Chapter 502 Turn off the battle]

In the next few days, there was no wind and grass, and it was calm and terrible. Yingzheng knew that this was the calm before the storm. But he really enjoyed the peace. Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong mingled with Zi Nu all day, making Ying Zheng and Chao Banshee tired all day long.

The tide banshee is both meek and well-behaved, charming and charming. Thanks to her attractive figure, she has always changed her way to make the government happy in the past few days. Winning politics is also very useful. If she dresses well, winning politics will give her a few words of praise.

At that time, the tide banshee would lower her head in shame. Although she is brightly dressed, she is still a shy girl in her bones. Yingzheng sighed from time to time that if she grew up a few years later, she would have become a sexy beauty.

The two went through this for three days, and three days later, Yingzheng received the news. Han Yu personally invited Ying Zheng to go to the Han Palace. Ying Zheng chuckled, “It’s finally here.”

Seeing that the banshee won the government without thinking, she agreed, and she was very worried. Han Yu is not a kind person either. This time he is just asking Jun to enter the urn. I don’t know what medicine is sold in the gourd. The tide banshee was unwilling to win the government and leave, so she grabbed his sleeve and acted like a baby: “Why go to such a dangerous place as 530? It’s better to stay by my side.”

“It’s more dangerous by your side.” Ying Zheng gently scratched the bridge of the banshee’s nose and treated her like a child. I think that in a few years, I won’t see such a young tide banshee. Win Zheng doesn’t know whether to be happy or worry.

This is a rare miscalculation to win politics. The tide banshee is more bold and presumptuous than he imagined. She bullied herself forward and closed the door behind her. “That would only be wronged by King Qin to choose a kind of danger.” She left. Winning the government is very close, and behind it is a wall, and there is no way to retreat. But he didn’t want to retire either.

Children only make choices. Of course, adults need both. Including dangers, not to mention that these two are not considered “dangers” in the true sense for winning politics.

After letting go of the Chao Banshee, Ying Zheng came to the Han Palace. The atmosphere of Hanwang Palace today is a bit weird. Although it’s not strange, but everything is not as peaceful as in the past.

Killing intent! Ying Zheng is keenly aware that killing intent is permeated everywhere here, and it is not alone. Yingzheng smiled bitterly in his heart. It seems that today is really in danger twice.


As soon as the front feet were buried in the palace hall, several figures appeared in front of them. Dingqing saw that in addition to Bai Yifei and Han Qiancheng, there were a bunch of innate masters. They surrounded the winning political corps and did not hide the killing intent in their eyes. The winning political likes this. It is too much trouble to be courteous, and just go straight to it.

Standing far away from the encirclement, Han Yu smiled and looked at the victory: “Your Majesty King Qin, don’t blame Han Yu for being ruthless. You won’t die for a day, and Han will never come to the fore. So you can only blame King Qin for death.

Ying Zheng glanced at the group of people surrounding him, the realm is not low, Han Yu can gather so many innate masters to deal with him, it seems that he has lost his blood. It also proved that he was smarter than King Han, knowing that it was useless to send soldiers to die in vain. Yingzheng remembered what Ji Wuye had said before his death, and regretted that he was born in the era of winning government. This sentence does not apply to Han

Yu, although a little better than Han Wangan, he is still not as talented as Han Fei. Even the courtiers around Yingzheng can’t compare with him. What kind of list does Han Yu have to fight with him?

“King Qin seems to be very interested in these people who want to go against the funeral.” Han Yu said triumphantly. It took him a lot of thought and financial resources to find these people together: “I have to admit that His Majesty Qin is indeed It’s too powerful, it can’t be dealt with just by the number of people, and it will give you a chance to escape. But this time, all the martial arts masters of Han country are here, I

I don’t believe that you can still walk out of the Palace of Han Dynasty safe and sound!”

Han Yu is very confident in these people, and the army of the entire country of Han can’t deal with him. What about bringing together all the martial arts masters of the country of Han? In the realm of winning politics, killing an ordinary person is not much different from killing a group of ordinary people. . But killing a master of innate realm is not necessarily, not to mention there are still so many.

“This king had no intention to deal with Han country anymore, but you are pressing harder and harder. You are really a bully.” Ying Zheng looked at Han Yu coldly: “Since you intend to seek death, then this king will fulfill you. This country will be buried for you.”

These words made Han Yu tremble. He saw the power of the emperor in Ying Zheng. This force was too strong, as if it could really destroy the Han country in an instant. He forcibly stabilized his figure and calmed his heart for a moment: “King Qin dared to be tough when he died, don’t you see so many innate masters? They can work together, yes.

It’s ugly to make you die. “Han Yu stared at the winning government, and he told himself that now he has the advantage. If he still verbally loses to the winning government, it would be too embarrassing.

“What about a bunch of people, no matter how many people come, it’s just a matter of letting this king swing a few more swords.” Ying Zheng looked at these people contemptuously, deliberately provoking them.

“The King of Qin is too conceited, let alone so many people teaming up, I am afraid that even the “white blood clothes” of my country can single you out. “Han Yu is arrogant and urges the blood-clothed marquis to challenge the political victory. Among this group of people, the blood-clothed marquis has the highest realm.

“Oh? The king should see and see.” Ying Zheng looked at Xue Yihou with a smile. It seems that everyone knows that Xueyihou has already returned to win the government, only the big fool, Han Yu, doesn’t know the same.

Bai Yifei knew that this was a game of winning politics again, so he cooperated with him.

Han Yu didn’t expect that Bai Yifei would really have the courage to win the political singles. He couldn’t help but laughed: “As expected, I am from Han Chinese, and I am really courageous. King Qin, your death date is here!” Han Yu knows Bai Yifei’s. The realm is indeed not as good as winning the government, but he has some other methods that can kill people invisible.

Died in time.

Bai Yifei was surrounded by ice, and two swords appeared out of thin air in his hands, one as white as the pine and snow, and the other as red as the setting sun. He has already put on a fighting position, but his actions are not towards winning the government.

Han Qiancheng didn’t know where he had offended Xueyihou. A few days ago, they were discussing how to win the government. As soon as Xueyihou’s sword was drawn today, he cut the blade with his blood. Han Qiancheng was able to dodge and was already severely injured. He covered the bleeding wound, raised his head and shouted at Xueyihou: “You dare to betray the foster father!”

“What? Xueyihou!” Han Yu didn’t expect that he would turn around so quickly. .

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