Chapter 481 Relief]

Yan Lingji remembered that when he went to win politics that day, he said that he saw hope in him. It turned out that at that time, winning politics had already made up his mind to make Yan Ling Ji the queen of Baiyue. However, Yan Lingji never knew it, and followed Yingzheng with all her heart, only thinking about how to let Yingzheng leave Baiyue safely and take herself to Daqin.

Ying Zheng gently rubbed Yan Lingji’s head: “Don’t worry, there is this king who will help you manage a Baiyue, it’s not a problem.

“Baiyue is not mine, it is King Qin’s. More than the three conditions, I will agree to Qin King’s requirements of Baiyue.” Yan Lingji stared at the victory, and then lowered her head: “It’s just me. The woman is the king, what should they do if they are not satisfied? With King Qin’s rule, I am naturally relieved, but whether the current situation can be settled is yet to be known.”

“The Baiyue King and the prince Tianze are dead, and you are proclaimed by the king. They can only bow their heads and proclaim their officials. If there are those who disobey, the king will kill them until everyone obeys.” Yingzheng was indifferent. Said that, just as he dealt with scholar-officials and Chu people’s power, he never showed mercy to the court.

Fei Yan walked slowly: “Wang Shang is really partial. The country of Han traveled a long way, and I even ran back and forth. As soon as I hurried back, I saw Wang Shang’s beauty in his arms. It was really unfair. This time I have to make good compensation. Me.” She went to the country to rescue soldiers on the order of winning the government. She wanted to turn back with the army of the country, but the journey for several days has made her exhausted.

It took about a day to return to Baiyue.

Winning the government did not comment, and ordered the bloody man: “The Baiyue has been leveled, let the soldiers of the Han country retreat.”

Xueyihou bowed to take his orders, and the tens of thousands of troops behind him left neatly with a wave of his hand. “I heard that King Qin had the courage to know people. I didn’t expect that he could even go to Baiyue alone. It is really admirable.” When Xueyi Hou was in Han country, he was summoned by Ji Wuye to discuss the siege and win the government. Regarding the matter, he repeatedly confirmed whether the winning government was really alone.

He couldn’t believe it until he saw it in the sea of ​​flames. Facing the 30,000 Chu army, he was not only fearless, but also accompanied by beauties. I am afraid that only King Qin can do such a thing.

Ying Zheng smiled and said, “Aren’t you still protected by the soldiers of the country, 々?” Everything is under his control. He doesn’t even know what to say, just coaxing Yan Lingji and Duanmu. Rong only.

“About two months ago, there were rumors in the Six Nations that King Qin had rectified the army to attack Baiyue. Later, there was no news. The countries didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t expect King Qin to appear in Baiyue alone.” Xueyihou was serious. Looking at the victory, it took a long time before he asked cautiously: “King Qin anticipated that the Chu State and the Baiyue Federation would cause a crisis, so why didn’t they send people?

Back to Qin State, directly swept down, and took down Baiyue in one fell swoop?”

What Xueyihou was referring to was Feiyan. Her martial arts was so high that she could reach Han country in just a few days. And avoiding Ji Wuye’s eyeliner night and heavy guards, he personally met with King Han to tell the situation and tell the situation. After Han Wangan knew that he had won the government, he quickly sent troops to help, but I was afraid that there was an accident in the win.

Yan Lingji looked at winning politics with great concern, it turned out that he had already planned to attack Baiyue.

This question was also puzzled by Feiyan when he heard the order to win the government. The Qin army was tough and fearless, much better than the soldiers of Han country. It is better to ask Qin to send troops directly to Han country. It can also insure a lot. If the Wan-han country refuses to send troops, it will be troublesome.

The winning government is very sure that it is the han country. The purpose of rectifying the Qin army is to prepare for emergencies. From the beginning, he wanted to take down Baiyue without a single soldier. On the way, the identity of Chu State was revealed, and the two troubles Liu Yi and Li Kai were also eliminated. Only then did Chu, Han, and Baiyue all take advantage of their disadvantages, and if they unite, even if Qin Jun can win

There will be a lot of losses, and if you think about winning the government, you will feel a loss. It’s better to let one side “turn to battle” and sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Han Wangan also regards Qin as a great backer, and his baby princess is also in Qin, so she will definitely not die.

Seeing that Yingzheng did not answer, Xueyihou stopped asking more questions. If he knew that the victory was just killing someone with a knife, he would definitely get angry internally.

Yingzheng looked at the burning Baiyue Palace leisurely: “This king will go to Han country afterwards. With this help, this king will tell Han Wangan truthfully.”

Xueyihou showed a playful look: “I will definitely not forget. Then King Qin, leave first.” After that, he left with the soldiers of Han country.

Yan Lingji hugged Yingzheng from behind, and whispered in his ear: “King Qin has named me the Queen of Baiyue, then this Baiyue Palace is mine. Now it’s all burned completely. Does anyone rule in a ruin?”

The fire is terrible, and the heat can be felt from such a distance: “^” This fire was not set by the king, so what is it for the king. “To win the government is to play mischievously.

Yan Lingji clung to Ying Zheng’s ear and acted like a baby: “No, King Qin must pay, or they will find a cold stone as the bedroom, and then find a chair blackened by the fire as the throne.”

Yingzheng was amused by Yan Lingji: “The previous Baiyue Palace was designed without aesthetics, and it matches you at all. This king will build a new palace for you, using the specifications of Xianyang Palace.”

Yan Lingji was satisfied: “The King Qin is really good.”

“Daqin will assist Baiyue to rebuild, but the next development of Baiyue still depends on you.” Yingzheng said in a serious tone.

“King Qin can rest assured that in the future Baiyue will listen to me, and I will only listen to King Qin.” Yan Lingji leaned her head on the shoulder of the victory.

Fei Yan looked at the two people from the sidelines and was so angry that they had already calculated the “compensation” for winning the government.

After receiving the secret letter, the giant Sanmo, who was far away in Daqin, hurriedly transported the materials, (Li Dezhao) secretly went to Baiyue. Li Si and Han Fei couldn’t figure it out. King Qin had been here for a long time, and the letter came back instead of sending troops or other major events, only the giant Sanmo. They started, but they won the government. They didn’t want to come back. They built a house and settled in Baiyue.

I was busy sending a letter to inquire about the situation, and the answer was: “The king thinks that the mountains and waters of Baiyue are beautiful and the scenery is more beautiful. Worry about this king.”

Han Fei and Li Si’s complexion changed for a moment, and they couldn’t expect to win the government back in a short time. This was hard for them. Not for national affairs, but

“Brother, brother, King Qin has replied, let me have a look.”

Han Fei heard the voice of Honglian behind him and knew that he couldn’t run away again today. Li Si retired in a hurry, leaving Han Fei alone to coax the little princess. .

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