Chapter 478 Firelight

“Chu country!” The Baiyue nobleman reacted quickly, and he was actually from the Chu country. Baiyue and Chu State had an antagonism. Last time Tianze led troops to attack Chu State. They didn’t believe that this man named Chun Shenjun would kindly help Baiyue deal with the victory.

“Think about it. It’s Baiyue’s life and death now, not Chu State. If you let Yingzheng out of the Baiyue Palace, everything will be too late.” Chun Shenjun looked at the Baiyue group and urged them to hurry up. make a choice.

The Baiyue nobles were also helpless, they had to admit that this person was telling the truth, and they could only nod their heads in agreement. Subsequently, many Baiyue nobles escaped from the palace.

There were 30,000 Chu soldiers who were left. The three and three outside of them surrounded the Baiyue Palace so that it could not drain the water. They held the torches high and burned the Baiyue Palace to red.

When Ying Zheng and Yan Ling Ji saw the sky full of flames, they immediately understood that Baiyue King was soft and hard. The flames reflected in Yan Lingji’s eyes, and her face suddenly became ugly. Her hometown was destroyed by the war, and the scene on that day was exactly the same as before. She covered her mouth tightly, tears streaming out of her eyes. Why still remember

, She thought she had forgotten -.

“It’s all my fault.” Yan Lingji whispered. No one knows that Flame Ling Ji is best at using fire, and what he fears the most is fire.

Ying Zheng held her in his arms: “It’s not your fault, but you are a woman who died in the fire and was born in the fire. You have your own king, so don’t be afraid.”

Duanmurong’s face was pale, she saw the looming figure in the fire, and she was wearing the armor of a soldier of the State of Chu. Is this Chu’s chasing soldiers? Or is Chu and Baiyue uniting to win the government? She doesn’t know this, but she knows that the other party is here to win the government’s life. In this case, it is Duanmu Rong’s enemy.

There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four silver needles on her body. If the needles take the lives of people, there is hope.

Yingzheng took a look at the situation outside: “Thirty thousand people came.

“There are so many, it’s troublesome now.” Duan Mulong is annoyed that she underestimated her opponent, whether it can be a hundred shots, not to mention the problem of not enough silver needles.

Wushuanggui shouted angrily and wanted to kill him. Duan Mulong didn’t stop him, so it’s okay to let him explore the situation outside.

Ying Zheng, Yan Ling Ji and Duan Mu Rong remain unchanged and respond to changes. After a while, there was a sudden sound of fighting. Listening to the movement of the sky and the earth, the three inferred that Wushuanggui was cleaning up the soldiers of Chu State. There was a groan suddenly. Yan Lingji responded quickly: “Wushuang!”

A huge body in the sea of ​​fire was beaten back. Yan Lingji hurried up to look. Sure enough, it was Wushuanggui, his old wounds just added new ones. “Wushuang, who hurt you? Tianze?” Yan Lingji asked with concern.

“Hahaha!” There was a burst of laughter, and Jun Shenjun walked out from the sea of ​​fire: “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. His Majesty King Qin is really a beautiful blessing. Before he dies, he can still have two beauties with each other, and it’s not worth walking in this world. One trip.”

Yingzheng sneered: “Just these fire delusions trap this king? Chunshen Jun’s brain is broken.”

“King Qin was hard-mouthed before he died. With a pair of wise eyes, he won’t fail to see the 30,000 Chu soldiers behind the sea of ​​fire.” Chun Shenjun looked at the victory, and the current situation was in his hands. He wanted Watching Yingzheng a little bit by the tongue of fire engulfed, was pierced by a thousand arrows. Life was lost a little bit, and then died.

For him, this is the most extreme enjoyment in the world, so he is not in a hurry to win the government, let himself enjoy all this, watching the victory of the government is at a disadvantage and helplessly: “The king of Qin is super martial arts, can break through the battle and kill the enemy. One person can block thousands of troops. But in the face of such a dilemma, what about the title of invincible on earth? After all, it is not true invincible on earth.

Hahaha. “Chun Shenjun laughed loudly.

As long as Yingzheng rides on his head, he hasn’t laughed so unscrupulously for how long, and now he wants to make up for everything.

Yan Lingji blocked her ears in disgust, feeling that Chunshen Jun’s laughter was both disgusting and harsh.

Just as Chun Shenjun laughed, King Baiyue and Tianze also walked out of the fire one after another. They saw Ying Zheng standing in place, blocked by the flames and unable to move forward, and finally showed their madness.

“Win politics, win politics, you know that during your time in Baiyue, the widows want to kill you in different ways day and night.” Baiyue Wang grinned: “Pretending to be timid in front of you. , The king himself feels disgusting.”

0………Look for flowers…

Tianze also echoed: “If you are to blame, you are too arrogant, in order to annex Baiyue alone. If it weren’t for this wonderful opportunity, Baiyue really can’t help you. It’s a pity, it’s a pity that the clever world is confused. For a while.”

Yan Lingji is hiding in the arms of Ying Zheng, and now that Tianze has gained power, he will not let him go easily. Because of fear, Yan Lingji’s body trembled slightly.

Duanmu Rong stood in front of the two of them, and Tianze dared to take a step forward, and she waited on her with a silver needle. The role of silver against the enemy’s movement restrictions should not be underestimated. It is not important whether it can be defeated, and what can be done to win the government is Duanmurong’s biggest wish.

When Tianze saw this, he began to mock again: “What happened to the king of martial arts, Qin Wang, who won the government, and he actually needs a woman to protect it. It’s really a horrible thing in the world.”

Baiyue King’s mouth did not stop: “How about it, now dare you still ask for those three conditions from the widow?”

“Don’t dare not, how dare you, you have no life, how dare you think about the territory and people of Baiyue.” Chun Shenjun said in an exaggerated tone from the side. The three of them all laughed frantically as if they had heard Yingzheng say so.

For them, looking at the end of the heroes is a blessing.

But in the eyes of Ying Zheng, the way they sang and made peace was as ridiculous as three monkeys doing juggling. He smiled faintly: “How dare you?” After saying that, there was a shout of killing in the distance.

Baiyue King’s expression changed: “What’s the matter, what are your soldiers doing.” He asked Chun Shenjun, thinking that these voices were made by Chu Bing.

Chun Shenjun stayed in place: “This is not the voice of the Chu army at all. Listen carefully, it is from the periphery of the encirclement circle. Who is it!” Anyone who has experience in leading soldiers in war can hear it. The other party is coming. There are a lot of people, and 30,000 Chu soldiers can’t resist it. This encirclement will soon be disintegrated.

Tianze hurriedly looked into the distance, the white blood cloak danced with the wind, and the visitor was the country of Han, the blood cloak. factory.

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