Chapter 473 Fight again]

Yan Lingji looked at Yingzheng and Wushuang again, nodding helplessly, “Is this the so-called romance between men?” She let go of Yingzheng’s hand and stepped back.

Wushuanggui, who got the consent of Yan Lingji, rushed up immediately. This was a good opportunity for him to be ashamed. No one had defeated Wushuanggui before he won politics. Not to mention being beaten like that in public.

He relied on his physical superiority, and from the very beginning he was overwhelmed by the mountain. Ying Zheng did not take the initiative to attack, just a dodge: “This king wants to be merciful, but you are so cruel. This is not fair.” Wushuanggui struggling to get up from the ground after taking off, while Ying Zheng took a leisurely look at the side. Flame Ling Ji.

“What is fair and unfair to say.” Yan Lingji sat on the steps with one hand on her face. The moment everyone confronts and wins politics, there is no fairness at all. Some are just crushed without suspense.

Wushuanggui absorbed the experience of the last battle, and took the shot after seeing the position of the winning government.

“For such a long time of aiming, it is impossible for the king to release the water.” In Yingzheng’s view, Wushuanggui’s movements are too slow. He even wondered if Wushuanggui’s eyes were bad, and it took so long to look at a position.

After trying several times, Wushuang Gui couldn’t even touch the win, and was always avoided by the opponent when he first shot. Wushuanggui’s patience was exhausted, he angrily stamped his feet on the spot, and shouted at the same time.

Yan Lingji knew that this was an expression of Wushuanggui’s anger: “Be careful, Wushuang, this is irritated.” The enraged Wushuanggui will increase his speed and launch a fierce attack, and at the same time, his power will not diminish. If she was hit, she would still be seriously injured, and Yan Lingji looked at the victory with some worry.

Yingzheng knows that this emotion of anger will turn into a sharp edge, and only blood can calm it down. He once used the blood of a country to quell Da Qin’s anger. “Come on, let this king see how good you are.” He deliberately added fuel to the fire.

Wushuanggui lifted a huge stone above his head. This stone was bigger than Wushuanggui itself, and its weight was self-evident. He roared and smashed toward the victory. The power of this moment was huge, and a burst of flying sand and rocks rushed forward, and Yan Lingji blocked in front of her with her arm.

When she recovered, she realized that the figure of Ying Zheng was gone. She stood up and looked around worriedly. Will it be hit? Yan Ling Ji was about to run over to see the situation.

A figure slowly fell on the stone, and said in a relaxed tone: “This is a good trick, but it’s a pity that it’s a bit slow.”

Wushuanggui threw another boulder over. The two stones collided and both turned into rubble.

Yingzheng appeared behind Wushuanggui, holding a small stone in his hand. “Let this king teach you, weight is not equal to power, heavier things will spread the power. The more concentrated the power, the greater the lethality.

The little stone came out and hit Wushuanggui’s knee. Wushuanggui immediately knelt on one knee, roaring in pain.

The stone bounced off and just flew in front of Yan Lingji. She stretched out her hand to catch it: “What a beautiful stone.” Yan Lingji thought it was picked up by the winning government, but she didn’t know it was a fire rain agate. She cherished the stone in her hand.

If Huoyu had known that Yingzheng was so littered with Huoyu Agate, he would surely be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Wushuanggui got up, uprooted a big tree on the side and carried it on his shoulders, and rushed towards Yingzheng. Every step he took left deep footprints.

Yingzheng did not dodge, carefully observing Wushuanggui’s movements. When he lifted up the big tree and was about to smash it down, the winning government leaped high. The tree smashed where Ying Zheng had been standing, and its thick trunk was torn apart.

Wushuanggui kept bending down, unable to take it back for a while.

This gives a good opportunity to win politics. He gently tapped behind Wushuanggui. Wushuanggui arched his back in pain, as if he had received a heavy blow. He immediately lay on the ground. “How about it, can you still stand up?”

Wushuanggui heard Yingzheng’s provocation and got up again.

“Yes, it’s a fierce general that this king wants to subdue.” Ying Zheng was satisfied, and waited motionlessly for Wushuanggui’s next attack.

Wushuanggui rushed up, punching in quick succession, attacking the victory from different directions.

Yingzheng did not evade as before, but accepted his attack head-on. Every time he took it, he would fight back with the same force.

In Wushuanggui’s view, it was like a protective screen around Yingzheng, as long as he hit it, he would be bounced back. He couldn’t win the government anyway, until he ran out of strength.

0……Look for flowers…

Wushuanggui panted and shook his head. He gave up. Even if winning the government allowed him, he would not be able to win. It’s really embarrassing.

Yan Lingji stepped forward: “Wu Shuang, don’t be sad. You will lose not because of weakness, but because your opponent is King Qin.”

Wushuang felt that it was better not to be comforted. He knelt down while panting. He lowered his head in front of the victory. The feeling that he couldn’t win even after exhausting all his strength made him both depressed and passionate. He has completely worshipped at the feet of the winning government and is willing to follow the winning government.

Yan Lingji looked at Ying Zheng happily: “Great, Wushuang is already willing to stand with us.” The smile on her face was as bright as the sun. She wiped the dust off her body for Ying Zheng and took out the stone just now: “I’ll give it back to you.


“This is called Huoyu Agate. The people at Huoyu Villa call it a stone like fire. This king thinks it matches you very well.” Ying Zheng closed Yan Lingji’s hands and said, “Give it to you.”

“I heard that Huoyu Agate is a very precious thing, just give it to me?” Yan Lingji was a little flattered. As a Baiyue native, she had only heard of Huoyu Agate and had never seen it before.

Yingzheng said, “Do you like it? This king will give you as much as you want this fire rain agate.

Yan Lingji said in a daze, “I like it.” She held the fire rain agate in her palm, feeling that she knew nothing about the financial resources of winning the government. She didn’t even know that Yingzheng possessed a whole vein of fire and rain, and this thing was overflowing for Yingzheng.

The two were looking at each other affectionately. The Exorcist and Hundred Poison King came out: “A woman is a woman. It’s ridiculous to betray the entire Baiyue for a man.” A sharp and unpleasant voice came, and Yan Lingji frowned. The words were all right. Her mockery.

The Hundred Poison King and the Exorcist had just escaped from the yin and yang formation of the scarlet smoke. They didn’t expect that they won the government for a while, and he abducted the Flame Lingji.

“I have heard that when King Qin was still the prince, all the girls in the Seven Kingdoms admired it. I didn’t expect that the Baiyue women were the same.” Factory,

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