Chapter 477 Killing Intent]

In Baiyue Palace, Ying Zheng ー people pressed Baiyue King. He looked at King Baiyue condescendingly: “This king is asking, why is King Baiyue so slow to speak.

Baiyue’s strong generals and elite soldiers, no one dared to speak out to prevent victory in politics, they had never seen such a person in victory in politics. The killing intent released from him, I don’t know how many people must be killed to be so terrible.

Ying Zheng looked at these so-called Baiyue elite soldiers contemptuously. Although they had weapons in their hands, they only supported the ground with weapons so that they would not kneel down. One by one, their legs trembled, avoiding the sight of Ying Zheng.

Just like this, even ordinary Daqin soldiers are thousands of times stronger than them, not to mention the Tiger Wolf Army. I am afraid that if a tiger and wolf army is sent, these “good soldiers” can be killed without leaving a piece of armour.

“The king of Baiyue worked hard to arrange a banquet for his king, and made such a request. This king is very curious about the idea of ​​the king of Baiyue to do this. It is a king who is afraid of many people. , Or do I feel that humble prayers can make this king feel soft?

He raised Yan Lingji’s chin and looked at the face of the country and the city. If Baiyue presented the Flame Ling Ji, he could also consider reducing the things agreed in the previous two days. It’s a pity that Baiyue men are too arrogant. They can’t do anything, but they don’t want to rely on women. Only Ying Zheng understands the value of Yan Ling Ji.

Ying Zheng turned over the back of his hand and pointed his index finger to Yan Lingji’s lips: “Why don’t you answer, how long will I have to wait for this king?” Ying Zheng turned his head and faced the other direction: “King Baiyue.”

“Widow” King Baiyue was frightened by the victory, and his whole body trembled. He couldn’t even sit still and almost fell to the ground. He swallowed and forced himself to say a complete sentence: “Widow thinks wrong, those three conditions, My Baiyue will definitely not change my mind.”

Yingzheng nodded: “It should be.” Then he drank a glass of wine and sat back to his original position.

“The king of Baiyue probably talks nonsense when he is drunk. Drink this wine less, and if you say this, the king will not listen to it as a drunk.” Duan Mulong gave Yingzheng some food, and the two recovered. In the previous state, it seemed that nothing happened just now.

Only Yan Lingji held her head and looked at Baiyue King, Tianze and other Baiyue nobles with interest. “The promise made in front of King Qin, even if it is a bet on his life, there is absolutely no possibility of it being recovered.

Tianze looked at Yan Lingji gloomily.

Yan Lingji didn’t have any fear. She didn’t forget that Hundred Poison King and the Exorcist were ordered by Tianze to look for things. She said that she would use the Baiyue Decree to execute herself, I’m afraid it was her own life. Yan Lingji remembered how she was willing to die in Tianze’s hands. She only felt that she was stupid and stupid. If she was given another chance, she must use the raging fire to burn Tianze into slag.

What if she can’t beat her? Yan Lingji looked at the winning government around her. If one day she encounters a powerful enemy and can’t deal with it, the winning government will definitely appear in front of her in time.

This is Yan Lingji’s self-confidence and her trust in winning politics. She knows that there are all kinds of women around Yingzheng, and she is willing to be one of them, nestling in the arms of Yingzheng, enjoying the shelter of Yingzheng with peace of mind.

The Baiyue nobles were so frightened that they all bowed their heads after the banquet continued. Duan Murong and Yan Lingji around Yingzheng didn’t even dare to look at them, for fear of angering Yingzheng. They tremblingly waited for Ying Zheng and the two women beside them to eat and drink and walk away.

They “prepared meticulously” for the banquet set up for the winning government. Originally, they wanted to use the vigor of Baiyue elite soldiers to make the winning government succumb and give up the three promises at such a banquet. Especially the last one. If Baiyue handed over people, the supreme kingship became a winning government, and everyone else had to move down one place, and their nobles would be no different from commoners.

A Baiyue nobleman finally recovered from the fright of winning the government and killing intent. He clenched his fist (aibd) and slammed it on the table: “Winning the government is simply deceiving! He thought that the smallpox of Baiyue was cured. That’s amazing? Bringing two women by your side all the time is simply a licentious king. Let Baiyue bow down to him and dream of it!”

It is a good thing for Tianze to stand up against winning the government. “It is useless to say that all the bad things about winning the government are useless. If he is allowed to return to Daqin, the Baiyue River will not be protected, all of us will Ren Yingzheng is calling. This prince and father are not too downcast, but what about you? He can even execute you based on good or bad mood.

The Baiyue nobles trembled uncontrollably, and the appearance of Yingzheng just now was firmly imprinted in their hearts.The terrifying killing intent was like a knife hanging over their heads. Falling straight down, through their heads. “No! Can you let Yingzheng return to the Qin country, and even Yingzheng himself shouldn’t stay.” The Baiyue nobles were so scared to death.

, Looked at King Baiyue one after another, hoping that he could make up his mind.

King Baiyue seemed to have changed. He couldn’t see the trembling that was frightened by the winning government before. The whole person became very gloomy: “Of course, it is impossible to return to Daqin in the winning government.”

As soon as the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared behind him. The Baiyue nobleman thought it was the victory of the government and came back, and wanted to drill under the table in fear.

Tianze coughed a few times, so that the Baiyue nobles calmed down, and they were scared by a winning government. What they looked like! They decided to see that it was indeed not a win. Then they took a long sigh of relief, tidying up their clothes, and finishing their clothes. Raised the blame for the family.

“I didn’t expect Baiyue to be threatened by a winning government. It’s ridiculous.” The visitor saw the behavior of the Baiyue aristocrats just now, and he mocked them as they were trembling with fright.

“Who are you? In the Baiyue Palace, you have a lot of talk, come here, drag him out!” A Baiyue nobleman screamed, as long as it is not winning the government, there is nothing to be afraid of.

“Don’t be rude.” Baiyue Wang got up and introduced: “This is Jun Shenjun.”

The Baiyue nobles talked a lot and were not familiar with the name Chun Shenjun. They discussed it for a long time without knowing where this person appeared. The people of Baiyue are not familiar with the Seven Kingdoms, and they don’t know anything except the King of Qin Yingzheng.

Chun Shenjun felt that he couldn’t keep up with his face, so he said straight to the point: “I heard that everyone was dissatisfied with winning the government. Want to get rid of him?”

Tianze gritted his teeth and said: “It’s more than just getting rid of him, even trying to peel his skin, suck his blood, and eat his meat so clean that there is no residue left.”

“It seems that the prince is very ambitious. Winning the government deceives me and no one in Chu State has repeatedly harassed me. Even if he is King Qin, he can’t let it go!” Chun Shenjun said with a grim expression. .

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