Chapter 474 Unkind comer]

Yan Lingji looked at the two men in surprise and asked, “Why are you two here?” She betrayed Tianze, and naturally the two men are also enemies. If you meet in this situation, I’m afraid that the person who came is not good.

The exorcist sneered and said, “His Royal Highness Tianze had a foreboding. He told us that you have disagreements. The two of us didn’t believe it, but wanted to find Wushuanggui, but I didn’t expect you to stand with King Qin. .”

“I really betrayed Tianze. He is unkind and treats Baiyue people like building ant weeds. I will never be loyal to him again.” Yan Lingji looked at Yingzheng after speaking, “I have found it. Someone I really should be loyal to.”

“His Royal Highness Tianze is not benevolent, is King Qin benevolent? A little favor and Xiaohui would betray Baiyue, and dare to quibble.” Baidu Wang looked at Yan Lingji coldly.

“I didn’t betray” Wusan” Baiyue.” Yan Lingji said angrily. She wanted to explain something, but was stopped by the winning government.

“Explaining to them is just a waste of words.” Yingzheng guarded Yan Lingji behind him, and looked at the King Hundred Poison Exorcist, and said: “One uses poisonous insects and the other plays with corpses. I feel sick after thinking about it. This king kills. You all have dirty hands.”

The Hundred Poison King and the Exorcist are about to be defeated. Hundred Poison King is with poisonous insects all day long. He loves poisonous snakes the most. He can’t wait to sleep with those little guys. Yingzheng actually said that the poisonous insects are disgusting, but the King of Poisons really couldn’t accept it, and released a blue snake.

“King Qin is afraid that he doesn’t understand poisonous insects. Look at how cute they are.” King Hundred Poison brought the snake to Yingzheng’s eyes, and the snake spit out the letter, as if provoking the powerful government.

The exorcist was not to be outdone. He shook the bell in his hand, and several walking corpses surrounded from all sides: “These are people who have died of smallpox, and their bodies are very interesting.” The exorcist reached out and stroked one of them. The corpse, his body is full of smallpox acne. One after another covered the whole body. The exorcist’s nails are so long that it makes people afraid that he will

Those acne pierced and pus out of it.

Yan Lingji covered her mouth and suppressed the feeling of vomiting.

In the distance, Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong saw that the other party had already opened the battle, and they all rushed to Ying Zheng’s side. Duan Murong patted Yan Lingji on the back and gave her a small pill: “This can make you feel better.”

The exorcist stroked the corpse cherishedly: “These corpses that died of smallpox are all my treasures. Even if they die, they can spread smallpox. It’s really wonderful. Even Qin and Baiyue have them. It’s okay to get smallpox antibody. These babies are great against the other six countries.,

Ying Zheng frowned, and the exorcist must die.

Hundred Poison King grinned and said, “Yan Lingji has offended Baiyue State Development. I wonder if His Majesty King Qin still wants to protect her?

“King Qin needs to know that this is Baiyue, but not Qin. If you have anything, you still have to deal with it according to Baiyue’s law.” The Exorcist stared at Yan Lingji fiercely.

Yingzheng said calmly: “Since Yan Lingji has been loyal to this king, how can Baiyue’s national laws be controlled. From now on, this king has the final say.”

Baidu King laughed again: “Hahaha, Yan Lingji kept saying that she hadn’t betrayed Baiyue, but King Qin said Baiyue could not control her. This is probably a contradiction.”

“No contradiction.” Yingzheng has reached three chapters with the Baiyue King. After Baiyue smallpox is cured, Baiyue will bow to Daqin, and all Baiyue people must obey their orders to win the government. Of course it also includes the Flame Fairy.

The exorcist put down the corpse in his hand: “I heard that King Qin’s martial arts is superb, and I will try it today!”

Ying Zheng asked Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong to take care of Yan Ling Ji, and he could handle it alone without having to act.

Duan Mulong was a little worried about winning the government: “The king might as well hand over the King of Poisons to me to deal with it. His poisonous insects can’t hurt me.”

“Poison can’t hurt you, but it will still hurt if you are bitten by those poisonous insects. This king can’t bear it.” Ying Zheng guarded the three behind him, facing the Hundred Poison King and the Exorcist.

Hundred Poison King took the lead, and the cyan snake twisted its body and crawled towards the victory. The speed was so fast that only a cyan shadow could be seen clearly.

“No, it’s a piece of bamboo!” Duan Mulong knew this snake, its appearance was no different from a normal snake, but it crawled very fast and could easily approach the target. The snake body is small but has a strong swallowing ability.

Ying Zheng only gave the snake a chance to show its speed, and before it opened its mouth, an innate sword energy cut the snake’s body in half.

Hundred Poison King looked at a piece of bamboo distressedly. He kept this snake with him. He didn’t know how many living hearts he swallowed. He didn’t expect to be killed like this.

The exorcist looked at the broken section of bamboo and said, “Unfortunately, I am not interested in snakes, otherwise I can help you make a walking corpse.” After saying that, he rang the bell, and the corpses around seemed to be moving muscles and bones. The same moved, and then all rushed to win the government.

Fei Yan frowned and said, “This exorcist is probably not easy to deal with. Onmyoji also has a way to drive puppets. These corpses should be the same. Dealing with these, the most troublesome part is that it is difficult to destroy. ”

“Yes, these are corpses, different from living people.” Yan Lingji has known the exorcist for a long time, and naturally knows his methods. Only by cutting these corpses into pieces or burning them to ashes can they completely lose their mobility.

Ying Zheng swiped his sword, and all the bodies were cut off by the waist.

These disconnected bodies were squirming on the ground. They didn’t feel any pain and were only under the command of the exorcist. Waving his arms continue to rush towards the victory. The legs without the upper body also rushed over in a strange running posture.

The exorcist smiled grinningly: “This is how people are, and they hurt others at all costs, even if they die. It’s very interesting.

Ying Zheng took out the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, thrust it straight into the ground, and sent a burst of sword energy in all directions around the sword of the Emperor of Heaven. The walking corpses that came around were all turned into corpses. Motionless on the ground. No matter how much the Exorcist shakes the bell, he won’t be able to make them move.

“As expected to be King Qin, such an overbearing weapon can be used and retracted freely.” The Exorcist felt sorry for his “babies” at all. If this sword aura gathers and slashes over, it will only leave a knife on the walking corpse, and they can still be driven. Ying Zheng spread the sword qi to release it, and only then did the walking corpse be broken into pieces.

And the scope is also precise, it seems to take into account the three women behind him. .

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