Chapter 480 Queen】

Yingzheng smiled and said, “Xueyihou has done a good job in saving the car. What’s wrong with it?”

The blood-clothed Hou did not say much, but asked the soldiers of the Han country to escort the Baiyue King and Tianze up. The two of them wanted to run when Chu was defeated. When the soldiers of Han country chased and killed the soldiers of Chu country, they brought them back. The two were escorted in front of Yingzheng.

The Baiyue King was terrified. He knelt on the ground when he saw the victory, and walked all the way to the feet of the victory: “King Qin is kind, the widow only listened to the rhetoric of the Chunshen monarch of Chu, and then he was wronged by King Qin. My heart, please look at the many Baiyue people rescued by King Qin and spare the lives of the widowed.”

Ying Zheng only noticed that he hadn’t seen him after he mentioned Chun Shenjun, and Xueyi Hou promptly reported that Chun Shenjun had died under him and Wushuanggui.

“Put the blame on a dead person, do you think that this king will believe it?” Ying Zheng looked at King Baiyue coldly: “Didn’t you say that your 2008 timidity was just pretending? So, now Too?”

King Baiyue waved his hand quickly: “No, the widow is sincerely convinced by King Qin, and dare not slack in any way, but also begged King Qin not to kill me.”

“Not long ago, you kept saying that you want to kill this king. Why do you now turn to beg this king not to kill you?” Yingzheng laughed at King Baiyue, and the soldiers from the Han country behind heard Yingzheng saying this, and they tolerated it. Couldn’t help laughing. As the lord of Baiyue, it’s pitiful to be so desolate up to now.

Baiyue King heard the laughter of the soldiers of Han country, and he has become the laughing stock of the whole world. In order to survive, he is willing to do anything. “Pray King Qin forgive me.” He kept kowtow on the ground, the blood flowing from the kowtow, his forehead was covered with mud.

Tianze looked at King Baiyue from the side. He couldn’t believe his father would do this. In order to survive in the hands of Yingzheng, he could be humble and look like this.

“The King Baiyue is really superfluous. If nothing happened today, this king originally planned you to enjoy your old age. It’s just that now, if you can keep a whole body, you have to give this king a reason.” Ying Zheng said leisurely.

Baiyue King painfully embraced his heart. He already regretted it. Long before Ying Zheng entered the Baiyue Palace, he received a letter from Chun Shen Jun, conspiring to kill Ying Zheng and take this opportunity to get rid of the entire Qin State. . The King of Baiyue wanted to use his victory to solve the siege of Baiyue’s smallpox. He didn’t expect Yingzheng to sleep like this

The people of Vipital.

Not only made such an excessive request, but also convinced Baiyue people. In the end, the entire Baiyue regime was destroyed. If he dies, Baiyue will truly become a political winner. What a 70% herb. It’s all, everything belongs to Yingzheng.

“When death is approaching, I still want to sit on the mountains and rivers of Baiyue. The King of Baiyue is really whimsical. Then die with such a dream. This is the last gift of this king.” Ying Zheng stretched out his hand, and the King Snake climbed out and entangled. On the Baiyue King’s body.

King Baiyue was so frightened that the snake looked uncomfortable and he didn’t dare to move. King Chilian was not in a hurry to poison him, coiling around King Baiyue’s body, and finally wrapped around his neck. King Baiyue was so frightened that he didn’t dare to come out. The King Snake Chilian didn’t move for a long time, and King Baiyue didn’t dare to move.

The blood on his forehead ran down his face, Baiyue King screamed inwardly. King Chilian’s snake eyes suddenly tightened, and he leaped over and bit Baiyue King’s face.

Killed on the spot. The head of his corpse was black, and the blackness could not see the original face. Even Xueyihou lamented the poison of the snake. After Chilian King Snake completed the task, he obediently crawled into the cuff of the winning government. Yan Lingji and Duan Murong also remembered that when the two of them were held by Ying Zheng, they did not feel the existence of the Chilian King Snake, let alone being attacked.

I don’t know what magic power is in Yingzheng to tame a snake properly.

Tianze watched the death of King Baiyue in horror: “Win Zheng, you killed King Father, he is King Baiyue.”

“No, you are wrong, he is not.” Ying Zheng looked at Tianze, thinking that what he said was naive, and he still regarded himself as Baiyue King and Baiyue Prince? Baiyue no longer belongs to them. Now they are just letting the two horrible lives at their disposal. He kills if he wants to. The Baiyue King was like this, and so was Tianze.

Tianze completely gave up, he has been defeated in the hands of the victory. “I’m not reconciled, I can’t die, I want Baiyue to become stronger, and I can’t die in your hands!” Tianze yelled furiously, and he was at a loss for what to do.

Yan Lingji lowered her eyes unbearably when she saw Tianze like this.

Tianze rushed to Yan Lingji and knelt down: “Please, I was not good before. I will never let you kill Baiyue people anymore. Okay, I want you to apologize and apologize. You beg King Qin for me, let He doesn’t want to kill me, okay.” Tianze put all hope on Yan Lingji, and now only she can save him.

Yan Lingji was silent, she was already King Qin’s woman, and Tianze had nothing to do with her for a long time.

Tianze saw Yan Lingji’s indifference, but he couldn’t give up easily. He grabbed Yan Lingji’s skirt and pleaded bitterly: “As long as you tell King Qin not to kill me, he will definitely agree. Save me. When you save Baiyue 517!”

“Let go!” Yan Lingji brushed away Tianze in disgust, and she was ready to go away. It’s okay not to mention Baiyue, but it will only remind Yan Lingji of the things she did before, which will make her more painful : “Tianze, you must die today.”

Tianze lay down on the ground in despair, no, he couldn’t give up, and he turned to seek victory in the government: “King Qin raised his hands high, don’t kill me, you still lack a puppet to control Baiyue, I can.”

Before he could finish his words, he was sealed by Ying Zheng with a sword, and blood splashed out, announcing the complete end of his life.

Seeing this cruel scene, Ying Zheng smiled instead. He said to the Tianze corpse on the ground: “Baiyue already has a king.”

Xueyi Hou looked at the winning government incomprehensibly, wondering if there are hundreds of others and the lost royal family? This is too ridiculous.

Ying Zheng walked to Yan Lingji, raised her hand to the sky, and said to everyone present: “In the future, Yan Lingji will be the Queen of Baiyue, and this king will be her own. Who refuses to accept it?

Yan Lingji looked at Ying Zheng in shock, she was a little at a loss.

The Baiyue nobles were escorted by soldiers from the country of Han, and they all lowered their heads. After listening to Yingzheng, they could only swallow their anger, and respectfully said to Yan Lingji: “Farewell to Baiyue Queen!”.

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