Chapter 495 If none]

Ji Wuye was stunned by the sight in front of him. He had never seen such an army, with a small number of only a few thousand. The equipment on their bodies blinded Ji Wuye’s eyes, the invincible war sword. Indestructible armor. All equipment has exquisite decorations, with the word “Qin” engraved on it, and two small words: “Tiger Wolf” on one side.

This is the legendary Great Qin Tiger Wolf Army. When Princess Honglian married into Daqin, Yingzheng once sent some equipment to Han country. At that time, Ji Wuye already thought it was very magical, and now looking closely at the equipment used by these tiger and wolf army, it is obvious that it has been upgraded to another level.

Ying Zheng held up the sword of the Emperor of Heaven and pointed it directly at the sky. The sword and the sword of the sky seemed to resonate. The sky and the earth changed color for a while, and the sky pointed by the sword of the Emperor of Heaven immediately formed a golden vortex. As soon as the tiger and wolf army saw it, they rushed towards where they were. It was their king who was calling them.

The three thousand tiger and wolf army rushed in spite of the rampage. The horses under their hips were extremely vigorous, and they trampled on and killed many soldiers of the Han country along the way. They shouted in unison to win the government for help!

Countless soldiers from the Han country were so frightened that their legs became weak, and they all stopped their movements. In 08, they have never seen this battle before. This is the legendary Tiger Wolf Army. It is said that Ying Zheng once took them with them and beaten half of the kingdom of Zhao.

“Impossible, this is not the Tiger Wolf Army, it is impossible for the Tiger Wolf Army to appear here.” Ji Wuye was scared and pale: “It has only been a short night, and the distance between Daqin and Han Country is more than a thousand miles, this Tiger Wolf Army How is it possible to come to Han country?”

“You are really stupid.” Fei Yan said with a sneer: “We sent a signal long before we came to Han country, and transferred our troops to Han country. Do you think we are stupid, really come to die with nothing?”

Ji Wuye was stunned for a long time, and suddenly his expression distorted: “Okay, you win the government! It’s no wonder that you are so arrogant in the Han country. It turns out that you have been prepared. You shameless villain.”

Duanmurong said coldly: “It is clear that the country of Han is treachery first, and the king is just doing some necessary precautions. How can you afford the words shameless villain, you should keep it for yourself.” I am so disgusted with Ji Wuye’s appearance.She thought that he was still a little pitiful when he was wiped out.

. This person is like a poisonous snake. If he is careless, he will bite him back. He can only pinch seven inches firmly.

“What you’re proud of, it’s just a mere three thousand people. This general has more than 10,000 people! Even if your soldiers have the ability to reach the sky, they can’t stand the front and back of so many people!” Ji Wuye struggled to death. He pretended not to know the tiger wolf soldier’s record, and said that he pretended to be deaf, just to encourage the soldiers of the Han country, they are even standing now.

Unsteady and trembling. Before they started fighting, they had completely lost their combat effectiveness.

“In order to catch this king, Han country seems to have lost money. I am afraid that this place is already the full force of Han country.” Ying Zheng’s eyes swept the surrounding Han country soldiers.

The soldiers of Han country were shocked by the eyes of Ying Zheng, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at each other.

“It is too late for King Qin to surrender, leaving these three thousand tiger and wolf soldiers in Han country, and he obediently goes out to kneel and begs Chu Jun for mercy, maybe he can die more comfortably.” Ji Wuye held up his arrogance.

“Have you heard that killing them means that there are no more soldiers in Han country. What are you waiting for, go. Kill them all.” Ying Zheng issued an order to the Tiger Wolf Army.

The Tiger Wolf Army immediately got the order to act, raised the sword and rushed to the soldiers of the Han country. There was no suspense at all in this battle, and some were just unilateral slaughters.

No matter how Ji Wuye held up his morale in front of the battle, the soldiers of the Han country had already foreseen their own death date. Everything was over. Once the Tiger Wolf Army arrived, they never seized the possibility of winning politics, let alone put him to death.

Soon, the soldiers of Han country learned how these three thousand tiger and wolf soldiers defeated Zhao.

Their weapons were useless when slashed on the tiger wolf soldier.

The tiger wolf soldier’s sword slashed on them, leaving them to pieces.

This is the gap, which can never be filled, the gap between national strength. The gap between the prosperous state of Qin under the leadership of the winning government, and the state of Han that depended on Qin to win the weak, is now fully exposed.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the soldiers of the Han country were quickly defeated. They were killed by the gallery army, and they lost their armor and knelt down to beg for mercy. Win Zheng coldly made a thumbs-down gesture, kill, and leave none.

Ji Wuye is still struggling to die, and he can’t give up until the last one does not die. If he loses, his fate can be imagined.

The soldiers of the Han country did not listen to Ji Wuye anymore. They fled. Few people under the tiger wolf soldier could escape. The only one or two people thought they had escaped, but the bride-in-law Wuye greeted them. Broadsword. If Ji Wuye wants to survive, these soldiers of Han country must die.

The tiger and wolf soldiers cleared the battlefield, and saw that the last few soldiers of Han country were also slaughtered. Ji Wuye turned around and wanted to run. The tiger and wolf soldiers rushed up, putting a few big swords on his neck, and immediately grabbed Ji Wuye and escorted him in front of Yingzheng.

Ji Wuye had completely collapsed. This time he completely lost, and there was nothing left to lose. Home country country, now his family is destroyed, Han country is about to fall into the hands of the winning government, everything is like a bubble phantom, turning into nothingness.

Ji Wuye knelt on the ground, losing all the light in his eyes. He was unkempt and depressed. It doesn’t look like a person anymore, like rubbish thrown on the ground casually, dirty and useless. It’s all gone, what’s the use of dying. Ji Wuye desperately said: “Kill it, King Qin, kill it if you want to kill 527. I, Ji Wuye, regret it now.

There is only one thing. ”

“Oh?” Winning government looked at Ji Wuye with interest. If a person doesn’t even have the desire to beg for mercy, he will completely lose the last capital to please win government.

“I regret that I was born in the era when you were there.” Ji Wuye closed his eyes. Although he knew that he could not be compared with the victory, he still hated it. If he didn’t win the government, what would Ji Wuye do today!

“It’s a boring answer.” With Ying Zheng waved his sword, Ji Wuye’s head fell to the ground. I thought he would say something interesting, but I didn’t expect it to be just such a boring sigh.

If there is no me to win politics, who will defend my great Qin, protect my community, and set the foundation of my great Qin forever.

“All the tiger and wolf army listened to the order, rushed into the Han King’s Palace, and captured Han Wang’an!” Ying Zheng let out a message that made the tiger and wolf army excited. Breaking through the palace is what every soldier wants to do most. They thought that winning the government would take care of Princess Honglian’s affairs and would not attack Han King’s Palace.

They underestimated the winning government, Honglian wanted it, and Han country wanted it too!

Han Wangan thought that this plan was foolproof, and sighed his precious daughter in the palace. Unexpectedly, the next moment, news of Yingzheng’s invasion of the palace came. Han Wangan wanted to run too late. The Tiger Wolf Army had surrounded the palace and lined up neatly to make way for the victory. .

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