is a wise man, and there is no need for the king to say more.” The beautiful woman has already taken the drunk, and the purple girl pours wine to win the government by herself, put it to her lips, and drank it: “It is really good liquor.”

“His Majesty King Qin is the eternal king, above 10,000. It is my honor to be loyal to King Qin.” Bai Yifei was very humble. But he is not stupid, because Han country has become like this because of winning the government, his own destiny has also been firmly tightened by the winning government. Everything has to be careful.

Bai Yifei once again tried to win politics: “Why didn’t King Qin directly kill King Han and take the government of Han country?”

Winning the government looked at Bai Yifei meaningfully, and did not answer him directly. This question shouldn’t have been asked, Bai Yifei is already offending the king’s scale.

The reason is simple, because of the red lotus. Han Wangan is also Guren’s father no matter what, Yingzheng likes Guren very much, so he doesn’t kill him. The reason is unknown, but anyone can realize it.

Bai Yifei had an idea, he finally knew how he should settle down: “I only have one request, as long as the prince is willing to agree, I will be the king of Qin before and after.” His request is very simple: “As long as King Qin is willing to marry my cousin” Chao Banshee “As a concubine, this can be done.”

Winning politics agreed without even thinking about it. This is nothing.

Feiyan stepped on his feet angrily, why did he come to be a concubine again?Is it because the government owes him the country of Han, and he has two princesses, both of the country of Han?

At this time, someone walked in and said to Xueyihou: “His Royal Highness Han Yu summoned.”

Xueyihou looked at Yingzheng, waiting for his signal. Winning the government is holding the glass and ignoring it. Xueyi Hou was helpless. Since winning the government did not express anything, he had no choice but to refuse Han Yu for no reason, so he had to see him.

After Xueyihou left, Wei Zhuang turned around and said to Ying Zheng: “This person is not good at martial arts, and it’s not easy to deal with. And his so-called cousin’The Chao Banshee’ is the same as him, the same as Ji Wuye’s. One of the four biggest trump cards has a high status in Han country.”

Yingzheng drank all the wine in his hand and put the glass on the table: “Under absolute strength, any small tricks are useless. This king believes that the tide banshee is a smart person, and he also believes that the bloody man understands this truth.”

Since winning the government has already said so, Wei Zhuang is not good to persuade him anymore, just saying: “The power of King Qin is indeed strong, but how to make sure that he is the so-called’absolute??”

Fei Yan was upset when he heard these words. This man in black was provoking and winning politics: “Hey, that dark man, don’t you know that the king has won over 100,000 people today? The king is not absolute. Who else is, are you? No one in the world dares to cross the king and say that he is powerful.”

Wei Zhuang was attracted by Feiyan’s words, and he looked at Feiyan blankly: “I didn’t say that King Qin was weak, but that there is no absoluteness. A wise man always makes mistakes, and everything is in case.

“Nothing.” Duan Mulong’s tone was calm and unwavering, even a little cold. She repeated lightly: “Nothing.”

Winning politics is the absolute.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Wei Zhuang couldn’t speak. She hurriedly closed the field, and only then did a few people not fight. Zi Nu is not at all wondering if Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong are opponents of Wei Zhuang, and now the three of them only consider one question. What is the sacred “Tide Banshee”, depending on Bai Yifei’s appearance, his cousin should

She is also a beauty. Zi Nu offered another glass of wine, and she felt a little uneasy. She has only lived with the victory in the past few days. Will she be replaced by the new 530 beauties? She looked at the victory very reluctantly.

As for the victory that she was watching, her thoughts had drifted away. The tree wanted to be quiet and the wind continued. The bloody storm of Han country had not ended. Bai Yifei was summoned by Han Yu. It seemed that something big happened next.

In the Han King Palace, Han Yu is warmly entertaining the blood-clothed marquis. Many people died in the country of Han this time, and there was only one blood-robed man who was reliable. Han Yu didn’t dare to hurry him.

Xueyihou behaved as calm as usual, neither humble nor overbearing, and respectful. He deliberately concealed from Han Yu that he had already taken refuge in winning politics. “If your Royal Highness has anything to order, you can just say it straight. In the country of Han, the general and the state of the country have been lost one after another within a day.

Han Yu sighed, straightened his clothes, and sat in front of Xueyihou. He stared at Xueyihou for a long time. He seemed to be observing whether Xueyihou was still loyal to the country of Han. After a long time, he said: “This matter is of great importance and even involves the country of Han. Survival. The current situation is tense, and I trust you in desperation. You must promise me.”

“His Royal Highness, please.” Bai Yifei looked at Han Yu seriously. This is also an old fox. He has been looking at his own eyes. If he only dodges a little bit, he will definitely be found out. .

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