Chapter 482 New Baiyue]

The giant Sanmo quickly rebuilt the Baiyue Palace. Although it was not as magnificent as Xianyang Palace, it was many times better than the original Baiyue Palace.

Yan Lingji took Yingzheng to visit the new palace. Her current identity is the Queen of Baiyue, and the inferiority hidden in her heart has long since disappeared. She entangled Yingzheng and ran around every corner of the new palace.

Fei Yan and Duanmu Rong followed, and Fei Yan suddenly said: “A long time ago, when the king rebuilt the Xianyang Palace, I accompanied him to overlook Chengyang City. I will never forget the scene at that time.”

Duan Mulong didn’t speak. She looked up at Yan Lingji’s close political victory, always feeling that the two of them could not blend in.

When the visit to the palace was over and Yingzheng was about to take a break, Feiyan pushed in. “Does the king remember what he promised before? Han Guo is really far away, and he broke his leg all this time.” Fei Yan sat on the table with two slender legs overlapping.

Yingzheng smiled helplessly: “This king doesn’t remember what to compensate you.

“It hurts, Wang.” Fei Yan gently stroked his legs and frowned lightly, as if he really felt the pain: “Today I endured the pain and accompanied the king to visit the Baiyue Palace. Isn’t it a little bit king? No pity?”

“This king won’t cure this.” Ying Zheng got up and walked 517 to the table. He deliberately teased Feiyan: “It’s better to ask the imperial doctor to come and show you.

“This is Wang’s compensation, and it has nothing to do with the little doctor girl. Wang Lai won’t hurt when he rubs it.” Fei Yan lifted the hem of his shirt intentionally or unintentionally.

Yingzheng shook her head helplessly, and had to meet her “compensation” request.

Fei Yan closed his eyes lightly, enjoying the service of King Qin, and there seemed to be some noise in the distance.

Many civilians gathered in the palace. Yan Lingji first ascended the throne as the Queen of Baiyue. Earlier, she and Yingzheng were vaccinated with cowpox. She has already received a lot of recognition among the people of Baiyue.

They knew that Yan Lingji was the woman who won the government. Originally, Baiyue people thought that it was Baiyue’s blessing that Yan Lingji could be adopted by King Qin. They did not expect that King Qin would make her a queen and rule Baiyue. They knew in their hearts that if Yan Lingji was ordered to win the government, it was equivalent to Baiyue’s prestige to win the government. In the future, they will be shaded by the winning government just like the people of Qin.

This made them overjoyed and came to the palace in person to congratulate the new queen on her accession to the throne.

The most uncomfortable is the Baiyue nobles. They underestimated (aibd) the Yan Ling Ji. They didn’t expect this woman to be like a different person after sitting on the throne. Seeing that there were nobles who disobeyed her orders, they directly ordered to be killed.

Someone discouraged her: “He is also from Baiyue, why is the queen so merciless to start?”

Yan Lingji ignored the steps and ordered the guards to rectify the law on the spot.

The guards stood in place and didn’t know what to do. They still couldn’t figure out whether this newly enthroned queen was more powerful, or whether these nobles were in charge of life and death. It is said that the queen naturally has a higher position, but after all, it is a new establishment, which is incomparable to the old nobles who have been entrenched for many years. The guards were muttering in their hearts, and a voice came from outside the hall.

“The Baiyue Queen, who is pro-appointed by this king, doesn’t even have the right to execute a guilty minister?” Ying Zheng walked in directly.

Baiyue aristocrats talked a lot about it, no matter what the Baiyue court, the king of Qin went in and out so freely.

Even more unconventional was still behind. Seeing Ying Zheng coming in, Yan Lingji got up with joy. Ying Zheng walked to the throne and sat down, while Yan Ling Ji took advantage of the trend and sat in Ying Zheng’s arms.

The Baiyue nobles were originally dissatisfied with Yan Lingji, and when they saw it, they made a big fuss. They accused Yan Lingji in every possible way and dared to say anything unpleasant. They thought they were talking about Yan Ling Ji and had nothing to do with King Qin.

As everyone knows, Yingzheng ordered: “Kill all the people who have just uttered wild words, and leave no one behind.”

The Baiyue guards did not hesitate at all this time and did so directly.

The nobles were so frightened that they begged for mercy. Said that they were not dissatisfied with King Qin, but dissatisfied with the new queen.

Ying Zheng smiled and said: “I am dissatisfied with this king’s queen, which is equivalent to dissatisfaction with this king. Naturally, I can’t keep you and kill.”

With an order, many nobles immediately fell to their heads, and said to the rest of the people in a majestic manner: “Have you seen their fate? If any of you dare to disrespect the Queen, this king will never be merciless.”

The ministers were frightened by the victory and knelt down on the ground, calling out long live the King Qin and long live the Queen of Baiyue.

Taking advantage of them all, Yan Lingji lowered her head and pecked on Ying Zheng’s face: “Thank you, King Qin, for breaking the siege.”

With the help of Yingzheng, the Baiyue court was shuffled, but all the Baiyue nobles who were related to the Baiyue King were killed. In the end, the veteran Baiyue aristocrats were not spared, and the newly appointed Baiyue aristocrats were deeply afraid of Yan Lingji and respected the Baiyue queen.

They knew that there was King Qin’s victory over Yan Lingji behind her. If she was known by the victory, even if she was far away in Da Qin, she could kill her, not to mention that she is still in Baiyue now. .

Duan Mulong withdrew his hand from the wrist to win the government: “The king is in good health, but it seems that he has been overworked recently, so he should take more rest.” “Care about” Yingzheng’s body.

“The matter here is over, this king will leave for Han country soon.” In order to build a new Baiyue, a lot of thought was spent on winning the government. Now Baiyue’s pattern has gradually stabilized. Yingzheng also knew that even if he couldn’t bear to bear the flames, the time had come for him to leave.

Although Duan Mulong didn’t understand why Yingzheng wanted to go to Han country, she couldn’t wait to hear that she was leaving Baiyue. Yan Lingji is really too strong and has been occupying the winning government without letting go. Duanmu Rong has less and less time to get close to winning the government, which makes her a little bit distressed.

As long as you leave Baiyue, this distress will be self-defeating.

Yan Lingji heard that winning the government was about to go, and knew that her happy days would be over after all. What if she was reluctant to win the government? He was King Qin and couldn’t stay with him forever. However, Baiyue and Daqin will be closely related in the future, and she will not worry about not seeing the chance to win politics again.

Yan Lingji repeatedly urged to win politics, don’t forget yourself, and let her go to Qin to meet again if you have a chance. Yingzheng promised one by one. In the end, she reluctantly sent away the winning government.

Before leaving, Feiyan said to Yan Lingji: “Leave the king to me, and be your Queen of Baiyue.” The provocative meaning in the words is self-evident. Yan Lingji did not refute, and kept watching the figure who won the government. Disappear.

From the moment of parting, she began to miss winning politics.

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