Chapter 494 hurry up】

Ji Wuye’s smile solidified on his face, faded a little bit, and then became unbelievable, thinking that he had heard it wrong, how could he say that Ji Wuye’s family was so many people would die. He saw Yingzheng’s smiling face, and then recalled what Yingzheng said about retribution. He knew it was true. His expression gradually became angry, his eyes became red with bloodshot, and his teeth

To be together tightly, mouth grinning as if to bite.

He roared, and rushed towards Ying Zheng, “I want to kill you!” Ji Wuye was already crazy at this moment. He didn’t use a sword or a weapon. He rushed forward desperately with Yingzheng. The more proud people are, the worse they fall in the end. Ji Wuye is an example. He didn’t believe in retribution, and now the retribution really came.

The soldiers of the Han country hurriedly held Ji Wuye, and if he and Yingzheng singled out “five, two, three”, he was dying in vain. Ji Wuye was already crazy. He bowed his hands into claws, hugged his head and knelt down, constantly roaring, pulling his hair roughly, making himself like a madman.

“Winning politics! Do you have to take something from me to be happy?” Ji Wuye accused Winning politics. First, the military power, and he came to take his life if he could not get it. Finally, Ji Wuye convicted him, and now he slaughtered his whole family. Ji Wuye couldn’t accept it. Just because he was an enemy of Yingzheng, he deserved to suffer.

“It’s just a fair game. You just kept saying that you want to take the king’s life. Since the two of us are on opposite sides, we must be prepared to pay the price after failure. If one party loses, it is doomed to be plundered by the other. Take the important things.” Ying Zheng said lightly. He didn’t think he was cruel to Ji Wuye. If he was soft-hearted, the form would be exactly right.

On the contrary, Ji Wuye took things from him, his Daqin, his Honglian, Feiyan, etc., as well as his life.

Ji Wuye ended up with a slaughter of his family, but it was because he was defeated to win the government, that’s all, there was no other reason.

“Win the government! It is not you who die today, or I am dead! Let me go together and seize the victory!” Ji Wuye’s despair and anger have reached the culmination, and he broke out this sentence, officially announcing the showdown with the winning government. .

All the soldiers rushed forward, but the gaps were too dense, and they could only win the government with one wave after another.

The sword of the Emperor of Heaven was unsheathed, and Huiyan and Duanmu Rong were protected by Ying Zheng. The killing intent was like a hemp, and the sword spirit danced wildly. The soldiers of the Han country who rushed up to the victory will be killed one by one. He once deliberately let go of several soldiers from the Han country because of the relationship between Honglian. Today, he is going to kill him. Only what he has in his hands can he feel at ease, and the same is true of Han country!

God blocks and kills gods, breaks blocks and kills them. If one comes, kill one, or if two come, kill one pair.

The number of soldiers in the Han country is huge, and the victory of the government has also been smashed. Every time he waved the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, a group of soldiers from the Han country fell down. A steady stream of soldiers from the Han country made up for it, and Ying Zheng continued to wield the sword of the Emperor of Heaven.

He wants to kill the world to change color, the sun and the moon will be dark, the gods and ghosts will cry, and the blood will flow into rivers.

Suddenly, none of the soldiers from the Han country could get close to winning the government.

Ji Wuye was furious: “Chong! Continue to charge me! So many people can’t catch a winning politician? Let’s go together!” He can only shout and give orders. If such a good opportunity can’t kill the tycoon, He Ji Wuye didn’t have to live anymore.

Ying Zheng’s feet were full of corpses. He looked back and said to Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong behind him: “Let’s leave here and follow this king.”

As soon as the sword broke through the void and opened up a bloody road, Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong followed the victory and moved slowly downstairs. The sword of the Emperor of Heaven hasn’t drunk so much blood for a long time. The fresh human blood soaked the sword of the Emperor of Heaven with blood red, and the tip of the sword kept dropping the blood. Ying Zheng also felt that the Sword of Heaven was excited, he had to kill more people to proceed.

Ji Wuye hid behind the soldiers of the Han countries, screaming arrogantly: “Win the government! If you really have the ability, even I will kill together! What is the ability to destroy my whole family! As long as I am Ji Wuye, I will It will definitely kill you.

After leaving the small building, there were countless soldiers from the Han country outside, and they came to surround Yingzheng one after another.

The sword of the Emperor of Heaven was deeply inserted into the ground, and the sky broke and the earth broke in an instant, countless sword qi flew out, and the surrounding soldiers of Han country were cleaned up.

There are a large number of them, and they continue to rush towards the victory. It seems that there is some rare treasure in the victory, which is worth their lives in exchange for.

It is a pity that their efforts have only returned a simple repetition of the old trick to win the government. It fell down again. Killing so many people, the vitality of winning the government has not been used up, no matter how much he rushes up, he can kill cleanly.

The soldiers of the Han country began to be timid. They looked at winning politics like Shura in hell, only for murder. All creatures facing him will be deprived of the qualifications to survive. Many people have died in front, and the bodies are piled up like a mountain. If they want to rush to Yingzheng, they can only step on their bodies. But soon they will also become one of those corpses

, Was trampled by someone who came later.

This recognition made the soldiers of Han country scared. They stepped back a little bit, trying to escape.

“What are you doing in a daze, charge me! No one can escape if you don’t catch the victory!” Ji Wuye grabbed a few soldiers from the Han country who wanted to escape and cut off their heads directly: “Who wants to run? That’s the end.” Whether it’s dying in the hands of Yingzheng or Ji Wuye, it’s death anyway.

The soldiers of Han country had to bite the bullet and rush forward. Ji Wuye was relieved. As long as these soldiers were willing to obey, they would surely be able to seize the victory, no matter how many people died.

There was a gallop of horseshoes in the distance, and three thousand tigers and wolves rushed towards 1.3. From a distance, they saw King Qin Yingzheng, the man holding the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, standing proudly on top of his bones. It’s eye-catching. The Tiger Wolf Army was ready to go as early as a few months ago, and immediately set off after receiving the secret letter to win the government. It just happened to feel the country of Han. Winning politics is okay here,

It seems that everything is too late.

The secret letter they received was of course not the one that Yingzheng sent in Han King Palace. As early as when Yingzheng left Baiyue to go to Han country, the secret letter had already been sent and sent troops to call.

As for the letter written in King Han’s palace afterwards, although the handwriting made Han Wangan and the others amazed. In fact, there were only three big characters on the secret letter: “Hurry up!” It was said that King Qin was like a god, who could think of such a god. .

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