Chapter 483 Go to Korea]

“What! Chunshen Jun died in battle! What about winning the government? Is it dead?” King Chu Kaorie asked excitedly after hearing the death of 30,000 elite soldiers and Chun Shenjun. If winning the government is dead, he can still accept it.

It’s a pity that Yingzheng didn’t die, not only did she live well, she created a Queen of Baiyue and took Baiyue as his own. All this was achieved without a single soldier.

Chu Kaorie blows his beard and stares in an aura, and finally seizes this opportunity, and it’s gone. When he learned that it was the country of Han who was making troubles, he was furious: “The widow must destroy the country of Han in order to avenge today’s revenge.”

That Han Wang An has been domineering in the six countries for a long time because of his marriage with Qin. King Chu Kaorie has long been unaccustomed to it. If you can’t beat Qin, you don’t necessarily have to beat Han.

Today’s Han country is indeed turbulent. First, smallpox raged, and the Chu army was ready to attack. Many Han nobles were willing to flee. When the winning party came to Han, many Han people were because of the long-term The smallpox rages and the food shortages have led to death, but in Yingchuan, the capital of Han country, it is sensual and joyous every night.

“This country is really strange. The outside and inside are not in the same country at all.” Duan Mulong sighed, and she saw the people who were tortured by the disease. Unfortunately, there was no cowpox on them, and there was no way to treat them. .

“I only came to Han country not long ago, and rushed back to Baiyue, and now I am coming again, so tired, Wang.” Fei Yan looked at the winning government meaningfully, and the compensation couldn’t escape this time.

After the three entered Yingchuan, they attracted the attention of many local snakes. When Ying Zheng saw a place called “Zi Lan Xuan”, he said to Duan Mu Rong and Fei Yan, “Just rest here.”

After entering Zilanxuan, Fei Yan couldn’t help sighing: “Wang Ke really has vision, the environment here is very good.” Duan Mulong also nodded his approval.

As soon as the three of them walked in, they attracted the attention of everyone in Zilanxuan. They knew that they were not locals, and their temperament was different from ordinary people. A clever girl walked to the back, opened a door, and said to the person inside: “Sister Zi Nv, Zi Lan Xuan has an unusual visitor, and she invites her to receive her in person.-”

“Oh?” The woman who turned her head after hearing these words had long purple hair curled up high, and her slightly immature face was decorated with purple, which looked a little enchanting. She stood up, and a seat of purple clothes wagging on the ground. “I’ll see who made you so panicked.

As soon as the purple girl came out, the first glance she saw the victory, she knew that she could not blame the girl who made the fuss. The three of them knew at a glance that they were not easy to provoke, the position was high and the man was extraordinary, and the man in the middle was so, even around her. The same is true for the two women of.

“Now that the country of Han is so turbulent, the son is still so romantic, so high-profile is not afraid to cause trouble?” Zi Nv laughed and walked over, sitting in front of Yingzheng, her eyes full of charming affection.

Fei Yan felt that the visitor was unkind when she saw Zi Nv. Such a beauty is hidden in such a good place, but it is not surprising, but it is just why Ying Zheng just came out as soon as she sat down, and she still looks like this. In the eyes of Feiyan, this is to lure to win the government. “We’re just here to rest. Just serve us a pot of tea. You don’t need to be here, just go.”

Zi Nu chuckled softly: “The people who came to Zi Lan Xuan wanted to see me, but you drove me away. Don’t you know what Zi Lan Xuan does? Just a pot of tea is probably not enough.

“This place looks very elegant, you don’t want the kind of place you said, don’t talk nonsense.” Fei Yan obviously wanted to be crooked.

Yingzheng patted the back of Feiyan’s hand to make her stop thinking: “The girl said where is this place, and what can I get when I see the girl?”

“Small hidden in the forest, big hidden in the city. Zilanxuan stands in the busy city of Yingchuan, gathering news from all directions of the seven countries, knowing everything, hearing everything. It is for the eyes and ears of the seven countries, the son said that Zilanxuan Why are you the person?” Zi Nu lived in Zilanxuan for a long time, dealing with all kinds of people, her tone of voice changed thousands of times, and the people who listened to it were itchy in their hearts.

Ying Zheng looked at Zi Nv with interest: “Do you really know everything?”

Zi Nu nodded: “That’s natural. You only need to pay the corresponding price if the son wants to inquire about it.”

“Then what if I can’t answer?” Fei Yan asked first: “Should I pay the price?”

“The world is so big, there are no surprises, even if there are things that Zilanxuan doesn’t know about. But if there is news of enough value, Zilanxuan will buy it at the price, does the girl have it?” Zinu provoked Feiyan .

0……Look for flowers…

Fei Yan smiled secretly in her heart. If she told her that it was King Qin Yingzheng who was in front of her, even if the news was hollowed out of her Zi Lan Xuan, she would not be able to afford it. It’s really interesting.

“Then I will ask you two questions. If there are things we don’t know about, the money will naturally not be less.” Yingzheng has more news than Zilanxuan. If there is nothing he doesn’t know, the questions are just a whim.

“My son, please.” Zi Nu brewed a cup of tea and put it on the table, slowly pushing it closer to Yingzheng. The body also stretched forward along with the movement, basically putting his upper body on the table.

“The first question, about King Qin’s victory in politics, any valuable news is fine.”

Duan Mulong was by the side. She had no expression on her face, but she kept smiling in her heart. If she asked about her own affairs, I am afraid that no one would do it anymore.

“Qin Wang wins the government?” Zi Nu frowned: “Don’t you know the son, this question is taboo in Zi Lan Xuan.

Fei Yan asked curiously: “Why? Is there any secret that you can’t tell about King Qin?” Fei Yan looked at Ying Zheng and deliberately inquired.

“No.” Zi Nu sighed, “The reason why this question has become taboo is very simple. Zi Lanxuan has no clues about the value of King Qin. The deeds of King Qin are well known in the world, but only only. These. There are more things other than this that even Zilanxuan can’t find out.”

Duan Murong looked at the profile of the winning government seriously. It turns out that the winning government in the eyes of the world is such a clear and vague image. They are afraid and admired, afraid and want to approach. Everyone knows about winning the government, but everyone does not understand it. Winning politics, such an existence, is like a god.

“So, the second question, what happened in country Han?”

Zi Nu was stunned for a moment. It was the first time she saw such a person in Zi Lan Xuan. It seemed that she knew everything but didn’t know anything.

Ying Zhengpin took a sip of tea and smiled and said: “As far as I am concerned, it is naturally not a big deal.” The factory,

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