Chapter 496 Palace of Han Dynasty

In the horrified eyes, the pupils tightened. Han Wangan didn’t even dare to blink his eyes, his eyes reflected the figure of the winning government, and step by step came closer. This person who was supposed to be tied up outside the city was walking towards Han Wangan at this moment. After he stood still, he said a word.

Han Wangan was so scared that he didn’t dare to move. He only saw Yingzheng’s mouth moving, but he didn’t hear what he said. Two tiger-wolf soldiers obeyed the orders and stepped forward, pressing Han Wangan’s shoulders and hitting him on the knees, causing him to kneel on the ground. What Yingzheng said: “Kneel down!”

There is no right to stand in front of him, dare to miss his life. It’s not an exaggeration to kill him.

“It’s not a widow, King Qin don’t kill me. It was Ji Wuye who did it alone, and it has nothing to do with widow.” Han Wangan began to make excuses and pushed everything wrong to Ji Wuye. He didn’t know that Ji Wuye had already done so. The head is different. Ying Zheng came into the palace with a fierce popularity, it was clear that he needed to settle the accounts. Han Wangan kept apologizing

Seek forgiveness from the winning government.

“King Han meant that he didn’t know anything?” Ying Zheng looked down condescendingly, and a strong smell of blood still lingered on him: “The general led his troops to come to the door and almost dispatched all the troops of Han country. Han Wang said he didn’t know? “Don’t say winning politics or not believing it, even a three-year-old child will not believe it. Han Wangan’s reason is too awkward.

Han Wangan knew that he could not quibble, so he could only play emotional cards. He suddenly burst into tears: “King Qin can’t kill me. Anyway, I am also Honglian’s father. In terms of love, I can also be regarded as King Qin’s father-in-law. If King Qin kills me. I, Gu Lian, should be so sad that everyone in the world will accuse King Qin of killing his relatives.

I remember how ruthless I was towards Guren when I made the decision before.

Xiangguo openly saw that Han Wangan wanted to be alone, and hurriedly added himself: “Yes, King Qin can’t kill us. King Han and I were both deceived by Ji Wuye, so we would do such a foolish thing. I beg Qin Wang to show his favor, 々.”

“Sangguo’s words are interesting, Han Wang Anshang can deal with himself in the relationship of Red Lotus, what qualifications do you have to ask for forgiveness from this king?” Yingzheng looked at the open ground coldly, Ji Wuyesky is armed, with well-developed limbs but mind simple. At that time, he was caught in the food and payment incident again. The person who proposes to hand over himself such a shameful trick, I am afraid it is this open ground. This person is in the general’s house

When Wai knew that he was King Qin, he always nodded and bowed, and then stabbed a knife in the back. It was really smart. If you don’t kill him, you won’t be able to solve the hatred in your heart.

He hurriedly argued openly, wanting to be saved with his own three-inch tongue, he thought that King Qin Yingzheng became a king, and everything must be considered for the benefit of the people: “We can’t blame us, after all. Even if the Qin State comes to aid, it is too late. Even if it succeeds, the Han State will be severely damaged by the time.

Few people, King Qin will not be clear. ”

“What is the relationship between the people of your Han country and this king? You are afraid that the Chu State Council will slaughter the people of Han country. Are you not afraid that Qin will destroy you?” Yingzheng does not like others to take advantage of his benevolence. These people think Protecting nature will protect, but you cannot be forced to act as a shield.

Unexpectedly, King Qin was so hard-hearted that he couldn’t help but shiver openly. It seemed that the people of Qin country said it was no longer useful. His eyes rolled and he quickly swept the people who rushed into King Han’s palace, about three thousand. Judging from the weapon configuration on his body, it should be the legendary Daqin cavalry: tiger wolf soldier. He thought of it again

The reason: “The King of Qin is not anxious. The soldiers of our country have been killed by the King of Han. If the Kingdom of Chu attacks the country of Han at this moment, it will soon be attacked. Although the King of Qin is brave, there are only three thousand people. The country also has an army guarding the palace. If King Qin releases us, we will immediately dispatch this army and join forces with King Qin. I believe we will be able to resist.

The invasion of Chu Kingdom.

His strategy is to join forces and use the last Han national force as a bargaining chip. As long as the winning government wants the help of Han national soldiers, he must agree to his terms. Together, I also ask King Qin to consider it carefully.” With an open face buried deep, he showed a smile. This trick will definitely bring the victory back to heart.

Change your mind and let your own way out.

“The team that guards the palace you mentioned, when the Tiger Wolf Army attacked the palace, they had already eliminated them, but only 10,000 people. Is this your bargaining chip? Is it too small to underestimate this king.” Those who guard the palace. Many of the soldiers are equipped with the equipment sent before winning the government. It seems that they are the most powerful army in the Han country. Their combat capabilities

The strength is indeed much higher than those ordinary soldiers brought by Ji Wuye. It’s a pity that in front of the Tiger Wolf Soldier, it was just a little more effort.

He opened his head and suddenly looked up at Ying Zheng: “King Qin, don’t be kidding, the ten thousand soldiers guarding the palace, but Han is the strongest, they can’t fall. “That is the army used to protect the safety of the palace. It is impossible to be destroyed so quietly. The open ground has been messed up. If the victory is true, he will really lose the last bargaining chip. .

Jianguang slowly approached the open ground and swept across his neck. The open face kept the last expression of horror, and his head rolled down. He has nothing to make a deal with Yingzheng, and keeping him just aside, he just killed a hundred.

This (Li Lezhao) head rolled in front of Han Wangan, scared him to crawl and retreat far. He looked at Ying Zheng in horror, as well as the bright red sword of the Emperor of Heaven in his hand. The blood on that sword was still warm, and there was a drop of sound. When Han Wangan saw Yingzheng turning around and looking at him, he was so frightened that he was frightened: “No, don’t kill the widow. Gulian save me.

Save father king. “Han Wangan was so scared to talk nonsense, he could only call out Guren’s name.

Yingzheng walked up to Han Wangan step by step, leaned down and said: “This king will not kill you first, this king wants you to take a good look at how these three thousand people broke through 100,000 Chu soldiers.” He straightened up, pointed his sword at one side, and shouted: “Fight against!”

The tiger and wolf soldiers took their orders in unison, immediately rectified, and rushed out of Han King’s Palace. When Han Wangan heard that Yingzheng said not to kill him, he was just relieved and he was framed and dragged away.

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