Chapter 479 Blood Coated]

Duan Mulong turned her head in puzzlement to look at Ying Zheng. The latter’s face was full of smiles. The taunts of Cai Chun Shenjun, Baiyue King and Tianze were not taken to heart. He patted Yan Lingji on the back: ” No matter when, just trust this king unconditionally.”

“What’s going on?” Yan Lingji looked around, and the fire surrounding them had gradually extinguished. In the distance, Xueyihou led Hundred Birds and many other elite soldiers from Han country.

Xueyihou’s red dress made the battlefield look weird. He raised his pale hand and ordered: “Kill all the craps of Chu State and rescue His Majesty King Qin.

Chun Shenjun still didn’t understand the situation, the soldiers of Han country had already acted on the soldiers of Chu country. King Baiyue kept shouting beside him, asking himself to explain what was going on. Chun Shenjun impatiently shouted “May 13” and went back: “How do I know what is going on in Han country? I just come at this time, and let me stop them regardless of his situation!

The soldiers of the Chu State were useless if they were ordered. The Han soldiers came fiercely. I don’t know why the combat effectiveness was so much stronger. The soldiers of Chu State were not their opponents at all.

It was originally a plan to win the government by siege, because the joining of the Kingdom of Han instantly changed the situation and turned into a fierce battle between the Kingdom of Chu and the Kingdom of Han in Baiyue. The two armies fought fiercely.

Why did the Han Congress send troops to Baiyue? Why did it save the government? Didn’t Han also have enemies with Qin State? Could it be that just because of the Red Lotus princess, it turned the enemy into a friend? Impossible.

Baiyue King and Tianze didn’t know whether this was to be happy or to be worried.They could see the two countries fighting on the territory of Baiyue, and they didn’t need a single soldier to watch the two hostile countries fight each other. Said this is a magical feeling. However, the Han country has indeed disrupted their plan to besiege and win the government. If they are given victory, the victory will not be easily released.

After Baiyue, there are two of them.

They are worried about the trend of winning politics, but they are holding Yan Lingji intently. He stretched out his hand towards Duanmu Rong: “It’s too noisy here, let’s go to a clean place.”

Duan Murong stretched out her hand, but Ying Zheng grabbed her waist, took the two away one by one, and left the Baiyue Palace safely.

The two armies were fighting, and the scene was extremely chaotic. Wushuanggui roared and rushed towards Chunshen Jun.If he hadn’t recovered from his serious injury, Chunshenjun might not have been his opponent. Shen Jun competed in a showdown.

Chun Shenjun is fighting against Xue Yihou, Xue Yihou is good at playing, Chun Shenjun is out of breath. “It’s not fair to fight two.”

Xueyihou slowly regained his momentum: “Who has just used 30,000 people to besiege three people, what qualifications do they have to talk about fairness?”

Wushuanggui ran rampant, not like Xueyihou, and stopped to talk. He just yelled and attacked frantically. Chunshenjun was exhausted and soon revealed his flaws.

“It seems that this big guy still has two sons.” Xueyi Hou spotted Chun Shenjun’s flaw and attacked. Blood flashes!

Chun Shenjun instantly knelt on the ground with all his strength, Wushuanggui still didn’t stop his movements, and slammed his punches up. The sound of broken bones sounded, Chun Shenjun’s body was forcibly beaten into a pit on the ground, like a big black hole in his body, it looked very infiltrating.

He looked at Xueyihou with his eyes wide open, and intermittently asked the last question: “Why?” He didn’t want to die.

Xueyihou ignored him, but complained that Wushuanggui would only use brute force. No matter which hit he was hit, Chun Shenjun would definitely die. The blood splattered so beautiful, but Wushuanggui made it look like this.

Chun Shenjun meant that the soldiers of Chu State had no heads, like a plate of scattered sand. Scattered and empty on the spot, just trying to escape. Xueyihou hadn’t enjoyed himself yet, and once again ordered: “The ones who chase and kill a lot have a bounty.”

The soldiers of Han country also got red-eyed, madly chasing the soldiers of Chu country. The flames had been extinguished, the distant horizon began to turn red, and the blood stained the territory of Baiyue, inch after inch, it was the blood of the soldiers of Chu Kingdom. For a time, the sky and the earth are all colored and red.

Ying Zheng held Yan Ling Ji and Duan Mu Rong to a secluded open space. Yan Lingji wiped the tears on her face, and Duan Murong asked whether Yingzheng was injured or not.

“You are not allowed to stand in front of this king in the future, just stand behind this king.” Yingzheng’s tone is not heavy, but the tone is like the next irresistible command 0…

Duan Murong was stunned. She knew that this was the pride of King Qin, even she could not go against it. Duanmu Rong solemnly knelt on the ground: “The minister leads the decree.”

“Get up quickly, King Qin is joking.” Yan Lingji helped Duan Murong up and turned to ask Ying Zheng: “Why are soldiers from Han country coming to rescue us? What’s going on.”

Yingzheng only explained the matter afterwards. Both of them were frightened tonight. They should calm down.

Yan Lingji turned around shyly: “King Qin must have been prepared but he didn’t tell us so that we were worried.” This is the second time that Yan Lingji has been crying in Ying Zheng’s arms. I didn’t know that I was a crying ghost. While feeling embarrassing, I am afraid that winning the government will feel annoying.

“I think it is indeed the case. It is impossible for Kingdom Han to appear here for no reason. The king must have sent Feiyan to facilitate this. The king is really calm, I almost threw out all the silver needles.” Duan Murong also turned to ignore the victory.

Winning the government is a little helpless. When facing danger, they are willing to die with them. Now they have escaped from the dead, but have a temper: “Actually, this king is not very sure this time, as long as there is a little bit of it. Mistake, we all really died in Baiyue Palace today.”

Yan Lingji and Duan 1.3 Mu Rong turned around at the same time, and they believed what Yingzheng said. If you think about it carefully, the situation tonight is indeed extremely critical, so that even if you win the government, you can still take them both to retreat. It’s really amazing.

“King Qin, thank you.” Yan Lingji rushed forward and tweeted at Ying Zheng’s face. Duan Mulong lowered her head shyly, although she wanted to do it too.

The battle was over, and Xueyihou brought soldiers from Han country to Yingzheng. Seeing someone coming, Duan Mulong had to give up the idea of ​​”more moments” just now.

Xueyi Hou humblely knelt on one knee: “Your subordinates are too late for help, please forgive Qin!” Many Han soldiers behind them also knelt down. They are soldiers, their actions are very neat, and their voices are loud and loud, and they are facing King Qin. They said in unison: “Please forgive King Qin!”.

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