Chapter 493 betray】

After Ying Zheng assigned Wei Zhuang the task, Wei Zhuang took the order and left. Zi Nu jumped down from the roof and came to Ying Zheng: “If the son is fine today, I would like to stay at Zilanxuan. Didn’t the son tell me? I am the only one with son today. I don’t know if I can understand. Because today’s son belongs to Zi Nuo alone?” Zi Nuo smiled charmingly, kindly

Inviting to win politics.

In fact, this is not the case. Winning the government just knows that something big will happen tomorrow. At three poles on the day, the winning government arranged a little bit and prepared to leave Zilanxuan. The purple girl had no sleep all night. Reluctantly clinging to winning politics, his eyes blurred: “Don’t stay a while?”

“Take care of the things this king has given you.” After saying that, he left Zilanxuan. Back to the original inn. Where are Feiyan and Duanmurong waiting anxiously, something serious happened.

As soon as they saw that the victory came back, the two of them greeted them anxiously: “The king! I don’t know what happened. Now every country knows that you are the king and you are in the country, and they are all ready to send troops to attack the country.” In a hurry, I didn’t even ask where the victory went last night, and the words were all about the safety of the victory.

Winning calmly drank a cup of tea and said: “It’s nothing big, it’s just that someone betrayed us.” He was referring to Ji Wuye, Zhang Kaidi, and his good old man. As soon as the front foot left the Han King Palace, the back foot began to plan how to kill himself.

“The king is saying, this is the treachery of the Han country? They want to hand over the king?!” The news was released by the Han country, telling the whereabouts of the countries to win the government, and fools can see that this is a great way to win the government. The timing must not be let go. The Kingdom of Chu has already sent troops, and other countries will not be left behind, and they will rush to come later. And country Han is the one who released the news

A country is tantamount to showing goodwill to other countries and making friendships.

Then, based on the reason that the country of Han was besieged, it was a matter of course to hand over the winning government, and everything would be a matter of course. The six kingdoms killed the king of Qin and destroyed the kingdom of Qin, and they were divided up together. Han country can take credit for this and get more benefits. Become another rising country after Daqin.

“It’s really an insidious trick.” Duan Murong sighed, if it develops like this, Daqin will really be destroyed in an instant. “My lord, what should we do?”

“What? You have no choice. How do you feel helpless, noble King Qin?” Ji Wuye walked in with a smile, and behind him was a group of soldiers from the Han country. He had already taken back the dignity of the general Han. Now it’s the turn to win ~ suffering.

The soldiers surrounded Yingzheng and other three groups. Duan Mulong stepped back guarded and looked out from the window. Outside the inn were all Han soldiers. They were already surrounded. There were three floors inside and three floors outside. “Wang Shang.” Duan Murong asked about winning the government worriedly, not knowing what to do-good.

Fei Yan secretly operated onmyoji, and if they dare to act rashly, they would serve on onmyoji. There are more and more Korean soldiers outside, and even Feiyan gradually loses his heart. If he can break through this inn, he may not be able to break through the encirclement of other countries.

Ji Wuye was complacent: “How about it? Unexpectedly, when you were in Qin, when you were at ease, you thought that the Six Kingdoms would hate you a long time ago! You plundered the wealth of the Six Kingdoms and took away the women of the Six Kingdoms. It should be. Be prepared to be killed by the Six Nations. Now, the retribution is finally here.” “Ji Wuye laughs exaggeratedly. Winning the government has made a lot of money in the Han country. He tried his best to do everything possible.

Couldn’t stop it. The beauty of Princess Honglian’s birth was so beautiful that Ji Wuye wanted to take it for herself, and only when Princess Honglian grew older, she asked Han Wangan. Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng didn’t care about his age at all, and directly married Honglian away. He must avenge this grudge. “King Qin, you said that the people of the Six Kingdoms hate you deeply. If you fall into the hands of the Six Kingdoms, how will they kill you? Ling Chi executed? Or five horses

Dismembering the corpse? King Qin never thought that these cruel punishments would be used on him one day.

Yingzheng smiled and said: “It seems that you are determined to win this time.” Yingzheng listened to his words without any fear. Ji Wuye thought he could see the hysterical collapse of Ying Zheng being forced into desperation. He was disappointed by the calmness of the victory.

0………Look for flowers…

“King Qin don’t worry, after you use your life to help the kingdom of Han, the kingdom of Han will not forget the kindness of King Qin. When the time comes, the government of Han will divide Da Qin a lot to repay King Qin.” Ji Wuye laughed shamelessly.

Fei Yan did not expect that Ji Wuye was not only despicable and shameless, but also ridiculed when he did this kind of thing. It is really disgusting: “You forgot, the king is in the palace of King Han, and he has already repaired the book and returned to Daqin. Send troops, if you hand over the king now, you are not afraid that when Da Qin’s army arrives, the first thing is to destroy your country?”

“Keep your eyes open to see how many Chu soldiers are stationed outside Han, and calculate how many people are sent by other countries in order to win the government. It is too late to quench the thirst. When the soldiers of Qin arrive, it will be too late. .At that time, the king in your mouth, I am afraid that the body will be burnt to ashes.” Ji Wuye said viciously.

Yingzheng sneered: “Ji Wuye, wouldn’t you be afraid of retribution if you did this?” At the moment of the enemy, Yingzheng is surprisingly calm and doesn’t pay attention to thousands of troops at all.

“King Qin, King Qin, did you have your brain burnt out, or did you start talking nonsense? There is no retribution in the world, even if there is, it should be on your victory.” Ji Wuye laughed out of breath. “This general never believes in retribution, and is not afraid of retribution. If there is such a thing, just come! Let this general see if you kill you and win the government is a blessing or

Evil retribution.

As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier ran over with a panic expression, and stopped talking.

Ji Wuye waved his hand indifferently: “Speak out loud, and let King Qin also listen to what it is.” He was full of confidence and regarded the threat of winning the government as a joke. He didn’t believe in retribution, let alone that it came so soon.

The soldier was embarrassed, and finally reported truthfully: “The general’s family was slaughtered last night.” The factory,

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